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Quick question...


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Would someone mind if I posted the code for a single file, I doubt it's more than a hundred lines. Then someone could maybe look at it?


Basically I'm knew to the whole PHP thing and I just want to see if I'm going in the right direction 'cause I'm finally trying to make something from scratch.


I won't get into the habit of doing this with every file I ever make don't worry. :P

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Don't worry I always use code tags MadTechie. :P


Ok here goes, thanks a lot.


@File: register.php
@Author: Joe
@Created: 11/August/07 5:54 AM
@Modified: 13/August/07 12:00 PM
@Revision: 2

if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

  $a = "":
  $b = "";
  $c = "";
  $d = "";

include ("connect.php");

$connect = mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) OR die ();
mysql_select_db (DB_NAME) OR die();

  if (empty($_POST['mem_name'])) {
  die('You didn\'t enter a Username.'); }
  else {
  $a = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mem_name']); }

  $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gs_mem` WHERE `mem_name` = '".$a."'");
  $fetch = mysql_fetch_object($query);
  if($fetch->mem_name == $a) {
  die('The Username you chose is already taken.'); }


  if (empty($_POST['mem_pass'])) {
  die('You didn\'t enter a Password.'); }
  else {
  $b = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mem_pass']); }

  if (empty($_POST['mem_vpass'])) {
  die('You didn\'t verify your Password.'); }
  else {
  $c = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mem_vpass']); }

  if($b != $c) { 
  die('The Passwords you entered do not match.'); }

  if(strlen($b) < 8 ) {
  die('Your Password must consist of at least 8 characters.'); }


  if (empty($_POST['mem_email'])) {
  die('You didn\'t enter an Email Address.'); }
  else {

  $d = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['mem_email']); }

  $e = md5(uniqid(rand(),1));

if ($a && $b && $d) {

  $insert = "INSERT INTO `gs_mem` (mem_name, mem_pass, mem_email, mem_active, mem_validate) VALUES ('".$a."', 

'".$b."', '".$d."', '0', '".$e."')";

  $insert = mysql_query($insert);
  if(!$insert) die(mysql_error());

  $getvalcode = "SELECT mem_validate FROM gs_mem ORDER BY mem_id DESC LIMIT  1";
  $result = mysql_query($getvalcode) or die(mysql_error());
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
  $valcode = $row['mem_validate']; }

  $to = $d;
  $subject = "GameSpaces - Validation Code";
  $body = "You need to activate your GameSpaces account, to do so please copy the following code and enter it on the page you were taken to after registering. Your code: $valcode";

  mail($to, $subject, $body, $from_header);

  echo('Your Account has been created.'); } }

  else {

  echo('You may not access this file directly.'); }


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OK MD5 + salt we talked about


Use of $a $b $c, will cause you problems later use names like $mName it save scrolling up look for what the $a was set to..


the code itself looks ok



maybe a few changes


$insertSQL = "INSERT INTO `gs_mem` (mem_name, mem_pass, mem_email, mem_active, mem_validate) VALUES ('".$a."', 

'".$b."', '".$d."', '0', '".$e."')";

  $insert = mysql_query($insertSQL);
$uID = mysql_insert_id();

  if(!$insert) die(mysql_error());

  $getvalcode = "SELECT mem_validate FROM gs_mem WHERE mem_id = $uID";



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I have an id row in the database and it is set to auto increment so do I not need to do what you said?


Wait I see what you did now...it's to make sure if two people register at the same time they don't get the wrong validation code right? Like the insert id will always be same as the mem_id that is set to auto increment so there is no chance of them getting the wrong code?

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