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I need to count all files in the given directory and all subdirectories and count all sub-directories. How might I do this. My current code counts all files and in the specified directory but doesn't list the ones in sub-directories.


$directory = opendir("NLT V2/");
while($item = readdir($directory)){
if(($item != ".") && ($item != "..")){
$files[] = $item;
echo "<a href=\"NLT V2/$item\">$item</a><br />";
$sizeofarray = count($files);
echo $sizeofarray;

This doesn't tell you what files are in what directories, but it will count all directories and files. This ignores .. and .


diectory listing (2 directories and 5 files):


server1# ls -al
total 18
drwxr-xr-x   4 root  will   512 Jul 25 15:50 .
drwxr-xr-x  47 will  will  3072 Jul 25 11:00 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root  will   408 Jul 25 15:41 array.php
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  will   512 Jul 25 15:10 core
-rw-r--r--   1 root  will   516 Jul 25 16:09 count.php
-rw-r--r--   1 root  will  1571 Jul 25 15:01 main.php
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  will   512 Jul 25 15:08 menus
-rw-r--r--   1 root  will   222 Jul 25 15:27 time.php       
server1# ls core/

server1# ls menus/





server1# php count.php 
    [dir] => 2
    [file] => 5





function count_stuff($dir)

        static $arr = Array("dir" => "0" , "file" => "0");

        if (($dh = @opendir($dir)) !== false) {
                while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
                        if (is_dir($file)) {
                                if (strstr($file,".") || strstr($file,"..")) {
                                } else {
                                        $arr["dir"] += 1;
                        } else {
                                $arr["file"] += 1;

        } else {
                die ("Directory supplied is not a directory.\n");

        return $arr;

$a = count_stuff("/home/will/php-mtg/");

I should have tested that better.... =\ sorry Here's a better version.. why is it better? it's smaller and actually works right.



function get_list($dir)

        foreach(glob("${dir}/*") as $fn) {
                if (is_dir($fn)) {
                } else {
                        print $fn . "\n";





That works, but does not provide the number of files/directories and I cannot find a way to do this


do you want total number of files and directories or total number of files in corresponding directories?


/dir  2 files

/dir/subdir1  3 files



Files: 100

Dir: 50

function get_list($dir)

        static $arr = Array();

        if (!array_key_exists($dir,$arr)) {
                $arr[$dir] = 0;

        foreach(glob("${dir}/*") as $fn) {
                if (is_dir($fn)) {
                } else {
                        $arr[$dir] += 1;
                        print $fn . "\n";
        return $arr;

$a = get_list(getcwd());
print "\n\n";
foreach($a as $k => $v) {
        print "Number of files in ${k}: ${v} \n";


it will product output like :


server1# php a.php

Number of files in /usr/home/will/php-mtg: 7 
Number of files in /usr/home/will/php-mtg/core: 1 
Number of files in /usr/home/will/php-mtg/core/a: 1 
Number of files in /usr/home/will/php-mtg/menus: 0 
Number of files in /usr/home/will/php-mtg/menus/a: 2 
Number of files in /usr/home/will/php-mtg/menus/a/a: 1 

I have done it, if any one wants it here is the script

$myvar = 0;
$myvar2 = 0;

function get_list($dir)
global $myvar,$myvar2;
        foreach(glob("${dir}/*") as $fn) 
                if (is_dir($fn)) 
                } else 
                        //print $fn . "<br />";

echo "$myvar<br />";
echo $myvar2;


at the bottom replace Dir with the appropriate directory

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