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Fade Screen and Play Flash?


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I was wondering, how would I go about doing this...




You'll notice that when you press "Watch this Movie!" the screen fades into a darker color slightly, and the Flash Movie appears in the middle. I was wondering, how is this acheivable? Can anyone direct me to any tutorial/multiple tutorials that together, can help me on doing this?


I'm not asking you to do this for me unless you already know how, I'd rather much learn how to do it myself anyways. Thanks for any help.

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yeah that thing is kinda cool I tried to get that js popup running on my localhost but without luck. Basicly its a div popup with some kinda transperancy.


I found out that it uses the function movie_viewer.Launch() to open a popup. The url for that file is



maybe someone can solve this how to use that script

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It came to my mind that i kinda need that effect for my own site so I started to have a go my self on it. Unfortunately some things i haven't been able to fix.

1) It doesn't work in IE

2) The dialogBox won't center

3) I want the dialog box to not have a opacity

the link to my code is



it uses mootools and the code needed is as follow


/*ExampleFx.start(0, 1);*/
<button onclick="openPopup();">fade bg</button>

<div id="blockUI" class="translucent"style="opacity:0;display: none; background-color: gray;
        width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; z-index: 50000;"
        onclick="return false" onmousedown="return false" onmousemove="return false"
        onmouseup="return false" ondblclick="return false">
	<div id="dialogBox"><b>Dialog Box</b></div>


function openPopup(){
var ExampleFx = new Fx.Style('blockUI', 'opacity', { //the fact i apply the effect on el
	wait: false, //and wait: false which make the effect not waiting (very useful on the mouseout or mouseleave function...
	duration: 1000,
	transition: Fx.Transitions.linear


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Thanks for trying to help


I'll try your code as soon as possible, as I have access to firefox, although I do mainly use IE.


On newgrounds.com though, it works, even though i'm using IE, so I'd appreciate you or anyone else to pitch in and solve this mystery for us  ;)

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Meh, I guess so.


If thats too hard, would somebody mind suggesting how I would make it so that my website plays a flash clip, then after around 5 seconds, it plays a different flash file?


The first flash clip is for an intro, then after the intro it plays the real flash game. Thanks for any help.

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is it possible to set some sort of a time for the first flash then use action script to use javascript to change the source of that flash to the one you want to play?

answer yes


just call a javascript function from flash like


and make the javascript function fromFlash() refresh some innerHTML with document.getElementById()


That would involve actionscript, this is a java forum =/

uhm java!=javascript


Also, actionscript is extremely difficult.


its easier then javascript really since it supports full OOP programming and in javascript 2.0 comming in 2008, javascript will look almost identical to actionscript. also Jscript ,javascript and actionscript are all ecma scripts

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