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How could I call in formation from a differant table/column in the data base. A member registers and enters data such as phone number and this info is held in users table. Now this member creates an ad and this info is held in the items table. How can I get data from this users "users" table to show ? This is the results page after a search and it shows the users ad with some of the data from the "items" table.

[code]class clsGriditems { //items class @4-DDF99D24

//Variables @4-9DA56C47

    // Public variables
    var $Sorter_title;
    var $Sorter_started;
    var $Sorter_location;
    var $Sorter_asking_price;
    var $ComponentName;
    var $Visible; var $Errors;
    var $ds; var $PageSize;
    var $SorterName = "";
    var $SorterDirection = "";
    var $PageNumber;

    var $CCSEvents = "";
    var $CCSEventResult;

    // Grid Controls
    var $StaticControls; var $RowControls;
    var $Navigator;
//End Variables

//Class_Initialize Event @4-9E569F9C

    function clsGriditems()
        global $FileName;
                global $now;

        $this->ComponentName = "items";
        $this->Visible = True;
        $this->Errors = new clsErrors();
        $this->ds = new clsitemsDataSource();
        $this->PageSize = CCGetParam($this->ComponentName . "PageSize", "");
        if(!is_numeric($this->PageSize) || !strlen($this->PageSize))
            $this->PageSize = $now["pagentrys"];
            $this->PageSize = intval($this->PageSize);
        $this->PageNumber = intval(CCGetParam($this->ComponentName . "Page", 1));

        $this->SorterName = CCGetParam("itemsOrder", "");
        $this->SorterDirection = CCGetParam("itemsDir", "");

        $this->bold = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "bold", "bold", ccsInteger, "", CCGetRequestParam("bold", ccsGet));
        $this->bold->HTML = true;
        $this->bold2 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "bold2", "bold2", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("bold2", ccsGet));
        $this->bold2->HTML = true;
        $this->background = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "background", "background", ccsInteger, "", CCGetRequestParam("background", ccsGet));
        $this->background->HTML = true;
        $this->image_preview = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "image_preview", "image_preview", ccsInteger, "", CCGetRequestParam("image_preview", ccsGet));
                $this->image_preview->HTML = true;
        $this->image_one = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "image_one", "image_one", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("image_one", ccsGet));
                $this->image_one->HTML = true;
        $this->ItemNum = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "ItemNum", "ItemNum", ccsInteger, "", CCGetRequestParam("ItemNum", ccsGet));
        $this->title = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "title", "title", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("title", ccsGet));
        $this->titleb = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "titleb", "titleb", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("titleb", ccsGet));
        $this->keya = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "keya", "keya", ccsInteger, "", CCGetRequestParam("keya", ccsGet));
        $this->keya->HTML = true;
        $this->image_twentyone = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "image_twentyone", "image_twentyone", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("image_twentyone", ccsGet));
        $this->image_twentyone->HTML = true;
        $this->key30 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key30", "key30", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key30", ccsGet));
    $this->key34 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key34", "key34", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key34", ccsGet));
        $this->key35 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key35", "key35", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key35", ccsGet));
        $this->key36 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key36", "key36", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key36", ccsGet));
        $this->key37 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key37", "key37", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key37", ccsGet));
        $this->key38 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key38", "key38", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key38", ccsGet));
        $this->key39 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key39", "key39", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key39", ccsGet));
        $this->key1 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key1", "key1", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key1", ccsGet));
        $this->key2 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key2", "key2", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key2", ccsGet));
        $this->key3 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key3", "key3", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key3", ccsGet));
        $this->key4 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key4", "key4", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key4", ccsGet));
        $this->key5 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key5", "key5", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key5", ccsGet));
        $this->key6 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key6", "key6", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key6", ccsGet));
        $this->key7 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key7", "key7", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key7", ccsGet));
        $this->key8 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key8", "key8", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key8", ccsGet));
        $this->key24 = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "key24", "key24", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("key24", ccsGet));
        $this->category = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "category", "category", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("category", ccsGet));
        $this->business_name = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "business_name", "business_name", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("business_name", ccsGet));
        $this->make_offer = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "make_offer", "make_offer", ccsInteger, "", CCGetRequestParam("make_offer", ccsGet));
        $this->make_offer->HTML = true;
        $this->city_town = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "city_town", "city_town", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("city_town", ccsGet));
        $this->state_province = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "state_province", "state_province", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("state_province", ccsGet));
        $this->asking_price = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "asking_price", "asking_price", ccsFloat, Array(False, 2, ".", "", False, "", "", 1, True, ""), CCGetRequestParam("asking_price", ccsGet));
        $this->started = new clsControl(ccsLabel, "started", "started", ccsInteger, "", CCGetRequestParam("started", ccsGet));
        $this->gallerylink = new clsControl(ccsLink, "gallerylink", "gallerylink", ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam("gallerylink", ccsGet));
        $this->gallerylink->Parameters = CCGetQueryString("QueryString", Array("ccsForm"));
        $this->gallerylink->Page = "gallery.php";
        $this->Sorter_title = new clsSorter($this->ComponentName, "Sorter_title", $FileName);
        $this->Sorter_started = new clsSorter($this->ComponentName, "Sorter_started", $FileName);
        $this->Sorter_asking_price = new clsSorter($this->ComponentName, "Sorter_asking_price", $FileName);
        $this->Sorter_business_name = new clsSorter($this->ComponentName, "Sorter_business_name", $FileName);
        $this->Navigator = new clsNavigator($this->ComponentName, "Navigator", $FileName, 10, tpCentered);
//End Class_Initialize Event

