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Map-solving script


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You would have to develop some sort of alogrthim that would say from any point (x,y) you can get to any other point (x1,y1) in a straight line path.  If that path leads to a path that is pointless it will not work.  Like I said a quality structure for each point would need to be developed to rate a point.

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that is the differential aspect to it.  Differentials and calculus have stayed away from consumer level computers because of the large amount of processing needed, however I have seen programs handle the inifinte idea (using differentials) such as maple mathematics lab.  The distance as I said is an integration of the sum of each weighted value (in this case an area of dx/dy or dy/dx depending on our summing mechanics) however since the weight of each node is equal (a 1x1 square of area) we can solve using a finite number of points.

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What exactly are you integrating here?  We have a set V of vertexes, E of edges (equal weighted).  We can find sums of paths, sure.  And we can think about directions, since we're on a grid. Where does integration come into that?


The direct distance from one point to another is always sqrt(abs(x1-x2)^2 + abs(y1-y2)^2), the high school algorithm.  The actual distance is what we are calculating.  No shortcuts there.

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