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Yes, I know how to do calendars.

But then it would be I did instead of one your friend did - what's the difference?

Anyway, I take it the answer is database and not flat file.

You need to create an input form for the data you want to store and a table to store the data.

Something like

Event table
eventID INT (PK)
eventdate DATE
eventdesc varchar(255)
eventtype INT (FK)

Event type
eventtype INT (PK)
typedesc varchar(50)

Use event type table to crete a dropdown menu.

Create CSS styles for types of event so they display as different colors in the calendar (birthdays, anniversaries etc)
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this is my code now how do i make it so when i enter information into my sqldatabase it will underline the day number and make it a link?

// How many days are in the current month
$Days_In_Month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date("m"), date("Y"));

// Gets the Current day, day with 1st 2nd etc, day name, year (2004), month,
// month name
$Current_Day = date("d");
$Current_Day_S = date("dS");
$Current_Day_Name = date("l");
$Current_Year = date("Y");
$Current_Month = date("m");
$Current_Month_Name = date("F");

// Get the offset of the first day of the month
$First_Day_Of_Month = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $Current_Month, 1, $Current_Year));

// Set the day names
$Days_Array = array();
$Days_Array[] = "Sunday";
$Days_Array[] = "Monday";
$Days_Array[] = "Tuesday";
$Days_Array[] = "Wednesday";
$Days_Array[] = "Thursday";
$Days_Array[] = "Friday";
$Days_Array[] = "Saturday";

// For each of the Day Names, print em out
$Day_Names = "";
foreach ($Days_Array as $x => $y) {
    $Day_Names .= '<td align="center" bgcolor="#ADADAD" width="14.28%">' . $y . '</td>';

// Spacers for the offset of the first day of the month
$Cal_Weeks_Days = "";
$i = $First_Day_Of_Month + 1;
if ($First_Day_Of_Month != "0") {
    $Cal_Weeks_Days .= '<td colspan="' . $First_Day_Of_Month . '"> </td>';

// Cal Days - The first day is 1, default with PHP is 0, so lets set it to 1
$Day_i = "1";
$ii = $i;
for ($i; $i <= ($Days_In_Month + $First_Day_Of_Month);$i++) {
    // $i is our color variable - Alternate row colors:
    if ($i % 2) {
        $color = '#0000FF';
        $color = '#0000FF';

    // If the current day is sunday, make sure a new row gets set
    if ($ii == 8) {
        $Cal_Weeks_Days .= "</tr><tr>";
        $ii = 1;

    // If the day is the current day, highlight it with a special color
    if ($Current_Day == $Day_i) {
        $Extra = 'bgcolor="#FF0000"';
        // Alternate row colors
        $Extra = 'bgcolor="#' . $color . '"';

    // Show the days.
    $Cal_Weeks_Days .= '<td height="65" valign="top" ' . $Extra . '>' . $Day_i . '</td>';

    // Increment the day number and the week day number (ii)

// Add end month spacers
if ((8 - $ii) >= "1") {
    $Cal_Weeks_Days .= '<td colspan="' . (8 - $ii) . '"> </td>';

// Echo the HTML
echo '<HTML>
<style type="text/css">
    font-family: Verdana;
    font-size: 8pt;
    font-size: 11; color: #000000;
    border-font-size: 11; color: #000000;
    border-collapse: collapse;
echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="98%">
        <td align="center" colspan="7" bgcolor="#999999">'.$Current_Day_Name.' the '.$Current_Day_S.' of '.$Current_Month_Name.', '.$Current_Year.'</td>

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I added a couple of sections of code hilighted between //******************** lines

// How many days are in the current month
$Days_In_Month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date("m"), date("Y"));

// Gets the Current day, day with 1st 2nd etc, day name, year (2004), month,
// month name
$Current_Day = date("d");
$Current_Day_S = date("dS");
$Current_Day_Name = date("l");
$Current_Year = date("Y");
$Current_Month = date("m");
$Current_Month_Name = date("F");

