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[SOLVED] PHP captcha script on form...with form handler being an ASP file - possible?


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Probably a ridiculous question...but I've got a php script running on a web email form which checks the captcha entry entered by the user is correct. The form handling script i've been using is actually an ASP file, therefore the form action directs to the ASP file. Is there any way I can call the PHP script to validate the captcha entry before directing to the ASP file? I'm doubtful this is possible, but would be grateful for any feedback before I go off looking for an ASP captcha script. Many thanks.

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Probably a ridiculous question...but I've got a php script running on a web email form which checks the captcha entry entered by the user is correct. The form handling script i've been using is actually an ASP file, therefore the form action directs to the ASP file. Is there any way I can call the PHP script to validate the captcha entry before directing to the ASP file? I'm doubtful this is possible, but would be grateful for any feedback before I go off looking for an ASP captcha script. Many thanks.


the captcha PHP script that generates the picture should store the value of the validation code in a cookie, then the ASP script should check for the cookie and compare it with the value of the verification field.


hope this helps???


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thanks for the reply - i'm fairly new to PHP (and haven't used ASP before), so i'm not quite sure how to do what you suggest. here are a few snippets of the relevant code as it stands - the captcha script works in isolation, as does the asp script, but i'm obviously not combining them properly. any further help would be greatly appreciated




$ts = time();



<script language="JavaScript"><!--

ts = <?= $ts ?>;




<form method="post" onSubmit="return validateFormOnSubmit(this)"



//captcha display and input fields

<img id="__code__" src="code.php?id=<?= $ts ?>" /><br><a href="no_matter" onClick="document.getElementById('__code__').src = 'code.php?id=' + ++ts; return false">click for new code</a></p>

<p><input type="text" name="code" />


<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="style6" value="Send Enquiry">



  if (isset($_POST['code']))


if (md5(strtoupper($_POST['code'])) != $_SESSION['__img_code__'])

                echo "Invalid submission!";





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sorry adrian - i do actually have access to the ASP script....here it is, although i'm not sure how to retrieve the cookie from the captcha script



option explicit


function getTextFromFile(path)

dim fso, f, txt

set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

if not fso.fileexists(path) then

getTextFromFile = ""

exit function

end if

set f = fso.opentextfile(path,1)

if f.atendofstream then txt = "" else txt = f.readall


set f = nothing

set fso = nothing

getTextFromFile = txt

end function


dim redir, mailto, mailfrom, subject, item, body, cc, bcc, message, html, template, usetemplate, testmode

redir = request.form("redirect")

mailto = request.form("mailto")

mailfrom = request.form("mailfrom")

subject = request.form("subject")

template = request.form("template")



if len(template) > 0 then template = getTextFromFile(server.mappath(template))

if len(template) > 0 then usetemplate = true else usetemplate = false

dim msg : set msg = server.createobject("CDONTS.NewMail")

if usetemplate and lcase(request.form("html")) = "yes" then

msg.bodyformat = 0 '(html)

msg.mailformat = 0 '(mime)

end if

msg.subject = subject

msg.to = mailto

msg.from = mailfrom

if len(cc) > 0 then msg.cc = cc

if len(bcc) > 0 then msg.bcc = bcc


if not usetemplate then

body = body & message & vbcrlf & vbcrlf


body = template

end if

for each item in request.form

select case item

case "redirect", "mailto", "cc", "bcc", "subject", "message", "template", "html", "testmode"

case else

if not usetemplate then

if item <> "mailfrom" then body = body & item & ": " & request.form(item) & vbcrlf & vbcrlf


body = replace(body, "[$" & item & "$]", replace(request.form(item),vbcrlf,"<br>"))

end if

end select



if usetemplate then 'remove any leftover placeholders

dim rx : set rx = new regexp

rx.pattern = "\[\$.*\$\]"

rx.global = true

body = rx.replace(body, "")

end if


msg.body = body

if testmode then

if lcase(request.form("html")) = "yes" then

response.write "<pre>" & vbcrlf

response.write "Mail to: " & mailto & vbcrlf

response.write "Mail from: " & mailfrom & vbcrlf

if len(cc) > 0 then response.write "Cc: " & cc & vbcrlf

if len(bcc) > 0 then response.write "Bcc: " & bcc & vbcrlf

response.write "Subject: " & subject & vbcrlf & string(80,"-") & "</pre>"

response.write body


response.write "<html><head><title>Sendmail.asp Test Mode</title></head><body><pre>" & vbcrlf

response.write "Mail to: " & mailto & vbcrlf

response.write "Mail from: " & mailfrom & vbcrlf

if len(cc) > 0 then response.write "Cc: " & cc & vbcrlf

if len(bcc) > 0 then response.write "Bcc: " & bcc & vbcrlf

response.write "Subject: " & subject & vbcrlf & vbcrlf

response.write string(80,"-") & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "<span style=""color:blue;"">"

response.write body & "</span>" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf

response.write string(80,"-") & vbcrlf & "**END OF EMAIL**</pre></body></html>"

end if



response.redirect redir

end if

set msg = nothing



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