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I just developed a free shopping cart script. It is hosted on my servers and all products are stored on my server. I have not seen anything out there like it, of course its in its infancy. I have created an admin side here, http://www.realfinancialsuccess.com/freeCart/register.php. Of course you must register first, but all you have to do is paste some html code on your site where you would have an "ADD to Cart Button" and my script does the rest. After your customer adds every product he wants to the cart, he is then able to use google checkout as the payment processor. You must also sign up for a free google checkout account. There is a limit of 15 products unless you pay for more. I have not set up the option to buy more product space becuase i am beta testing this free cart for any bugs or new ideas.


Please give me feedback and suggestions. Register here: http://www.realfinancialsuccess.com/freeCart/register.php

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thats funny, never thought anyone would use html in the user name and in any products. using <marquee>ownd makes the product scroll across the screen. I will fix it and make sure you can't add html to username, password, title, desc, or price.


Thanks for the comment.

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