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[SOLVED] Directory path references #1


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First - this applies to a Windows server ... I know, I know - I don't need the lecture ... it's the last site I'm maintaining on Windows and I just haven't had time to migrate it.


Let's say I have a little script which is used to open the MySQL db on my site (which I do) and it 'lives' in the folder called admin under the document root (which it does) and it's called mike.php (which it isn't - so don't go looking for it. :)


I understand how to access 'Mike' from a script in the document root:




... and I understand how to reference 'Mike' from a script that may be down a directory from the document root:




BUT what about when I want to reference from a script that is 'included' from another script in a different directory ... and that script could either be 'included' ... or might just be running on its own?  I'm running in to a problem with not being able to write that reference to /admin/mike.php correctly because sometimes I'm referring to it from the 'wrong' level.


Example (where ScriptB.php calls for mike.php):


ScriptA is in the document root and has a line that reads:




... because it was 'included' from the document root, the reference to open the db should be:



BUT that won't work if ScriptB.php is called from itself, or from another script in the /subscripts/ folder... now it must use:



So here's the question ... how can I write the reference to mike.php in such a way that it will work no matter how the script is initiated?  Is there a universal way of saying 'look for this file in the the admin folder under the document root'?


Thanks in advance for your patience and help!

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