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Php math

cry of war

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how would i add the numerical of several different arrayed variables only chooseing the ones i want  and set them to equal like $somenumber for example $somenumber = $info[1] + $info[37] + $info[34] + $info[12] + $info[88] 


all $info[x] are equal to somenumber

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$armynouu is what im trying to get and this is what the user is inputting into the text area


recon Mission Report

Under the cover of night, your 1,000,000 Covert Ops sneak into the realm of overburnit .

Your Covert Ops move stealthily through the lands of overburnit undetected. They are able to gather many documents recording the status of weapons, army size and preparedness, and fortifications. Unfortunately, in order to avoid detection, they are not able to provide complete information. Your Chief of Intelligence provides you with the information gathered:



Army Size:

Unit Type

Attackers Defenders Untrained


bot 0 0  0 

Units 0  0  7227 

Human Form Units 100000  930000  1478941 



Military Stats

Strike Action: 0 

Defensive Action ??? 

Covert Action: 60,353,919,808 

AntiCovert Action 0 

Covert Skill: 22 

Covert Operatives: 1050000 


Anti-Covert Skill: 21 

Anti-Covert Operatives: 0 

Attack Turns: 633 

Unit Production: 4544





// if page is not submitted to itself echo the form
if (!isset($_POST['submit']))
<title>Personal INFO</title>
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<textarea rows="20" cols="20" name="info" wrap="physical">INSERT HERE</textarea><br />
ENTER ID: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="id" value="INPUT ID HERE" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />

   $info = $_POST['info'];
   $id   = $_POST['id'];
$find = array('bot', 'Units', 'Human Form troop2a', 'Mercenaries', 'Jaffa Army', 'Super Soldiers', 'Mercenaries', 'Soldier', 'NID Agent', 'Mercenaries', 'Drones', 'Clones', '  ', ','); 
$replace = array('troop1a', 'troop2a', 'troop3a', 'troop1b', 'troop2b', 'troop3b', 'troop1c', 'troop2c', 'troop3c', 'troop1d', 'troop2d', 'troop3d', ' ', '');
$info = str_replace($find, $replace, $info);
   $info2 = explode(" ", $info);
$armynouu = ($info[79] + $info[80] + $info[81] + $info[83] + $info[84] + $info[87] + $info[88] + $info[89] + $info[109] + $info[115]);
echo "<pre><a href=http://www.stargatewars.com/stats.php?id=$id target=_blank>$race $info2[16] $race ($armynouu ~ $info2[121]</a><br /></pre>";
   for($i = 0; $i <= 200; $i++)
    echo "Piece $i = $info2[$i] <br />";

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$info = 'recon Mission Report
Under the cover of night, your 1,000,000 Covert Ops sneak into the realm of overburnit .
Your Covert Ops move stealthily through the lands of overburnit undetected. They are able to gather many documents recording the status of weapons, army size and preparedness, and fortifications. Unfortunately, in order to avoid detection, they are not able to provide complete information. Your Chief of Intelligence provides you with the information gathered:

Army Size:
Unit Type
Attackers Defenders Untrained

bot 0 0  0 
Units 0  0  7227 
Human Form Units 100000  930000  1478941 

Military Stats
Strike Action: 0 
Defensive Action Huh 
Covert Action: 60,353,919,808 
AntiCovert Action 0 
Covert Skill: 22 
Covert Operatives: 1050000 

Anti-Covert Skill: 21 
Anti-Covert Operatives: 0 
Attack Turns: 633 
Unit Production: 4544';
$find = array('bot', 'Units', 'Human Form troop2a', 'Mercenaries', 'Jaffa Army', 'Super Soldiers', 'Mercenaries', 'Soldier', 'NID Agent', 'Mercenaries', 'Drones', 'Clones', '  ', ','); 
$replace = array('troop1a', 'troop2a', 'troop3a', 'troop1b', 'troop2b', 'troop3b', 'troop1c', 'troop2c', 'troop3c', 'troop1d', 'troop2d', 'troop3d', ' ', '');
$info = str_replace($find, $replace, $info);
preg_match_all('/.+ [0-9]+/', $info, $a);
foreach ($a[0] as $k => $v) {
preg_match_all('/([^0-9]+[0-9]?[^0-9]+) ([0-9 ]+)/', $v, $b);
$c[$b[1][0]] = explode(' ',$b[2][0]);
$fild_for_sum = array('Strike Action:', 'Covert Skill:', 'troop3a');
$sum =0;
foreach ($fild_for_sum as $k) 
$sum += array_sum($c[$k]);
echo 'Sum of fileds ', implode(', ', $fild_for_sum), ' is ', $sum;

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preg_match_all('/.+ [0-9]+/', $info, $a); <-- find line with numbers in it

preg_match_all('/([^0-9]+[0-9]?[^0-9]+) ([0-9 ]+)/', $v, $b); <-- separate text and numbers part

$c[$b[1][0]] = explode(' ',$b[2][0]); <-- create array who has text part for key and numbers array for value

try to print_r($c);

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How would i set each of the below using the above code sassa gave me into so that each seperate number below turns into its corsponding integer value


bot 0 0  0 

Units 0  0  7227 

Human Form Units 100000  930000  1478941 

Covert Operatives: 1050000 

Anti-Covert Operatives: 0 

Attack Turns: 633 

Unit Production: 4544


bot 0 0  0 

$unit1 = 0;

