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[SOLVED] need help to understand and optimize php/mysql code


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I'm a web designer dabbling in a bit of php code. I'm not much of a coder I admit  ;D


I'm trying to put together a little News Item CMS that i can use with clients sites so they can update a news page themselves. I've managed to create the Admin upload to database stuff using Code Charge Studio, but I can't use Code Charge Studio to create code to use in existing clients web pages as an include. CCS is a templating system and doesn't like being included into non-CCS pages (all that stuff is beyond me).


So I have cobbled together some PHP from my limited understanding to create a little include that will work with clients sites.


This might sound strange, but i don't really no why a certain part of it works. The script actually works on my local server anyway (installed via XAMPP).


I cobbled together a 'for' loop because I didn't know how to use $NumberOfItems (just a number set in mysql to limit the number of news items printed out) in a 'while' loop, I didn't think it would work, but it does, I couldn't see how it iterates the $row arrays but it does :


//Print out News Items.


for ($i = 0; $i < $NumberOfItems; $i++) {


$row = mysql_fetch_array($result_NewsItems, MYSQL_BOTH);


echo '<p>' . $row['news_Item_Date'] . '</p>';

echo '<p><strong>' . $row['news_Item_Heading'] . '</strong></p>';

echo '<p>' . $row['news_Item'] . '</p>';

echo '<p>' . ' ' . '</p>';




Can somebody explain that, is there a better way of doing that or is that exceptable coding practise?

Is the rest acceptable coding or is it really a dogs breakfast even though it seems to work.


This is the entire script and below it is another script that crashes where i am trying to get the date output in a better format :






$host = "localhost";

$user = "root";

$password = "password";

$dbName = "db1";



//Make the connection.


$dbc = mysql_connect ($host, $user, $password) OR die ('Could not connect to MySql: ' . mysql_error());



//Select the database. '@' is error suppression operator.


@mysql_select_db ($dbName) OR die ('Could not select the database: ' . mysql_error());



//Make the queries.


$query_NewsItems = "SELECT news_Item_id, news_Item_Date, news_Item_Heading, news_Item FROM news_items ORDER BY news_Item_id DESC";

$query_NumberOfItems = "SELECT No_of_NewsItems FROM no_of_newsitems_to_display";



//Run the queries.


$result_NewsItems = @mysql_query ($query_NewsItems);

$result_NumberOfItems = @mysql_query ($query_NumberOfItems);



//Get number of items to display from database.


$row_NumberOfItems = mysql_fetch_array($result_NumberOfItems);

$NumberOfItems = $row_NumberOfItems[No_of_NewsItems];



//Print out News Items.


for ($i = 0; $i < $NumberOfItems; $i++) {


$row = mysql_fetch_array($result_NewsItems, MYSQL_BOTH);


echo '<p>' . $row['news_Item_Date'] . '</p>';

echo '<p><strong>' . $row['news_Item_Heading'] . '</strong></p>';

echo '<p>' . $row['news_Item'] . '</p>';

echo '<p>' . ' ' . '</p>';






script that crashes :






$host = "localhost";

$user = "root";

$password = "password";

$dbName = "db1";



//Make the connection.


$dbc = mysql_connect ($host, $user, $password) OR die ('Could not connect to MySql: ' . mysql_error());



//Select the database. '@' is error suppression operator.


@mysql_select_db ($dbName) OR die ('Could not select the database: ' . mysql_error());



//Make the queries.


$query_NewsItems = "SELECT news_Item_id, DATE_FORMAT (news_Item_Date, '%a %b %e %Y') AS my_date, news_Item_Heading, news_Item FROM news_items ORDER BY news_Item_id DESC";

$query_NumberOfItems = "SELECT No_of_NewsItems FROM no_of_newsitems_to_display";



//Run the queries.


$result_NewsItems = @mysql_query ($query_NewsItems);

$result_NumberOfItems = @mysql_query ($query_NumberOfItems);



//Get number of items to display from database.


$row_NumberOfItems = mysql_fetch_array($result_NumberOfItems);

$NumberOfItems = $row_NumberOfItems[No_of_NewsItems];



//Print out News Items.


for ($i = 0; $i < $NumberOfItems; $i++) {


$row = mysql_fetch_array($result_NewsItems, MYSQL_BOTH);



echo '<p>' . $row['my_date'] . '</p>';

echo '<p><strong>' . $row['news_Item_Heading'] . '</strong></p>';

echo '<p>' . $row['news_Item'] . '</p>';

echo '<p>' . ' ' . '</p>';






Thanks in advance for any help somebody might give.






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That loop is fine.  It works because mysql_fetch_array() always returns the next row.  So each time around the loop, you are getting the next row.  I would write it like this instead:


while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_NewsItems, MYSQL_BOTH)) {
  echo '<p>' . $row['news_Item_Date'] . '</p>';
  echo '<p><strong>' . $row['news_Item_Heading'] . '</strong></p>';
  echo '<p>' . $row['news_Item'] . '</p>';
  echo '<p>' . ' ' . '</p>';


When there are no more rows left, mysql_fetch_array() will return false, and the loop will finish.  The advantage of this version is that you don't need to know how many items there are.  Instead, you let mysql_fetch_array() tell you when to stop.

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i dont want to read that kind of long codes


but try doing like this instead of querying two time to get the number of rows to determine the loop count


$query_NewsItems = "SELECT news_Item_id, news_Item_Date, news_Item_Heading, news_Item FROM news_items ORDER BY news_Item_id DESC";
$result = mysql_query($query_NewsItems);
//the the echo here
echo $value['news_Item_id'];


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OK guys, thanks, so basically it's acceptable enough, just not very elegantly coded.


Any idea why it crashes when i change these parts to get a better date formatting :


$query_NewsItems = "SELECT news_Item_id, DATE_FORMAT (news_Item_Date, '%a %b %e %Y') AS my_date, news_Item_Heading, news_Item FROM news_items ORDER BY news_Item_id DESC";




echo '<p>' . $row['my_date'] . '</p>';




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Instead of


$result_NumberOfItems = @mysql_query ($query_NumberOfItems);




$result_NumberOfItems = mysql_query ($query_NumberOfItems) or die("Error in $query_NumberOfItems: " . mysql_error());


That will tell you if there are any errors in your SQL.

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Instead of


$result_NumberOfItems = @mysql_query ($query_NumberOfItems);




$result_NumberOfItems = mysql_query ($query_NumberOfItems) or die("Error in $query_NumberOfItems: " . mysql_error());


That will tell you if there are any errors in your SQL.


this is the errorI get btherl :


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\News_Items_CMS\News_Include_Page_2.php on line 45


Line 45 is :


$row = mysql_fetch_array($result_NewsItems, MYSQL_BOTH);



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Did you check for errors in all of your mysql queries?  Especially in the one that returns $result_NewsItems?  Make a change to mysql_query() similar to the one in my previous post (adding die(...))


Unbelievable  :P ,


I had this:


DATE_FORMAT (news_Item_Date, '%a %b %e %Y')

instead of this:

DATE_FORMAT(news_Item_Date, '%a %b %e %Y')

and that's all it was. It now works.


Thanks btherl, you're a champion  :)


It threw this error when I put in the error checking you suggested :


Error in SELECT No_of_NewsItems FROM no_of_newsitems_to_display: FUNCTION db1.DATE_FORMAT does not exist


Thanks for everybodies help.





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