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Greetings!  Most of my database pages are generated through a program but it does not generate the pedigree for me.


Until around May 15, I had never heard of PHP or mySql so, as you can probably guess, I am having a difficult time trying to get this to work.


With the help of several people and a great deal of reading on my part, here is what I have so far - I do not get errors any more but it does not print out a pedigree either.


[You can look at the current result, if it would help, at fortheloveoflabradors.com/labradors/login.php and log in as 'guest'.  To get a good example, search for BrookHill Mike - he has 8 generations entered].


Thanks so much even if you just took the time to look at this!!!  For me, it is very daunting!!



global $conn;

$message =

"<table cellspacing=1 cellpading=1><tr><td colspan=4 align=center class=blackshade>Pedigree Table</td></tr>";


$sql = "SELECT RegName, SireID, DamID FROM Pedigrees WHERE ID=";


$DogQ = $sql . $values["ID"]; //appends ID to this query

$DogR = db_query($DogQ,$conn);


if ($DogR) {

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($DogR, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

        $pedigree = array (





//$message.= "<tr><td>regname - ".$row['RegName']."</td><td>sireid - ".$row['SireID']."</td><td>damid - ".$row['DamID']."</td>";

$message.= "<tr><td rowspan=8 class=shade>RegName - <b>".$row['RegName']."<b></td>";



        // get Sire info

        $SireQ = $sql . $row['SireID'];

        $SireR = mysql_query ($SireQ);


        if ($SireR) {

            $SireRow = mysql_fetch_array ($SireR, MYSQL_ASSOC);

            $pedigree['Sire'] = $SireRow['RegName'];

            $pedigree['SireGrandSireID'] = $SireRow['SireID'];

            $pedigree['SireGrandDamID'] = $SireRow['DamID'];

$message.= "<td rowspan=4 class=shade>Sire - <b>".$SireRow['RegName']."</b></td>";

//$message.= "<tr><td rowspan=2>Sire - ".$SireRow['RegName']."</td><td>SireGrandSireID - ".$SireRow['SireID']."</td><td>SireGrandDamID - ".$SireRow['DamID'].". </td>";


//Get Sire's GrandSire info

$SireGrandSireQ = $sql . $SireRow['SireID'];

$SireGrandSireR = mysql_query ($SireGrandSireQ);


if ($SireGrandSireR ) {


            $SireGrandSireRow = mysql_fetch_array ($SireGrandSireR, MYSQL_ASSOC);

            $pedigree['Sire'] = $SireGrandSireRow['RegName'];

            $pedigree['SireGrandSireID'] = $SireGrandSireRow['SireID'];

            $pedigree['SireGrandDamID'] = $SireGrandSireRow['DamID'];


            // $message.= "<td>Sire - ".$SireGrandSireRow['RegName']."</td><td>SireGrandSireID - ".$SireGrandSireRow['SireID']."</td><td>SireGrandDamID - ".$SireGrandSireRow['DamID']."</td>";

            $message.= "<td class=shade rowspan=2>GrandSire - <b>".$SireGrandSireRow['RegName']."</b></td>";



//Get Sire's GGrandSire info

$SireGGrandSireQ = $sql . $SireGrandSireRow['SireID'];

$SireGGrandSireR = mysql_query ($SireGrandSireQ);


if ($SireGGrandSireR) {

            $SireGGrandSireRow = mysql_fetch_array ($SireGrandSireR, MYSQL_ASSOC);

            $pedigree['Sire'] = $SireGGrandSireRow['RegName'];

            $pedigree['SireGrandSireID'] = $SireGGrandSireRow['SireID'];

            $pedigree['SireGrandDamID'] =$SireGGrandSireRow['DamID'];

$message.= "<td class=shade>GrandGrandSire - <b>".$SireGrandSireRow['RegName']."</b></td>";


            }//End if ($GGrandSireR)


//Get Sire's GGrandDam info

$SireGGrandSireQ = $sql . $SireGrandSireRow['DamID'];

$SireGGrandSireR = mysql_query ($SireGrandSireQ);


if ($SireGGrandSireR) {

            $SireGGrandSireRow = mysql_fetch_array ($SireGrandSireR, MYSQL_ASSOC);

            $pedigree['Sire'] = $SireGGrandSireRow['RegName'];

            $pedigree['SireGrandSireID'] = $SireGGrandSireRow['SireID'];

            $pedigree['SireGrandDamID'] =$SireGGrandSireRow['DamID'];

$message.= "<tr><td class=shade>GrandGrandDam - <b>".$SireGrandSireRow['RegName']."</b></td>";


            }//End if ($GGrandSireR)


}//end if ($SireGrandSireR)

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Shouldn't you be using $SireGGrandSireRow in the last two levels?

