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Hi, i'm trying to resolve a problem i have when processing a large form with 2 possible submit buttons. I am using PHP server self and running the script at the top of the page. Regardless of which button is pressed, the form data should be inserted into the database. The only difference is that one button will redirect to another page. When i test for which button has been pressed, however, I don't want to have to repeat all the insert statements for each IF statement. However, I can't use if (isset($_POST)) as the page prior to the current one is also a form, therefore the if (isset($_POST)) statement tries to execute the data on the first loading of the page, which shouldn't happen. If anyone knows how I can avoid having to repeat the insert statements, i'd be grateful for any pointers. Not actually sure if any of this makes any sense!


this is current incorrect php code....


if (isset($_POST))



$section= $_POST['sectDropdown'];

$weight = $_POST['weight'];

$qtext = $_POST['question'];

$qType = $_POST['quesType'];



$category = $_POST['categoryDrop'];


$category = $_POST['newCategory'];


$query = "insert into Question (quesText,quesType,category) values ('$qtext','$qType','$category')";

$result = mysql_query($query);

if (!$result)

echo "Invalid Insert information";


$id = mysql_insert_id(); //assigning id of test just created


//answer option code

//Check submit

if (key_exists("answer",$_POST))


$options = array("A","B","C","D","E");



foreach ($_POST["answer"] as $i => $value)




$opt = $options[$i];


//test to see which is the correct answer

if ($_POST["option"]==$i)


$corr = "yes";

$query2 = "insert into Answer values ('$id','$opt','$value','$corr')";

$result2 = mysql_query($query2);

if (!$result2)

echo "Invalid Insert information";


//incorrect answer - insert into dbs



$corr = "no";

$query3 = "insert into Answer values ('$id','$opt','$value','$corr')";

$result3 = mysql_query($query3);

if (!$result3)

echo "Invalid Insert information";






//get section id and test number then update TestQuestion

$query4 = mysql_query("select sectionID from Section where sectionName = '$section'");

$numrows4 = mysql_num_rows($query4);

if($numrows4 ==0)


$sectID=""; //no sections in this test




$row = mysql_fetch_array($query4);

$sectID = $row['sectionID'];




$query5 = mysql_query("select questNumber from TestQuestion where testID = '$_SESSION[test]'");

$numrows5 = mysql_num_rows($query5);

if($numrows5 ==0)


$questNum=1; //no sections in this test






$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($query5);

$questNum = $row2['questNumber'];





$query6 = "insert into testquestion values ('$_SESSION[test]','$id','$weight','$questNum','$sectID')";

$result6 = mysql_query($query6);

if (!$result6)

echo "Invalid Insert information";



//go to confirm test page

if (isset($_POST['SubmitProceed']))





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if(isset($_POST['SubmitProceed'] == 'submit2') && empty($_POST['sectDropdown']) && empty($_POST['weight']) && empty($_POST['question']) && empty($_POST['quesType']))){
do this....
if(isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_POST['sectDropdown']) && !empty($_POST['weight']) && !empty($_POST['question']) && !empty($_POST['quesType'])){
do this....
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/>
<input type="submit" name="SubmitProceed" value="submit2"/>

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Cheers for the reply DeadEvil. I may have misunderstood your coding, but I would still have to repeat all the mysql inserts for both of these IF statements. I have no problem distinguishing between the two submit buttons as below. I want to insert the data regardless of which button has been submitted - as long as the form has been submitted. Is this possible?




  //get the form data and do all the inserts




  //get the form data and do all the inserts


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Rather than check for which button has been pressed just make sure the form fields exist than run your code. Then after check which button has been submitted and redirect to the correct page, eg:

if (isset($_POST['sectDropdown']) && isset($_POST['weight']) && isset($_POST['question']) && isset($_POST['quesType']))
    // run what ever code here for processing the form data

   // after processing the form data now check to see what button has been submitted
        // rediect here when submitNext button has been pressed
        // rediect here when submitProceed button has been pressed


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