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[SOLVED] change a variable to change appearance?


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I'm a complete javascript noob.. so to speak.. I only understand anything in javascript from what I know in php.. with that said, I'd like to make a variable that changes when a radio input button is selected... so I have this

<style>td {color:(variable I want to change);}</style>

<span style="background-color:#0000FF; width:10px;"><br /><input type="radio" name="color" value="#0000FF" /></span

what do I need to put in to change that.. or is it even possible... I know you can change stuff like the bgcolor for a page, but I was wondering if you could do a variable and make it change the page... I need it to be able to change at least the background color of the page, the text color (in a div tag with css for text color), and link color, also in a div tag changed by css... any ideas appreciated, thanks...

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<form name="test" action="">
<select onchange="document.body.style.backgroundColor=this.options[this.selectedIndex].text;">

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the code below is tested and works, paste it into any web page(even a page that already has content) to change the background color of that web page using a select box:

<form name="changebackground" action="">
Page backgroundColor:

-just add as many new options as you want and specify a color name or a #rgb hex color code as the option text


-in order to change the background color of just a single element within a page, just change the 'onchange' within the 'select' in the code above like this:


-just leave the rest of the code the same and paste it into any web page.  Create a test element to change the background color of:

<span id="someID">Hello World!</span>


php_tom's is incorrect:

<body onload="document.bgColor='green'">

-requires 'body' and 'style' and 'backgroundColor' is the correct attribute to use:

<body onload="document.body.style.backgroundColor='green'">

-the 'C' must be capitalized in 'backgroundColor'.

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I ended up using a code very much like mainewoods, which believe it or not I got from the apple website.. if I can find the link I'll edit this post and put in the link... it has 4 diffrerent methods, like getElementByID and getElementByClass... I think I ended up using by id... thanks...

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k.. I might switch to your code because of how easy it is... the one from apple is a lot larger... I'll put it on here.... it's the file at the bottom of this post..  and here's the link to the page I eventually found...




thanks for the help...


[attachment deleted by admin]

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well, just what exactly are you doing with the script?  Changing the background color of an individual element? That apple page had a number of different examples including swapping in a new stylesheet which you definitely don't need in this case.  Go with the simplest way to implement your style change because that is liable to be the most cross browser.  Swapping style sheets for instance, will not work on older browsers and requires hacks to work on all modern browsers, but element.style.backgroundColor = 'some color' will work way back and on all browsers.


Instead of using a form like I did, you can implement exactly the same thing in a link on a page:

<a href="#" onclick="document.body.style.backgroundColor='#009900';">Make page background color '#009900'</a>

you can paste that into any page and the link will change the background color of the page.  Just change the RGB hex color code to anything you want for different colors.

to change the backgroundColor of an individual element, do this:

<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('theElementsId').style.backgroundColor='#009900';">Make my html element have  background color '#009900'</a>



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