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Do I need a framework?


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I'm building a league script where users can sign up, create a team and join a league where they create matches against other teams and post the results. As you imagine, this isn't a small script.


Do you think something of this magnitude requires a framework to help me, or should I just code with my current page -> process -> session -> database setup. Any other methods of coding suggestions would be appreciated too.


I've been looking at the structure of several open source projects but because they're so huge it's hard to see where to start.



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I'm sure there are smaller CMS's/frameworks out there that you could probably learn something from. I've started my own, Thacmus, which I'm trying to keep small and compact for hobbyist programmers (like myself) who don't need the industrial strength of the other CMS's (not aiming for quantity, though that doesn't mean that I'm shirking on the quality side). All in all, I'm kind of designing it for rapid application development.

I started the CMS to minimize on repetition in my HTML and PHP, and make it easier on myself since I'm somewhat lazy. I also intend on using it make the website for my other programming projects (a game engine and what not), for my personal website, and for a forum.

Magnitude is something to consider, but you have to figure out what kind of magnitude it is, how many users there'll be (popularity), how complex the structure is, what kind of resources you have, etc. Look into different systems and see what style suits you best. Try developing in different ones, or simply start your own (if you choose to do so).

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