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[SOLVED] Help Me!! Take a look at this Warning....please....


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Hello - Thanks to anyone who might help me here!


I have set up my database fine and uploaded files for a "Comments" script. 


The script includes a test page to demo how it works on my site.  Well, the demo shows this warning:


Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/content/m/b/d/mbdonner/html/comments/comments_show.php on line 38

error Table 'Comments5.page_comments' doesn't exist with query SELECT AVG(rating) from page_comments WHERE page_id='1' AND is_approved = '1' AND rating>'0'



I did change some things in the config file, but nothing crazy - I understood everything (I guess!)...


the main demo page is http://www.toplinepublishing.com/comments_demo.php


Help!  Thanks!!!!


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OK - there is no table in the database - I just checked on that.


In the files I uploaded, there is a "SQL" folder with an sql file in there that is supposed to create the table if there isn't one by the name "page_comments" in there already.


Well, there isn't a table by that name in there, but this sql file is not creating the table.


What gives?

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I think you have to either:


1. run the SQL file to create the proper tables, or

2. copy and paste the SQL contents into the 'query' section of your PHPMyAdmin and create them


If this is a program you downloaded then normally there's an installation file that would perform a lot of this. But, if that's not the case, then you need to manually run some of this stuff to set up your database.

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Hey Guys - simcoweb, deadimp, charlieholder - I figured it out - yes, I had to import that .txt file from the "SQL" folder.  Since I really don't have a clue, but know the basics, the fact that that step was not in the installation "READ ME" file really threw me for a loop.


Thanks so much for your time and interest.



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