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Using AJAX, I have a drop down that lists a number of books. Once a number is picked, where q is the number picked, it does this:


for($i=0; $i < $q; $i++) 
			echo '<b>Book author:</b> <input type = "text" name = "bookauthor"/><br/><br/>';
			echo '<b>Book title:</b> <input type = "text" name = "booktitle"/><br/><br/>';
			echo '<b>Book edition:</b> <input type = "text" name = "edition"/><br/><br/>';
			echo '<b>ISBN:</b> <input type = "text" name = "isbn"/><br/><br/>';
			echo '<b>Required or Optional?</b> <select name = "reqoropt">';
			echo '<option value = "required">Required</option><option value = "optional">Optional</option></select><br/><br/>';
			echo "<hr/>";


Once this is submitted, I have requestIDs and a courseID that is inserted into a bookrequest table q number of times. That part works. I need to now insert the author, title, ect. into this table as a new line so that each author, title ect. gets a different requestID.


Right now, if q is 2, my table will look like this:


requestID courseID  author title ect.

1                12

2                12


Instead of:


requestID course ID  author    title ect.

1                12        author1  title1

2                12        author2  title2


I think I need to make the author, title, ect. into an array and then insert it, but everything I've tried isn't really working.

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You can make the names of inputs into an array. For example, you might have:


<input type = "text" value="names[]" /> <br />
<input type = "text" value="names[]" /> <br />
<input type = "text" value="names[]" /> <br />
<input type = "text" value="names[]" /> <br />


Your php might then contain:


foreach($_POST['names'] as $value){
echo $value.'<br />';//would echo each of the 4 names that were entered.


Obviously just an example, but you should see how you can apply it to your code.

You'll need to have your insert query inside the while/for loop.


mysql_query("INSERT INTO `yourtable` VALUES ('$somearray[$x]','$anotherarray[$x]')");


Again, just an example. Not sure where you're at so cant give anything more specific.

My insert statement looks like this:


for ($i = 0; $i < $Numofbooks; $i++)
		{ $sqlinsertlogin = "INSERT INTO bookrequest (requestID, loginID, courseID, author) VALUES ('', '".$loginid[0]."', '".$crnforclass[0]."', '".$Author"')";
			$insertlogin = mysql_query($sqlinsertlogin);
			if (!$insertlogin)
				{ $insertloginerr = mysql_error();
				   echo $insertloginerr;
			           exit(); }


If I put $Author[$i], then I get the first letter of the the very last value in one row and the second letter of the very last value in the next row and so on. If I just leave $Author, then it puts the last value in every row.

foreach($_POST["bookauthor"] as $Author)

{ echo $Author.'<br/>'; }


I have it pulled in from the form and used in a foreach like you suggested. I mean, it is pulled from the form as a string I guess. Where am I supposed to change it? Or do I have to define it differently in my database?

Well you dont need that foreach, since you're not actually wanting to echo the values. Try something like:


$Author = $_POST['bookauthor'];
for ($i = 0; $i < $Numofbooks; $i++)
		{ $sqlinsertlogin = "INSERT INTO bookrequest (requestID, loginID, courseID, author) VALUES ('', '".$loginid[0]."', '".$crnforclass[0]."', '".$Author"')";
			$insertlogin = mysql_query($sqlinsertlogin);
			if (!$insertlogin)
				{ $insertloginerr = mysql_error();
				   echo $insertloginerr;
			           exit(); }

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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