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Still kind of a newbie to this stuff....I've been trying to figure this out for a while.


This is what I want to do:


1. pull a query from the database, "ORDER BY disabled ASC, networth DESC"

2. check every user's info from the query, to see if they have a certain "ability" enabled

3. if they do, perform a calculation on networth, and put it back into the array/query (not sure what to call it at this point)

4. reorder the array/query by "disabled ascending, networth descending"


This has been driving me nuts, I feel like it's got to be possible.


I'm running into a couple problems, which is due to lack of complete knowledge of how PHP works. =/ First, the "calculations" I'm performing on those certain users aren't being stored, and I'm pretty sure the sorting isn't working either. I tried to use array_multisort, but I'm not sure it's working.


$users = dbquery("SELECT disabled, networth, num, rank, ability, abilitytime FROM $playerdb ORDER BY disabled ASC, networth DESC;");

mysql_data_seek($users, 0);
while($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($users))
   if($user[ability] == 50)
   	$fakenw = $user[networth];
   	for($i=0; $i < $user[abilitytime]; $i++)
   	     $fakenw -= ($fakenw * 0.01);
   	$user[networth] = round($fakenw,0);
mysql_data_seek($users, 0);
$user = mysql_fetch_assoc($users);
foreach($user as $key => $row)
$disabled[$key] = $row['disabled'];
$networth[$key] = $row['networth'];
array_multisort($disabled, SORT_ASC, $networth, SORT_DESC, $user);


I don't think I have any idea what I'm doing. =(

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ok, withouth going through your code, i hope hte below code works.



$New_Array = array();


if($QUERY = "TEST") {

        $New_Array[''][''] = ""; # rearranging your indexes, or simply adding the content



then there is sort($New_Array, ASC) or something, but im not sure about eh actual arguments





$users = dbquery("SELECT disabled, networth, num, rank, ability, abilitytime FROM $playerdb ORDER BY disabled ASC, networth DESC;");

$data = array();
while($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($users))
    if($user['ability'] == 50)
        $fakenw = $user['networth'];
        for($i=0; $i < $user['abilitytime']; $i++)
   	         $fakenw -= ($fakenw * 0.01);
        $user['networth'] = round($fakenw,0);
    * put data in array
    $data[] = $user;

* sort the data using custom mysort() function
usort ($data, 'mysort');

* view the sorted array
echo '<pre>', print_r($data, true), '</pre>';

* mysort function
*    if a should sort above b, return -1
*    if a and be are cosidered equal, return 0
*    if a should sort below b, return 1
function mysort($a, $b)
    if ($a['disabled'] == $b['disabled'])
        // sort networth DESC
        if ($a['networth'] == $b['networth']) return 0;
        return $a['networth'] > $b['networth'] ? -1 : 1;
    return $a['disabled'] < $b['disabled'] ? -1 : 1; 

  • 3 weeks later...

Tried it, but it didn't work. After the array has been sorted, this code is executed:


while ($user = mysql_fetch_array($data))
if ($urank != $user[rank])
	dbquery("UPDATE $playerdb SET rank=$urank WHERE num=$user[num];");


I think the sorting worked though.

You can't use the $data array like that. mysql_fetch_array() gets a row of data from a mysql result set. try


foreach ($data as $user)
if ($urank != $user['rank'])
	dbquery("UPDATE $playerdb SET rank=$urank WHERE num={$user['num']}");


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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