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I have my login script, and I added something to make it check if a few rows in the users table are empty and if they are the displays an alert box and redirects them somewhere and if they arnt empty it redirects them to the members page, but for some reason it doesnt see it as empty even if its empty.


here is my code


$query = mysql_query("select account, pass, loginupdated from users where owname='".$_SESSION['s_username']."'  LIMIT 1");
  if (mysql_num_rows($query) != 1) {

echo '<script type="text/javascript">

alert("Our records show us that you have yet to submit your account login, please do so now.");

location = "setpass.php";


		header("Location: members.php"); 



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Are you trying to see if account, pass, and loginupdated are empty in a row that already exists?  If so, your method will not work.  If a row exists with the owname set, even if those fields are empty, a result will still be returned, hence mysql_num_rows() == 1.


You'll have to check if the fields are NULL or their default value, depending on how you've set up your table.

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Any number of ways -- try something like:



$query = "SELECT account IS NULL AND pass IS NULL AND loginupdated IS NULL AS incomplete FROM users WHERE owname='{$_SESSION['s_username']}' LIMIT 1";

$result = mysql_query($query) or die mysql_error();

if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result) && mysql_result($result,0) == 1):
<script type="text/javascript">
alert("Our records show us that you have yet to submit your account login, please do so now.");
location = "setpass.php";
else header('Location: members.php');


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$query = "SELECT account IS NULL AND pass IS NULL AND loginupdated IS NULL AS incomplete FROM users WHERE owname='{$_SESSION['s_username']}' LIMIT 1";

$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());

if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result) && mysql_result($result,0) == 1) {
<script type="text/javascript">
alert("Our records show us that you have yet to submit your account login, please do so now.");
location = "setpass.php";
} else {
header('Location: members.php');


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Try this it may work. No guarantee's. I'd realy need to see the sign in HTML and the feilds in the database.

$query = mysql_query("select account, pass, loginupdated from users where owname='".$_SESSION['s_username']."'  LIMIT 1");
  if (mysql_num_rows($query) < 1) {

echo '<script type="text/javascript">

alert("Our records show us that you have yet to submit your account login, please do so now.");

location = "setpass.php";


		header("Location: members.php"); 



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Or put a colon after else in the original.

else: header('Location: members.php');


Apologies Wildbug, I'm not used to your syntax :)


I like the alternative syntax when dropping in and out of PHP between code so I don't have to look for a single little curly brace hiding in that mess -- I can just look for an "endif;" or whatever.



Maybe it's time you described your SQL table.  Will ALL of those fields be empty or just one or two of them?  Are any of those fields defined NOT NULL?

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