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[SOLVED] Multiple "OR" functions within a SELECT command


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How would I modify the following so it enables me to search any or all of the 3 "search" fields?


$query = "SELECT * FROM articleTable WHERE (articleTitle LIKE '$srch1' OR articleText LIKE '$srch1') AND (dateOfArticle BETWEEN '$fromDate' AND '$untilDate')";


This code is working, but I would like to add the possibility to search "$srch2" and "$srch3" in both columns "articleTitle" and "articleText" but without the obligation that they be filled in.


I've tried the following, but it doesn't seem to work:


$query = "SELECT * FROM articleTable WHERE ((articleTitle LIKE '$srch1' OR '$srch2' OR '$srch3') OR (articleText LIKE '$srch1' OR '$srch2' OR '$srch3')) AND (dateOfArticle BETWEEN '$fromDate' AND '$untilDate')";


Any ideas?

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From what I read, the Fulltext indexing comes with a lot of problems.  For me, namely because I want to allow partial string searches (i.e. ability to look for "%put%" and come with results that include "computer" and "putting".  Any ideas why the current version I have posted isn't allowing all fields to be checked?


Is there a way to allow multiple individual strings be searched in the same field of a form, rather than requiring various fields??

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Figured it out.


Added a default value of "" to each form field.


MySQL query is:

$query = "SELECT * 
FROM articleTable 
WHERE ((articleTitle LIKE \"%$search1%\" 
OR articleText LIKE \"%$search1%\" 
OR articleTitle LIKE \"%$search2%\" 
OR articleText LIKE \"%$search2%\" 
OR articleTitle LIKE \"%$search3%\" 
OR articleText LIKE \"%$search3%\")) 
AND dateOfArticle 
BETWEEN '$fromDate' AND '$untilDate'";


And before the SQL query, the following:

if ($search1 == "") {
$search1 = "Text_String_That_Will_Never_Be_Found";
if ($search2 == "") {
$search2 = "Text_String_That_Will_Never_Be_Found";
if ($search3 == "") {
$search3 = "Text_String_That_Will_Never_Be_Found";

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