And from middle of your code you are writing data into pedigree array under the same key values.

if ($SireGGrandSireR) {
  $SireGGrandSireRow = mysql_fetch_array ($SireGrandSireR, MYSQL_ASSOC);
  $pedigree['DamGrandGrand'] = $SireGGrandSireRow['RegName'];
  $pedigree['DamGrandGrandSireID'] = $SireGGrandSireRow['SireID'];
  $pedigree['DamGrandGrandDamID'] =$SireGGrandSireRow['DamID'];
  $message.= "<td class=shade>GrandGrandDam - ".$SireGGrandSireRow ['RegName']."</td>";   


I would use other way to get those data.

Split this task into two parts - get the data, output data.

  $pedigree = array();
  $sql    = "SELECT RegName, SireID, DamID FROM Pedigrees WHERE ID in (%s)";
  $result = mysql_query(sprintf($sql, $values['ID']));

  if ($result) {
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $pedigree[$row['ID']] = $row;
    $newIDs = array();
    if (!empty($row['SireID'])) $newIDs[] = $row['SireID'];
    if (!empty($row['DamID'])) $newIDs[]  = $row['DamID'];
    $level = 1;
    $maxlevel = 3;
    while (count($newIDs) > 0 && $level <= $maxlevel) {
      // select all current anc.
      $newIDs = array();
      $ancres = mysql_query(sprintf($sql, Implode(", ", $newIDs)));
      if ($ancres) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ancres)) {
          $pedigree[$row['ID']] = $row;
          if (!empty($row['SireID'])) $newIDs[] = $row['SireID'];
          if (!empty($row['DamID'])) $newIDs[]  = $row['DamID'];

    $row = $pedigree[$values['ID']];
    // prepare empty output assoc array with first Reg value.
    $outped = array('Reg' => $row['RegName'], 
            'Sire' => '', 'Dam' => '', 'SireSire' => '', 'SireDam' => '', 'DamSire' => '', 'DamDam' => ''
    if (!empty($row['SireID']) && isset($pedigree[$row['SireID']])) {
      $sirerow = $pedigree[$row['SireID']];
      $outped['Sire'] = $sirerow['RegName'];
      if (!empty($sirerow['SireID']) && isset($pedigree[$sirerow['SireID'])) {
        $SireSire = $pedigree[$sirerow['SireID']];
        $outped['SireSire'] = $SireSire['RegName'];
        if (!empty(......
          // another anc.
      if (!empty($sirerow['DamID']) && isset($pedigree[$sirerow['DamID']])) {
        $SireDam = $pedigree[$sirerow['DamID']];
        $outped['SireDam'] = $SireDam['RegName'];
        if (!empty(...
          // another anc.
    if (!empty($row['DamID']) && isset($pedigree[$row['SireID']])) {
      $damrow = $pedigree[$row['SireID']];
      $outped['Dam'] = $damrow['RegName'];
      if (!empty($damrow['SireID']) && isset($pedigree[$damrow['SireID']])) {
        $DamSire = $pedigree[$damrow['SireID']];
        $outped['DamSire'] = $DamSire['RegName'];
        if (!empty(....
          // another anc.
    // output data
    $message  = "<table cellspacing=1 cellpading=1><tr><td colspan=4 align=center class=blackshade>Pedigree Table</td></tr>";
    $message .= "<tr><td colspan=8 class=shade>RegName - ".$outped['Reg']."</td></tr>";
    $message .= "<tr><td rowspan=4 class=shade>Sire - ".$outped['Sire']."</td><td rowspan=4 class=shade>Dam - ".$outped['Dam']."</td></td>";
    $message .= "<tr><td rowspan=2 class=shade>SireSire - ".$outped['SireSire']."</td>".
                    "<td rowspan=2 class=shade>SireDam - ".$outped['SireDam']."</td>".
                    "<td rowspan=2 class=shade>DamSire - ".$outped['DamDam']."</td>".
                    "<td rowspan=2 class=shade>DamDam - ".$outped['DamDam']."</td>".


