FireFrenzy Posted July 25, 2007 Share Posted July 25, 2007 I've found this is a great place to learn, so hopefully such can happen with the following: Basically, I'm trying to develop a world market for a text-based game wherein what is available is listed inside a drop-down list, followed by an input box where the user can enter the amount to purchase (up to the quantity amount available) and submit. Likewise, I've got a drop-down list populated via a MySQL query. Altogether, the page looks like this: My question is, how does one associate the input box with the drop-down list, assuming it's possible (which I would assume)? Currently, it displays correctly, however when one submits via the "Purcase Goods" button, nothing occurs. I'm not quite sure how to integrate everything coherently; my knowledge is limited in the area of PHP/HTML integration, so any explanation would be kindly appreciated. I know long streams of code are often unhelpful in pinpointing a problem (or problems), but in the interest of not excluding an element, here's the code of the file in question: <?php include_once("header.php"); include("lib/marketcron.php"); if ($lockdb) TheEnd("Public market currently disabled!"); if(!defined('CLAN')) define('CLAN', 0); if(!defined('SCRIPT')) define('SCRIPT', 'betamarket'); //this is the current script if(!defined('SCRIPT2')) define('SCRIPT2', 'pubmarketsell'); $trooplst = array(); foreach($config[troop] as $num => $mktcost) $trooplst[] = "troop$num"; $trooplst[] = 'food'; $trooplst[] = 'runes'; foreach($config[troop] as $num => $mktcost) $users["troop$num"] = $users[troop][$num]; function buyUnits ($type) { global $playerdb, $marketdb, $users, $uera, $buy, $buyprice, $datetime, $time, $max, $config; $amount = $buy[$type]; $price = $buyprice[$type]; fixInputNum($price); fixInputNum($amount); $amount = invfactor($amount); sqlQuotes($type); fixInputNum($price); $result = mysql_safe_query("SELECT * FROM $marketdb WHERE type='$type' AND seller!=$users[num] AND time<=$time AND clan=".CLAN." ORDER BY price ASC, time ASC"); // printing the list box select command echo "<select name=$marketdb value=''></option>"; //Array or records stored in $market while($market=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $countryname = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_safe_query("SELECT empire FROM $playerdb WHERE num='$market[seller]'")); //Option values are added by looping through the array echo "<option value=$market[id]>$market[amount] at $$market[price] from $countryname[empire]</option>"; } // Closing of list box echo "</select>"; if (!$market[amount]) return; if(isset($max[$type])) $amount = floor($users[cash] / $market[price]); if ($amount > $market[amount]) $amount = $market[amount]; if ($amount == 0) // did I specify a value? return; if ($amount < 0) print "Cannot purchase a negative amount of $uera[$type]!<br>\n"; elseif ($amount * $price > $users[cash]) print "You don't have enough money to buy that many $uera[$type]!<br>\n"; else { $enemy = loadUser($market[seller]); $spent = $amount * $price; $sales = round($spent * .95); $users[cash] -= $spent; $enemy[savings] += $sales; $users[$type] += $amount; fixInputNum($amount); @mysql_safe_query("UPDATE $marketdb SET amount=(amount-$amount) WHERE id=$market[id] AND clan=".CLAN.";"); @mysql_safe_query("DELETE FROM $marketdb WHERE amount=0;"); print commas(gamefactor($amount)) . " $uera[$type] purchased from the market for $" . commas(gamefactor($spent)) . ".<br>\n"; if($type == 'food') { addNews(100, array(id1=>$enemy[num], id2=>$users[num], food1=>$amount, cash1=>$sales)); } else if($type == 'runes') { addNews(100, array(id1=>$enemy[num], id2=>$users[num], runes1=>$amount, cash1=>$sales)); } else { $troopsell = ''; foreach($config[troop] as $num => $mktcost) { if($type == "troop$num") $troopsell .