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Repeating problem....


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Yep, I'm back with another slight problem, data's showing up and everything perfectly (been able to use my last help topic to really get a lot of coding done). But my problem is, it's displaying the data in the table correctly, but it's making extra rows. I'm displaying the amount and name of buildings that a person has. Right now, there is only one building/user and that's not a problem, it says "1 Papermill" or 1 Lumbercamp or 1 whatever they have. But then it's making extra rows with 1 for the amount and just nothing in the name.


//Begin Buildings Table
$ubuildings = ("SELECT * FROM user_buildings WHERE user_id = $userid ");
$resultb = mysql_query( $ubuildings ) or die(mysql_error());
$infob = mysql_fetch_assoc( $resultb );
$buildingid = $infob['building_id'];

$buildings = ("SELECT * FROM buildings WHERE building_id = $buildingid ");
$resultc = mysql_query( $buildings ) or die(mysql_error());

echo ("<center><h1 style='font-size:150%'>Buildings</h1><table border='1' bordercolor='black'></center>"); 

while($infoc = mysql_fetch_assoc( $resultc ))
echo "<tr>"; 
echo "<td>".$infob['amount'] . " ".$infoc['name'] . " </td> "; 
echo "</font>";
echo "</table>";


I checked the database, and every user (only 3 test accounts) have but one building, so I don't understand why I'm getting these extra rows with 1.

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while($infoc = mysql_fetch_assoc( $resultc ))

  if(($infob['amount'] != '') && ($infoc['name'] != '')) {
    echo "<tr>"; 
    echo "<td>".$infob['amount'] . " ".$infoc['name'] . " </td> ";

echo "</font>";
echo "</table>";


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No, it's not that. In my user_buildings, I have id, user_id, building_id, and amount. So I'm matching up my user_id to the person who's logged in, and matching up that building_id with that in the buildings table so I can access the name, and then printing the amount. So there is one entry per building_id per user, and I shouldn't be getting repeats...

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Okay, on my user_buildings: user_id, building_id, and amount

For buildings: building_id, name, (the rest is not needed) cost_type, cost_restype, and cost_amount.


I performed a print_r on my selection on the user_buildings and everything was fine..so I just can't understand why it's printing multiple rows.

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