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[SOLVED] loadmodule will not load to server

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Hey i need help getting php 5 to load into apache 2 i have php, apache, and mysql installed to c:/server folder in there own directories but when i try to configure php load module apache does not find it.  i have to look for this and have tried numerous different install methods can anyone help with an easy to follow steps.

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ok sorry frustrated and all, but anyway.  I have php 5.2 apache 2.2.4 and mysql 5.0. php is in the c:\ and apache and mysql are in c:\server in there own folder each. now the install i have tried putting the php.ini in the windows folder and in the apache root folder and the and i moved php5ts.dll to the system folder, then telling apache with the load module php5apache2.dll but that did not register. then i tried a different way which i wound up having to reinstall everything and start over and there was a few others that i walked through but they all gave the same error about the php5apache.dll which ever on i used

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You should use php5apache2_2.dll for using PHP with Apache2.2.x,

LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"


php5apache2.dll is for Apache2.0.x

php5apache.dll is for Apache1.3.x


Also do not move any files outside of the php installation folder. When you move files outside of the folder it can cause problems with configuration and  later on when you go to upgrade PHP.


You are better of adding C:/php to the Windows PATH (read this PHP FAQ). That way PHP can access itself and you do not need to move files around the file system.


The following few lines is what is needed to setup PHP with Apache:

LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"
PHPIniDir "C:/php"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php


Also note that whenever you make any changes to the http.conf that you must restart Apache in order for the changes to come into affect. This also applies to the php.ini too.

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ok i found i was just not using the right start tag lame i know but funny.

I guess you was using short tags (<? ?>). Short tags is disabled by default within the php.ini. I do recommend you to always use the full tags (<?php ?>). When you use the full tags it will allow for your code to be more compatible through different PHP setups.

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