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Coding feedable pets.


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Alright, all day I've been looking at this tutorial: http://kofk.de/?p=howto

But this guy doesn't give me any help at all on what I should be doing..

I know he's telling me to read those articles, but that won't help. =/


So far, I have my image: http://prettyknives.net/pf/bg.jpg

My script: http://prettyknives.net/pf/sample.php



// Begin Constant definitions
define('BACKGROUND', 'bg.jpg');
// End definitions

$image = imagecreatefromjpeg(BACKGROUND);

$hp = calculateHitpoints();

drawHitpointBar($image, $hp);

writeName($image, "Pet Name");	

// Output
header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");	
imagejpeg($image, "", 95);	


function calculateHitpoints(){

$feed = isset($_GET['feed']);

$hp = loadFromDatafile(DATAFILE);

$hp -= (int)((time() - filemtime(DATAFILE)) / DRAIN);

// Insert these somewhere in the constants definition block
define('DATAFILE', "petdata.dat");
define('DRAIN', 300);
define('FOODVALUE', 10); 
define('MAXHP', 300); 

function calculateHitpoints(){

$feed = isset($_GET['feed']);

$hp = loadFromDatafile(DATAFILE); 

$hp -= (int)((time() - filemtime(DATAFILE)) / DRAIN);

if ($feed) 
	$hp += FOODVALUE;

if ($hp > MAXHP) 
	$hp = MAXHP;

if ($hp < 1) 
	$hp = 1;

if ($feed)
	saveToDatafile($hp, DATAFILE); 

return $hp;

// Insert these somewhere in the constants definition block
define('BAR_X', 10);
define('BAR_Y', 200);
define('BAR_MAXWIDTH', 400);
define('BAR_HEIGHT', 6);
define('BAR_R', 0xdd);
define('BAR_G', 0x5a);
define('BAR_B', 0x7c);

function paintHPBar($image, $hp) {

$width = ceil(BAR_MAXWIDTH * $hp / MAXHP);

$bar_color = imagecolorallocate($image, BAR_R, BAR_G, BAR_B);

imagefilledrectangle($image, BAR_X, BAR_Y, BAR_X + $width, 
			BAR_Y + BAR_HEIGHT, $bar_color);

// Insert these somewhere in the constants definition block
define('NAME_X', 20);
define('NAME_Y', 160);
define('NAME_R', 0x4f);
define('NAME_G', 0x66);
define('NAME_B', 0x81);
// GD has 5 built-in fonts, called 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
define('FONT', 5);
//If you want to use TTF, you need these
define('ANGLE', 0);
define('FONTSIZE', 14);
define('FONTFILE', 'arial.ttf');

function writeName($image, $name) {

$text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, NAME_R, NAME_G, NAME_B);

// If you want to use a font file
imagettftext($image, FONTSIZE, ANGLE, NAME_X, NAME_Y, 
			$text_color, FONTFILE, $name);

// Else, use one of the built-in fonts
imagestring($image, FONT, NAME_X, NAME_Y, $name, $text_color);


I just need someone to guide me through this.


Thank you! <3

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Yeah, but I don't understand what happens there.


See this?

// Insert these somewhere in the constants definition block
define('BAR_X', 10);
define('BAR_Y', 200);
define('BAR_MAXWIDTH', 400);
define('BAR_HEIGHT', 6);
define('BAR_R', 0xdd);
define('BAR_G', 0x5a);
define('BAR_B', 0x7c);

function paintHPBar($image, $hp) {

$width = ceil(BAR_MAXWIDTH * $hp / MAXHP);

$bar_color = imagecolorallocate($image, BAR_R, BAR_G, BAR_B);

imagefilledrectangle($image, BAR_X, BAR_Y, BAR_X + $width, 
			BAR_Y + BAR_HEIGHT, $bar_color);


The guy didn't explain what each define means. =P

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His tutorial is kind of crap, the drawHitpointBar($image, $hp) function magically transforms into paintHPBar($image, $hp), but the way you have your script posted it calls the function drawHitpointBar($image, $hp) before you define it. Even though the function changes to paintHPBar(). If PHP is what your interested in learning his tutorial is a little advanced and poorly written. Try w3schools.com

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