// get events for current month and store in array, keyed by day number
$sql = "SELECT eventdate FROM events WHERE YEAR(eventdate)=$Current_Year
        AND MONTH(eventdate)=$Current_Month";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
$month_events = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
       $month_events[date('j', strtotime($row[0]))] = $row[0]; # store date for link

// Get the offset of the first day of the month
$First_Day_Of_Month = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $Current_Month, 1, $Current_Year));

// Set the day names
$Days_Array = array();
$Days_Array[] = "Sunday";
$Days_Array[] = "Monday";
$Days_Array[] = "Tuesday";
$Days_Array[] = "Wednesday";
$Days_Array[] = "Thursday";
$Days_Array[] = "Friday";
$Days_Array[] = "Saturday";

// For each of the Day Names, print em out
$Day_Names = "";
foreach ($Days_Array as $x => $y) {
    $Day_Names .= '<td align="center" bgcolor="#ADADAD" width="14.28%">' . $y . '</td>';

// Spacers for the offset of the first day of the month
$Cal_Weeks_Days = "";
$i = $First_Day_Of_Month + 1;
if ($First_Day_Of_Month != "0") {
    $Cal_Weeks_Days .= '<td colspan="' . $First_Day_Of_Month . '"> </td>';

// Cal Days - The first day is 1, default with PHP is 0, so lets set it to 1
$Day_i = "1";
$ii = $i;
for ($i; $i <= ($Days_In_Month + $First_Day_Of_Month);$i++) {
    // $i is our color variable - Alternate row colors:
    if ($i % 2) {
        $color = '#0000FF';
        $color = '#0000FF';

    // If the current day is sunday, make sure a new row gets set
    if ($ii == 8) {
        $Cal_Weeks_Days .= "</tr><tr>";
        $ii = 1;

    // If the day is the current day, highlight it with a special color
    if ($Current_Day == $Day_i) {
        $Extra = 'bgcolor="#FF0000"';
        // Alternate row colors
        $Extra = 'bgcolor="#' . $color . '"';

    // Show the days.
    if (isset($month_events[$Day_i])) {   # have we an event
        $Day_i = "<a href='showEvents.php?d={$month_events[$Day_i]}'>$Day_i</a>"

    $Cal_Weeks_Days .= '<td height="65" valign="top" ' . $Extra . '>' . $Day_i . '</td>';

    // Increment the day number and the week day number (ii)

// Add end month spacers
if ((8 - $ii) >= "1") {
    $Cal_Weeks_Days .= '<td colspan="' . (8 - $ii) . '"> </td>';

// Echo the HTML
echo '<HTML>
<style type="text/css">
    font-family: Verdana;
    font-size: 8pt;
    font-size: 11; color: #000000;
    border-font-size: 11; color: #000000;
    border-collapse: collapse;
echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="98%">
        <td align="center" colspan="7" bgcolor="#999999">'.$Current_Day_Name.' the '.$Current_Day_S.' of '.$Current_Month_Name.', '.$Current_Year.'</td>

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somethign happened to my script now whne i eneter an event into the database it causes the whol calendar dates to be the one i made an event for if thats making sense okay lets say i made one for 2006/04/06 as my bday ok, i would make everynumber on the calendar after the 6th the number 6 how could i fix that?
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Sorry, shouldn't have altered the value of $Day_i.


[code]    //*************************************************************************
    if (isset($month_events[$Day_i])) {   # have we an event
        $Day_i = "<a href='showEvents.php?d={$month_events[$Day_i]}'>$Day_i</a>"



[code]    //*************************************************************************
    if (isset($month_events[$Day_i])) {   # have we an event
        $DayLink = "<a href='showEvents.php?d={$month_events[$Day_i]}'>$Day_i</a>"
    else $DayLink = $Day_i;


and in the following line, change "$Day_i " to "$DayLink"

[code]$Cal_Weeks_Days .= '<td height="65" valign="top" ' . $Extra . '>' . $DayLink. '</td>';[/code]
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