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I really need help, I've had this problem for months now, and I want help please


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I have some new information on the problem which may assist people in helping me.


when I set the paypal url like this(paypal sandbox to test it):

$p->paypal_url = 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';   // testing paypal url


The IPN Validates successfully, but my function still isn't executed.


but when I set the paypal url like this(the real deal):

$p->paypal_url = 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';     // paypal url 


it fails.


I am dieing for some help. any suggestions what so ever are appreciated, can someone PLEASE, PLEASE help! I will GREATLY appreciate it!


Regards a very desperate ACE

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(im not sure how you do it)

but you have to authenticate with the paypa server.


When I do this and take the code it gives me about 9 lines of html code iwth hidden fields and such just to do it...

when I tried to translat this into php I found that you need to make a post request to the paypal server, and not just a string request.

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I believe the code you guys are talking about is the paypal HTML button in "Merchant Tools" ?

see if I did it that way, the payment goes like so.


my website => paypal => success or cancel page


My function that runs is to upgrade the persons account to paid member. See if I did it with the HTML button, they could just put http://www.mywebsite.com/success.php and it would run the query every time they do it, thats why I am using a IPN script so it makes sure they have paid first before giving them member status.

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ive got a better way!


when you pay with paypal to upgrade, have paypal send an extra query, which you encryp, which tells a script on the return page to send an email with a password to the person who just paid.  and in the email have a link that goes to a crazy encrypted URL which runs the database query to upgrade.


i think its a cool idea.

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