= $amount.'|'; else $troopsell .= '0|'; } $troopsell = substr($troopsell, 0, -1); addNews(100, array(id1=>$enemy[num], id2=>$users[num], troops1=>$troopsell, cash1=>$sales)); } saveUserData($enemy, "networth savings"); } } function getCosts ($type) { global $marketdb, $users, $costs, $avail, $canbuy, $time; sqlQuotes($type); $market = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_safe_query("SELECT * FROM $marketdb WHERE type='$type' AND seller!=$users[num] AND time<=$time AND clan=".CLAN." ORDER BY price ASC, time ASC LIMIT 1;")); if ($market[id]) { $costs[$type] = $market[price]; $avail[$type] = $market[amount]; $canbuy[$type] = floor($users[cash] / $market[price]); if ($canbuy[$type] > $market[amount]) $canbuy[$type] = $market[amount]; } else $costs[$type] = $avail[$type] = $canbuy[$type] = 0; } function printRow ($type) { global $users, $uera, $costs, $avail, $canbuy; ?> <!-- centered items in this table; buyable goods on world market --> <tr><td><?=$uera[$type]?></td> <td class="acenter"><?=commas(gamefactor($users[$type]))?></td> <td class="acenter"><?=commas(gamefactor($avail[$type]))?></td> <td class="acenter"><?=buyUnits ($type)?></td> <td class="acenter"><?=commas(gamefactor($canbuy[$type]))?></td> <td class="aright"><input type="text" name="buy[<?=$market[id]?>]" size="6" value="0"></td> <td class="aright"><input type="checkbox" name="max[<?=$market[id]?>]"></td></tr> <?php } if ($users[turnsused] <= $config[protection]) TheEnd("Cannot trade on the public market while under protection!"); foreach($trooplst as $num => $entry) getCosts($trooplst[$num]); if ($do_buy) { foreach($market[id] as $num => $entry) buyUnits($market[id]); foreach($config[troop] as $num => $mktcost) $users[troop][$num] = $users["troop$num"]; saveUserData($users, "networth cash troops food runes"); } foreach($trooplst as $num => $entry) getCosts($trooplst[$num]); if(defined('CLANMKT')) echo"<big><b>Clan Market - Buy</big></b><br><br>"; else echo"<big><b>Public Market - Buy</big></b><br><br>"; ?> Also see: <a href="?guide§ion=military&era=<?=$users[era]?><?=$authstr?>"><?=$gamename?> Guide: Military</a><br> <script language="JavaScript"> function checkAll (check){ var path = document.pvmb; for (var i=0;i<path.elements.length;i++) { e = path.elements[i]; checkname = "maxall"; if(check==2) checkname = "maxall2"; if( (!=checkname) && (e.type=="checkbox") ) { e.checked = path.maxall.checked; if(check==2) e.checked = path.maxall2.checked; } } } </script> <form method="post" action="?<?=SCRIPT?><?=$authstr?>" name="pvmb"> <!-- goods available from world market header; also, added table sytle to expand table width --> <table class="inputtable"> <table style="width:550px" border="0"> <tr><td colspan="3" class="acenter"><a href="?<?=SCRIPT?><?=$authstr?>">Buy Goods</a></td> <td colspan="4" class="acenter"><a href="?<?=SCRIPT2?><?=$authstr?>">Sell Goods</a></td></tr> <tr class="buysell" height="30px"><th class="aleft">Unit</th> <th class="acenter">Owned</th> <th class="acenter">Avail</th> <th class="acenter">Cost</th> <th class="acenter">Afford</th> <th class="acenter">Buy</th> <th class="aright">Max <input type="checkbox" name="maxall" onClick="checkAll(1)"></th></tr> <?php foreach($trooplst as $num => $entry) printRow($entry); ?> <tr><td colspan="6" class="acenter"><input type="submit" name="do_buy" value="Purchase Goods"></td></tr> </table> </form> <?php TheEnd(""); ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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