//Initialize Method @4-383CA3E0
    function Initialize()
        if(!$this->Visible) return;

        $this->ds->PageSize = $this->PageSize;
        $this->ds->SetOrder($this->SorterName, $this->SorterDirection);
        $this->ds->AbsolutePage = $this->PageNumber;
//End Initialize Method

//Show Method @4-B28B5156
    function Show()
        global $startpage;
        global $Tpl;
        global $now;
        global $terms;
        if(!$this->Visible) return;

        $ShownRecords = 0;
        $featcount = 0;

        $this->ds->Parameters["urls_title"] = CCGetFromGet("s_title", "");
        $this->ds->Parameters["urls_description"] = CCGetFromGet("s_description", "");
        $this->ds->Parameters["urlShowFeatured"] = CCGetFromGet("ShowFeatured", "");
        if(CCGetFromGet("CatID", "") || $terms["CatID"]){
                $catdb1 = new clsDBNetConnect;
                $newSQL1 = "SELECT cat_id FROM categories WHERE sub_cat_id='" . CCGetFromGet("CatID", "") . "'";
                $incat = "'" . CCGetFromGet("CatID", "") . "'";
                if ($terms["CatID"]) {
                    $newSQL1 = "SELECT cat_id FROM categories WHERE sub_cat_id='" . $terms["CatID"] . "'";
                    $incat = "'" . $terms["CatID"] . "'";
                        $incat .= " OR category='" . $catdb1->f(0) . "'";
                        $catdb2 = new clsDBNetConnect;
                        $newSQL2 = "SELECT cat_id FROM categories WHERE sub_cat_id='" . $catdb1->f(0) . "'";
                                $incat .= " OR category='" . $catdb2->f(0) . "'";
                                $catdb3 = new clsDBNetConnect;
                                $newSQL3 = "SELECT cat_id FROM categories WHERE sub_cat_id='" . $catdb2->f(0) . "'";
                                        $incat .= " OR category='" . $catdb3->f(0) . "'";
                                        $catdb4 = new clsDBNetConnect;
                                        $newSQL4 = "SELECT cat_id FROM categories WHERE sub_cat_id='" . $catdb3->f(0) . "'";
                                                $incat .= " OR category='" . $catdb4->f(0) . "'";
                                                $catdb5 = new clsDBNetConnect;
                                                $newSQL5 = "SELECT cat_id FROM categories WHERE sub_cat_id='" . $catdb4->f(0) . "'";
                                                        $incat .= " OR category='" . $catdb5->f(0) . "'";
                //print $incat;
                $this->ds->Parameters["urlCatID"] = $incat; //CCGetFromGet("CatID", "");
                $this->ds->Parameters["urls_ItemNum"] = CCGetFromGet("s_ItemNum", "");
                        $userfind = $_GET["s_user_id"];
                        $findDB = new clsDBNetConnect;
                        $GetUser = CCDlookUP("user_id","users","user_login='" . $userfind . "'",$findDB);
                        if($GetUser == NULL){
                                $GetUser = 1000000000000;
                if(CCGetFromGet("User_ID", "")){
                        $GetUser = CCGetFromGet("User_ID", "");
                $this->ds->Parameters["urls_user_id"] = $GetUser;
        $this->ds->Parameters["urls_asking_min"] = CCGetFromGet("s_asking_min", "");
        $this->ds->Parameters["urls_asking_max"] = CCGetFromGet("s_asking_max", "");
        $this->ds->Parameters["urls_make_offer"] = CCGetFromGet("s_make_offer", "");
        $this->ds->Parameters["urls_quantity"] = CCGetFromGet("s_quantity", "");
        $this->ds->Parameters["urls_city_town"] = CCGetFromGet("s_city_town", "");
        $this->ds->Parameters["urls_state_province"] = CCGetFromGet("s_state_province", "");
        $this->ds->Parameters["urls_category"] = CCGetFromGet("s_category", "");
        //$this->ds->Parameters["urlCatID"] = CCGetFromGet("CatID", "");

        $GridBlock = "Grid " . $this->ComponentName;
        $Tpl->block_path = $GridBlock;
        $uncount = 0;
        $this->CCSEventResult = CCGetEvent($this->CCSEvents, "BeforeShow");

        $is_next_record = $this->ds->next_record();
        if($is_next_record && $ShownRecords < $this->PageSize)
            do {
                $Tpl->block_path = $GridBlock . "/Row";