Here's something I wrote a couple of years ago which may be of use


My data

CREATE TABLE dogtable (
`id` int(11)  NOT NULL auto_increment,
`dogname` varchar(20)  NOT NULL ,
`sire` int,
`dam` int ,

INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('1', 'dog A', '2', '3');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('2', 'dog B', '4', '5');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('3', 'dog C', '6', '7');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('4', 'dog E', '8', '9');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('5', 'dog F', '10', '11');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('6', 'dog G', '12', '13');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('7', 'dog H', '14', '15');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('8', 'dog I', '16', '17');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('9', 'dog J', '18', '19');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('10', 'dog K', '20', '21');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('11', 'dog L', '22', '23');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('12', 'dog M', '24', '25');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('13', 'dog N', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('14', 'dog O', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('15', 'dog P', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('16', 'dog Q', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('17', 'dog R', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('18', 'dog S', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('19', 'dog T', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('20', 'dog U', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('21', 'dog V', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('22', 'dog W', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('23', 'dog X', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('24', 'dog Y', '', '');
INSERT INTO dogtable VALUES ('25', 'dog Z', '', '');


The code to print pedigree chart

require 'db.php';

function printTree($dogid, $name, $N, $max) {
         # recursive routine to print cells in
         # pedigree chart
         # Parameters
         #    - id
         #    - name
         #    - generation number
         #    - max previous generations to display

         if ($name == '') $name = ' ';

         // calculate how many rows the cell should span

         $rspan = pow(2, $max-$N);

         if ($rspan > 1)
             echo "\t<td rowspan='$rspan' >$name</td>\n";
             echo "\t<td>$name</td>\n";

         // check for last cell in row
         if ($N == $max) echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";

         // print parent trees, sire then dam
         if ($N < $max) {
             $sql = "SELECT a.sire, a.dam, s.dogname, d.dogname
                     FROM dogtable a 
                        INNER JOIN dogtable s ON a.sire = s.id
                        INNER JOIN dogtable d ON a.dam = d.id
                     WHERE a.id = '$dogid' ";
             $res = mysql_query($sql);
             list($s, $d, $sn, $dn) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
             printTree($s, $sn, $N+1, $max);
             printTree($d, $dn, $N+1, $max);

function pedigree($id, $name) {

    echo "<TABLE border='1' width='100%'>\n";
    echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<th width='20%'>Dog</th>\n";
    echo "<th width='20%'>Parents</th>\n";
    echo "<th width='20%'>Grand-Parents</th>\n";
    echo "<th width='20%'>Great<br>Grand-Parents</th>\n";
    echo "<th width='20%'>Great-Great<br>Grand-Parents</th>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";

    printTree($id, $name, 0, 4);

    echo "<td colspan='5'>Produced by Barand</td></tr>\n</TABLE>\n";


<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en">
<meta Name="generator" content="PHPEd Version 3.1.2 (Build 3165)">
<title>Pedigree Chart</title>
<META Name="keywords" CONTENT="Pedigree, chart">
<meta Name="author" content="B A Andrew">
<META Name="Creation_Date" CONTENT="11/09/2004">


     pedigree(1,'dog A');


Thanks to both of you for your input!!!


I am having a problem with fitting suggestions into the files that were generated by the database program I used [i suppose I should not call it a db program as I did the db myself, it just does the pages on the web site that allows viewing and access - another words - the really hard parts!!!].  So, I have gone through and done my best to understand everyone's suggestions so that what I have works with what I have.  I came up with the following but it has one huge problem - it does not know what to do when it reaches a dog without a sire ID # and it's probably about 45,000 times longer than it needs to be.


Here is enough of it so you can see what I am doing.  I ended up with a whole big bunch of arrays - each one taking the sire or dam from the previous one and gathering its name, ID's etc.


Is there some way I could make one big array that includes all the little ones I have and then include a 'while' statement that if there is not a SireID [or DamID], it just puts 'unknown' in the name of that ancestor and then goes on to the next one?  Almost all my arrays are eventually going to hit a NULL value and I just want them to continue on to the next one.


By the way, this is all included in an 'event' file that runs before the pedigree page is viewed.



global $conn;
$message = "<table><tr><td>Pedigree Table</td></tr>";
$sql = "SELECT ID,RegName, SireID, DamID FROM Pedigrees WHERE ID=";

$DogQ = $sql . $values["ID"];
$DogR = db_query($DogQ,$conn);

$row = mysql_fetch_array ($DogR, MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $row = array (
'RegName' => $row['RegName'],           
'SireID' => $row['SireID'],           
'DamID' => $row['DamID']);	

//Get Sire
$SireQ = $sql . $row['SireID'];    
$SireR = mysql_query ($SireQ);
$SireRow = mysql_fetch_array ($SireR, MYSQL_ASSOC);         
	$SireRow = array (
	'RegName' => $SireRow['RegName'],           
	'SireID' => $SireRow['SireID'],           
	'DamID' => $SireRow['DamID']);	

//Get PatGrandSire info
	$PatGrandSireQ = $sql . $SireRow['SireID'];
	$PatGrandSireR = mysql_query ($PatGrandSireQ);

