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I am having an issue with this search code. Could someone have a look and point out the obvious. I am over looking something.


The code will not produce errors it will not do anything. LOL I knida wish it would error at least i could see something.. MYSQL version is 4.1.22-standard.


I am trying to make this query work on a single page without the search text being sent thru the url. I have read up on this and have come to a wall. Not sure whats next..


<TITLE> Parts Search </TITLE>
	<p>Search Parts</p>
<form name="search" method="post" action="<?=$PHP_SELF?>">
  <input type="text" name="yampart" />
<input type="submit" name="search" value="Search" />

$search = $_POST[’yampart’];

if ($search == "")
  echo "<p>Enter a Part Number</p>";

if (!isset($search))
  echo "<p>We can't search for that</p>";

mysql_select_db("DBNAME") or die("Unable to select database");

$query = "select * from yamaha_parts WHERE ITEM_NO ='$search'";  
$result = mysql_db_query("nmotiona_parts", $query); 

if ($result) 
echo "Here are the results:<br><br>"; 
echo "<table width=200px align=center><tr> 
<td align=center bgcolor=#00FFFF>Part Number</td> 
<td align=center bgcolor=#00FFFF>Description</td> 
<td align=center bgcolor=#00FFFF>Package Quanity</td> 
<td align=center bgcolor=#00FFFF>Retail Price</td> 

while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
$part = $r["ITEM_NO"]; 
$desc = $r["DESC"]; 
$qty = $r["PACK_QTY"]; 
$retail = $r["SUG_RETAIL"]; 
echo "<tr> 
<td  bgcolor=\"#ffffa0\">$retail</td> 
echo "</table>"; 
else { echo "Sorry that Part number is not in our database"; }



Thanks for sharing your time..



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$query = "select * from yamaha_parts WHERE ITEM_NO ='$search'";  // is this INT
$result = mysql_db_query("nmotiona_parts", $query); // redundant i guess


remove the  ' ' if that is an INT ITEM_NO ='$search'" should be ITEM_NO =$search"


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$numresults=mysql_query($query); <--- this i shouldn't need It will be one item returned..

$numrows=mysql_num_rows($numresults); <--this also axed

$result = mysql_db_query("nmotiona_parts", $query); <this was a mistake that was not deleted in the pasting of the example. So with those changes it looks ok?


I wanna thank you for your time. I will give it a try.

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code edited to this.. still does nothing. Maybe There is an easier way. this should just be a simple search for an exact match. I have a tendency to complicate such things..



<TITLE> Parts Search </TITLE>
	<p>Search Parts</p>
<form name="search" method="post" action="<?=$PHP_SELF?>">
  <input type="text" name="yampart" />
<input type="submit" name="search" value="Search" />

$search = $_POST[’yampart’];

if ($search == "")
  echo "<p>Enter a Part Number</p>";

if (!isset($search))
  echo "<p>We can't search for that</p>";

mysql_select_db("DBNAME") or die("Unable to select database");

$query = "select * from yamaha_parts WHERE ITEM_NO =$search";  

if ($result) 
echo "Here are the results:<br><br>"; 
echo "<table width=200px align=center><tr> 
<td align=center bgcolor=#00FFFF>Part Number</td> 
<td align=center bgcolor=#00FFFF>Description</td> 
<td align=center bgcolor=#00FFFF>Package Quanity</td> 
<td align=center bgcolor=#00FFFF>Retail Price</td> 

while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
$part = $r["ITEM_NO"]; 
$desc = $r["DESC"]; 
$qty = $r["PACK_QTY"]; 
$retail = $r["SUG_RETAIL"]; 
echo "<tr> 
<td  bgcolor=\"#ffffa0\">$retail</td> 
echo "</table>"; 
else { echo "Sorry that Part number is not in our database"; }



What I am trying to do is pull ITEM_NO, DESC, PACK_QTY, And SUG_RETAIL from a table named yamaha_parts when a search for the ITEM_NO exactly matches. and display them. all on the same page (meaning the search and code will be on the same page). Maybe I do not need all this code. from what i have been learning there are alot of way to code this. Maybe some are better than others. I would like it to learn the correct way so I can do future queries without coding errors..

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Try to look at this forumhttp://www.keithjbrown.co.uk/vworks/php/php_p2.php


If you textbox is yampart,then in your query ...

$query = "select * from yamaha_parts WHERE ITEM_NO ='{$_POST['yampart']}')";


If you go through the ulr that i gave surely you will be able  to overcome your problem...It helps me...


Good luck...



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