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concurrent uploads


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Dear Friends,


I am using the following code to upload files (3 files at one go in a single page!)


move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file".$i]["tmp_name"],"../../Photos/" .$_FILES["file".$i]["name"]);


["file".$i] indicates file "upload slots" on the page.


I am concerned with ["tmp_name"], is this a string or an indicator to PHP file upload handler, I am worried what will happen if two concurrent user uploads files will the file get mixed up? If so I can try to device a way by replacing ["tmp_name"].


Can any one help, thanks.

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Humm can you post the form please,

as normally i would create an array





$base_path = "uploads/";

foreach($_FILES['MyFiles']['tmp_name'] as $FN => $File)
$target_path = $base_path . basename( $_FILES['MyFiles']['name'][$FN]); 
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['MyFiles']['tmp_name'][$FN], $target_path))
	echo "The file ".  basename( $_FILES['MyFiles']['name'][$FN])." has been uploaded";
} else{
	echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";


<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input name="MyFiles[]" type="file" /><br />
<input name="MyFiles[]" type="file" /><br />
<input name="MyFiles[]" type="file" /><br />
<input name="MyFiles[]" type="file" /><br />
<input name="MyFiles[]" type="file" /><br />
<input name="Done" type="submit" value="Upload" />


**UNTESTED and can be improved but you get the idea

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Thanks for your hand, my code does not use array (because I am not good at it) simple "for" loop.


You are using what I an using


if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['MyFiles']['tmp_name'][$FN], $target_path))


what is ['tmp_name'] is it a PHP directive or a string value?


I am worried if 2 "racing" pages comes in and one ['tmp_name'] is created and the second overwrites this before this got transfered for the first, do you get my worry ( I am too much but, I am worried)

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Is the temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server.


this will have a name like "/var/tmp/phpie5H7A" and will should be unique, as the server sets this name  for you.. the problem will be the $target_path name.. as this will be the name of the file being uploaded..


so if 2 members upload "myFile.doc" then the last one will over write the previous file..

you can get around this by prefixing the users name/id.



$target_path = $base_path . basename( $_FILES['MyFiles']['name'][$FN]); 



$UserName = 10;//the username or id.
$target_path = $base_path.$UserName."_".basename( $_FILES['MyFiles']['name'][$FN]); 

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I don't know that I have to use target path!


I only use the following which sits in a for loop


move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file".$i]["tmp_name"],"../../Photos/" .$_FILES["file".$i]["name"]);


can you write me the target path code for me, but all my files for a particular person will go to a unique folder ( this folder is sitting aling with my other folders)

by the way my php info says "upload_tmp_dir" = "no value" must it set a value. my work is fine even with this setting

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I failed!


Will you be kind do some twitch to my code, don't any thing major, thanks.


			//Make New Folder	
			//Upload Files
			for ($i=0; $i<=$MaxFileCount; $i++)
				if (!($_FILES["file".$i]["name"]==""))
					if ($_FILES["file".$i]["error"] > 0)
						echo "<br />File Error Return Code: " . $_FILES["file".$i]["error"] . "<br /><br />";
						/*Photo Uploads*/
							move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file".$i]["tmp_name"],"../../Photos/".$RandomKey."/" .$_FILES["file".$i]["name"]);
							rename("../../Photos/".$RandomKey."/" .$_FILES["file".$i]["name"],"../../Photos/".$RandomKey."/" .$UploadFileNameLeader.$FileCount.".jpg");
							/*Check for Width & Height*/
							list($width, $height)=getimagesize("../../Photos/".$RandomKey."/" .$UploadFileNameLeader.$FileCount.".jpg");
							if (($width>100)||($height>100))
								echo "File (".$_FILES["file".$i]["name"].") - Is ( ".$width." Width X ".$height." Heigth ) Pixels!<br />";

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heres a little update.


what are the errors ?


maybe try changing it to

upload_tmp_dir = "c:/temp/php/uploads/" (what ever the upload path is)

your need to restart apache


echo "<pre>";
			//Make New Folder	
			$baseFolder = "../../Photos/".$RandomKey;
			chmod($baseFolder, 0777); 
			//Upload Files
			for ($i=0; $i<=$MaxFileCount; $i++)
				if ($_FILES["file".$i]["name"]!="")
					if ($_FILES["file".$i]["error"] > 0)
						echo "<br />File Error Return Code: " . $_FILES["file".$i]["error"] . "<br /><br />";
						move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file".$i]["tmp_name"],$baseFolder."/" .$_FILES["file".$i]["name"]);
						rename($baseFolder."/" .$_FILES["file".$i]["name"],$baseFolder.$UploadFileNameLeader.$FileCount.".jpg");
						/*Check for Width & Height*/
						list($width, $height)=getimagesize($baseFolder."/" .$UploadFileNameLeader.$FileCount.".jpg");
						if (($width>100)||($height>100))
							echo "File (".$_FILES["file".$i]["name"].") - Is ( ".$width." Width X ".$height." Heigth ) Pixels!<br />";

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  • 2 months later...

Dear people,


I have one more issue here.


When someone selects a file using the browse button (this will lead to a file select dialog), things work fine!




When someone types in a rubbish value say “abcd” at the field beside this browse button (left), the page hangs! But I can get an error message, if I typed in rubbish value in the file select window which come after clicking the browse button.


(This happens for single or multiple conurrent uploads)


Can anyone help me to overcome this, thanks.


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