	$PatGrandSireRow = mysql_fetch_array ($PatGrandSireR, MYSQL_ASSOC);         
		$PatGrandSireRow = array (
		'RegName' => $PatGrandSireRow['RegName'],           
		'SireID' => $PatGrandSireRow['SireID'],           
		'DamID' => $PatGrandSireRow['DamID']);	

//Get Pat1GGrandSire info
		$Pat1GGrandSireQ = $sql . $PatGrandSireRow['SireID'];
		$Pat1GGrandSireR = mysql_query ($Pat1GGrandSireQ);

            $Pat1GGrandSireRow = mysql_fetch_array ($Pat1GGrandSireR, MYSQL_ASSOC);         
			$Pat1GGrandSireRow = array (
			'RegName' => $Pat1GGrandSireRow['RegName'],           
			'SireID' => $Pat1GGrandSireRow['SireID'],           
			'DamID' => $Pat1GGrandSireRow['DamID']);


And to print:


$message.="<tr style=color: rgb(102, 153, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 204); align=left><td class=shade valign=middle rowspan=16 colspan=1 width=150><small><small><small>
Sire<br /><b>".$SireRow['RegName']."</b></small></small></small></td>
		<td class=shade valign=middle rowspan=8 colspan=1 width=170><small><small><small>
PatGrandsire<br /><b>".$PatGrandSireRow['RegName']."</b><br>
		<td class=shade valign=middle rowspan=4 colspan=1 width=180><small><small><small>
Pat1GGrandSire<br /><b>".$Pat1GGrandSireRow['RegName']."</b><br>
		<td class=shade valign=middle rowspan=2 colspan=1 width=190><small><small><small>
Pat1GGGrandSire<br /><b>".$Pat1GGGrandSireRow['RegName']."</b>
		<td class=shade valign=middle><small><small><small>
$message.="<tr style=color: rgb(102, 153, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 204); align=left><td class=shade valign=middle width=221><small><small><small>

Etc, etc, etc.


Thank you so much for looking at this!!!  I hope one can understand what I am trying to say!!


I think all you need to add is few if statements

//Get Sire
  if (is_numeric($row['SireID'])) {
   $SireQ = $sql . $row['SireID']; 
//Get PatGrandSire info
    if (is_numeric($SireRow['SireID'])) {
      $PatGrandSireQ = $sql . $SireRow['SireID'];
   //Get Pat1GGrandSire info
      if (is_numeric($PatGrandSireRow['SireID'])) {
         $Pat1GGrandSireQ = $sql . $PatGrandSireRow['SireID'];





// in outputting data you just check wheter is your array set
".(isset($SireRow) ? $SireRow['RegName'] : '')."</small>

WOW  Thank you so much!!!!  I got an error the first time I tried it but then I added an



      'RegName' = 'Unknown'



So now if the Sire is available, it works.  But if he is not, then I get a message that says undeclared or undefined variable or something like that.


Any suggestions?  I thought I was getting better at figuring out what was wrong, but I have a very tenous hold on my understanding of how this is working and that error does not seem to be what my mind is focused on right now  ??? ???


Also, I don't understand the last part of the code you gave me the ISSET . . .


Is that just to check the arrays or is it important in some other way?


Take a look though at how close I am:


fortheloveoflabradors.com/labradors/login.php - log in as  "guest".


Thank you somuch for your help!!!!

This construct

echo (isset($SireRow) ? $SireRow['RegName'] : '');

is the same as

  if (isset($SireRow)) echo $SireRow['RegName'];
  else echo '';

php function isset() returns true/false if the variable is set or not.

see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.isset.php

Hi!! It should work.  You probably just got there at the wrong time [i have been trying to get the table right and keep making little mistakes].




I lost my cell formatting so it is not easy to ready but it WORKS!!!  As long as there is a sire, that is!!


Still have not figured out the "undefined variable" message I am getting when there is no sire!!



OK, that works. I clicked the "view" link for a couple of dogs - one ok, one gave an error message.


Incidentaly, that pedigree chart is just like the one my code (above) creates.


I did a search for one of my labradors (registered name "Loopy Lupus") but no success :(

This is what I ended up with so that it works now even if the Sire or Dam ID are blank:


if (isset($PatGrandSireRow['SireID']))

  $message.="<td valign=middle class=shade rowspan=8 colspan=1 width=170><small><small>

PatGrandsire<br /><b>".$PatGrandSireRow['RegName']."</b></small></small></td>";


else $message.="<td valign=middle class=shade rowspan=8 colspan=1 width=170><small><small>Unknown</b></small></small></td>";



Thank you so much for all your help!!


I am so sorry you could not find your Lab in our database!  What are his parents names?  I don't recognize a kennel name in his registered name.


You are my heroes!!!!!!!!!!!



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