$unit2 = 0;

$unit3 = 0;


Units 0  0  7227 

$unit4 = 0;

$unit5 = 0;

$unit6 = 7227;


Human form Units 100000  930000  1478941

$unit7 = 100000;

$unit8 = 930000;

$unit9 = 1478941;


Covert Operatives: 1050000 

$unit10 = 1050000;


Anti-Covert Operatives: 0   

$unit11 = 0;


Attack Turns: 633 

$AT = 633;


Unit Production: 4544

$unitp = 4544;



but each one of the numbers after the $unit# can variy because of each person has different stats and i need these to be equal to diff. values because i will be using them for different things

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$info = 'bot 0 0  0 
Units 0  0  7227 
Human Form Units 100000  930000  1478941 
Covert Operatives: 1050000 
Anti-Covert Operatives: 0 
Attack Turns: 633 
Unit Production: 4544 ';
$find = array( '  ', ','); 
$replace = array(' ', '');
$info = str_replace($find, $replace, $info);
preg_match_all('/.+ [0-9]+/', $info, $a);
foreach ($a[0] as $k => $v) {
preg_match_all('/([^0-9]+) ([0-9 ]+)/', $v, $b);
$c[$b[1][0]] = explode(' ',$b[2][0]);
$fild_for_sum = array('bot', 'Units', 'Human Form Units','Covert Operatives:','Anti-Covert Operatives:');
$u = array('');
foreach ($fild_for_sum as $k) $u = array_merge($u, $c[$k]);
for ($i = 1; $i < 12; $i++) {
$n = 'unit'.$i;
$$n = $u[$i];
$AT = $c['Attack Turns:'][0];
$unitp = $c['Unit Production:'][0];
echo " unit1 = $unit1, unit2 = $unit2, unit3 = $unit3, unit4 = $unit4, unit5 = $unit5, unit6 = $unit6, unit7 = $unit7, unit8 = $unit8, unit9 = $unit9, unit10 = $unit10, unit11 = $unit11, AT = $AT, unitp = $unitp";

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ok thats how you get that info now how do you get that infor out of this info???


recon Mission Report

Under the cover of night, your 208,000 Covert Ops sneak into the realm of Jungleman .

Your Covert Ops move stealthily through the lands of Jungleman undetected. They are able to gather many documents recording the status of weapons, army size and preparedness, and fortifications. Unfortunately, in order to avoid detection, they are not able to provide complete information. Your Chief of Intelligence provides you with the information gathered:



Army Size:

Unit Type

Attackers Defenders Untrained


Mercenaries 0 18  0 

Soldier 0  0  158550 

NID Agent 200  19  66897 



Military Stats

Strike Action: 24,548,048 

Defensive Action 0 

Covert Action: 22 

AntiCovert Action 22

Covert Skill: 21 

Covert Operatives: 0 


Anti-Covert Skill: 0 

Anti-Covert Operatives: 0 

Attack Turns: 3999 

Unit Production: 7244

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$info = 'recon Mission Report
Under the cover of night, your 208,000 Covert Ops sneak into the realm of Jungleman .
Your Covert Ops move stealthily through the lands of Jungleman undetected. They are able to gather many documents recording the status of weapons, army size and preparedness, and fortifications. Unfortunately, in order to avoid detection, they are not able to provide complete information. Your Chief of Intelligence provides you with the information gathered:

Army Size:
Unit Type
Attackers Defenders Untrained

Mercenaries 0 18  0 
Soldier 0  0  158550 
NID Agent 200  19  66897 

Military Stats
Strike Action: 24,548,048 
Defensive Action 0 
Covert Action: 22 
AntiCovert Action 22
Covert Skill: 21 
Covert Operatives: 0 

Anti-Covert Skill: 0 
Anti-Covert Operatives: 0 
Attack Turns: 3999 
Unit Production: 7244';
$find = array( '  ', ','); 
$replace = array(' ', '');
$info = str_replace($find, $replace, $info);
preg_match_all('/.+ [0-9]+/', $info, $a);
foreach ($a[0] as $k => $v) {
preg_match_all('/([^0-9]+) ([0-9 ]+)/', $v, $b);
$c[$b[1][0]] = explode(' ',$b[2][0]);
//$fild_for_sum = array('bot', 'Units', 'Human Form Units','Covert Operatives:','Anti-Covert Operatives:');
$fild_for_sum = array('Mercenaries', 'Soldier', 'NID Agent','Covert Operatives:','Anti-Covert Operatives:');
$u = array('');
foreach ($fild_for_sum as $k) $u = array_merge($u, $c[$k]);
for ($i = 1; $i < 12; $i++) {
$n = 'unit'.$i;
$$n = $u[$i];
$AT = $c['Attack Turns:'][0];
$unitp = $c['Unit Production:'][0];
echo " unit1 = $unit1, unit2 = $unit2, unit3 = $unit3, unit4 = $unit4, unit5 = $unit5, unit6 = $unit6, unit7 = $unit7, unit8 = $unit8, unit9 = $unit9, unit10 = $unit10, unit11 = $unit11, AT = $AT, unitp = $unitp";

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