                                if($this->ds->cat_featured->GetValue() == 1 && ($featcount == 0)) {
                                        $Tpl->SetVar("beginFeat", "<tr><td class=\"feat\" height=\"27\"borderclor=\"#000000\" border=\"1\"  colspan=\"8\">  Featured Ads</td></tr>");
                                if($this->ds->cat_featured->GetValue() < 1 && ($featcount == 1)) {
                                        $this->image_one->SetValue("<tr><td class=\"feat\" height=\"27\" borderclor=\"#000000\" border=\"1\" colspan=\"8\">  None Featured ADs—</td></tr>");

                                if($this->ds->cat_featured->GetValue() == 1)
                                if($this->ds->bold->GetValue() == 1){
                                } else {
                if($this->ds->background->GetValue() == 1){
                                if($this->ds->image_preview->GetValue() == 1 && $this->ds->image_one->GetValue() != ""){
                                    if ($now["has_gd"])
                                        $this->image_preview->SetValue("<table bgcolor=\"#000000\" border=\"1\" width=\"78\" height=\"75\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td width=\"75\" height=\"75\" valign=\"middle\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><a href=\"ViewItem.php?ItemNum=" . $this->ds->ItemNum->GetValue() . "\" border=0><img src=\"imageresizer.php?heightsize=150&widthsize=150&filename=". $this->ds->image_one->GetValue()."\" border=0 /></a></td></tr></table>");
                                        $this->image_preview->SetValue("<table bgcolor=\"#000000\" border=\"1\" width=\"78\" height=\"75\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td width=\"75\" height=\"75\" valign=\"middle\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><a href=\"ViewItem.php?ItemNum=" . $this->ds->ItemNum->GetValue() . "\" border=0>" . thumbnail($this->ds->image_one->GetValue(),150,150,0,0) . "</a></td></tr></table>");
                                } elseif($this->ds->image_one->GetValue() != ""){
                                        $this->image_preview->SetValue("<em><font color=\"#000000\"><strong>Image(s)</strong></font></em>");
                                } else {
                                        $this->image_preview->SetValue("No Image");
                if($this->ds->make_offer->GetValue() == 1){
                                        $this->make_offer->SetValue("<em><font color=\"#FF0000\"><strong>Best Offer</strong></font></em>");
                                } else {
                                if($this->ds->city_town->GetValue() != ""){
                        $this->city_town->SetValue($this->ds->city_town->GetValue() . " ");
                } else {
                                if($this->ds->keya->GetValue() != ""){
                        $this->keya->SetValue ("<font color=\"#ff0000\">M</font><font color=\"#0000ff\">A</font><font color=\"#FF0000\">P</font><font color=\"#0000FF\">Link</font>" );
                                } else {
                                        if($this->ds->image_twentyone->GetValue() != ""){
                        $this->image_twentyone->SetValue($this->ds->image_twentyone->GetValue() . " ");
                                } else {
                                        $this->image_twentyone->SetValue("images/noimage.gif hieght=\"1\" width=\"1\"");
                $theday = getdate($this->ds->started->GetValue());
                                $lastofyear = substr($theday["year"],-2);
                                $enddate = $theday["mon"] . "/" . $theday["mday"] . "/" . $lastofyear;

                                $jes = mysql_query ("SELECT a.template_var,b.value FROM custom_textarea a,custom_textarea_values b WHERE a.cat_id = {$_GET[CatID]} AND b.field_id = a.id AND b.ItemNum = ".$this->ds->ItemNum->GetValue());
                if (@mysql_num_rows($jes))
                while ($data = @mysql_fetch_row($jes))
                $this->jimkey_custom = new clsControl(ccsLabel, $data[0], $data[0], ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam($data[0], ccsGet));
                $this -> jimkey_custom  -> SetValue($data[1]);
                $this -> jimkey_custom  -> Show();
                $jes = @mysql_query ("SELECT a.template_var,b.value FROM custom_textbox a,custom_textbox_values b WHERE a.cat_id = {$_GET[CatID]} AND b.field_id = a.id AND b.ItemNum = ".$this->ds->ItemNum->GetValue());

                if (@mysql_num_rows($jes))
                while ($data = @mysql_fetch_row($jes))
                $this->jimkey_custom = new clsControl(ccsLabel, $data[0], $data[0], ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam($data[0], ccsGet));
                $this -> jimkey_custom  -> SetValue($data[1]);
                $this -> jimkey_custom  -> Show();

                $jes = mysql_query ("SELECT a.template_var,c.option as value FROM custom_dropdown a,custom_dropdown_values b,custom_dropdown_options c
                                       WHERE a.cat_id = {$_GET[CatID]} AND b.field_id = a.id AND b.option_id = c.id  AND b.ItemNum = ".$this->ds->ItemNum->GetValue());
                if (@mysql_num_rows($jes))
                while ($data = @mysql_fetch_row($jes))
                $this->jimkey_custom = new clsControl(ccsLabel, $data[0], $data[0], ccsText, "", CCGetRequestParam($data[0], ccsGet));
                $this -> jimkey_custom  -> SetValue($data[1]);
                $this -> jimkey_custom  -> Show();

                $this->CCSEventResult = CCGetEvent($this->CCSEvents, "BeforeShowRow");
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I'll take your word for it that something in that mass of code is relevant to your question, but I'm certainly not going to look for it.

The answer is to use a JOIN on the two tables.

see [a href=\"http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp[/a]
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