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PHP question, a little confused


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Hi, great site you have here.

Lets get to the point, basically I am looking to find a PHP script that will let me use it on my website, and forum as one.

I want it so that members have to pay to be able to access the whole site, and forums.

Without paying they can still access certain pages and certain forums on the site, but not all of them.

I also want the option to manually check if someone has paid, so I could in effect, give them free access.

Also, I would like it to be automated, so that once they pay, either by paypal or cheque, they are immediatly allowed access to the site, then if the cheque didn't clear I could remove their access.


Would it be possible to implement a system like this, and would it be possible to use the members details that are already signed up, to save them having to sign up to something else?


Are there free scripts around that can do this?

I know absolutely nothing of PHP, although I have tried to learn it seems to go straight over my head.


If anyone can help, by knowing where does such a script, or how much one is likely to set me back, I would be very pleased to hear from you.


Sorry for the long post, and thank you.

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I really don't mean to be rude, but...

It sounds like you either need to learn at least something about PHP ($30 book will get you a good start)


hire a web programmer.

First impression is that you want it all handed to you without putting any effort in yourself.

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Well thats your opinion, and thats fine.

But the reality is, you know nothing about me and its not like that, so please, keep your opinion to yourself.

I am merely looking for help, guidance. I don't want it handed to me on a plate, where would the satisfaction of doing it yourself come from then?


Please, like I said I'm new here, don't be like that.

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Thing is that your question isn't one we can really give a specific answer too.


Yes it's possible to do and it's possible to do using the existing members database, and there are free scripts to do it, but if you don't know PHP you probably won't be able to get a free 3rd party script to integrate right with the existing database.

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Well thats your opinion, and thats fine.

But the reality is, you know nothing about me and its not like that, so please, keep your opinion to yourself.

I am merely looking for help, guidance. I don't want it handed to me on a plate, where would the satisfaction of doing it yourself come from then?


Please, like I said I'm new here, don't be like that.


well with comments like that i don't think markjoe will be giving you any advice!


good luck with your site

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the fact is we get a lot of members who want a full site to make them cash but costs them nothing..


in your opening post you basical say


basically I am looking to find a PHP script that will let me use it on my website,



Are there free scripts around that can do this?

I know absolutely nothing of PHP, although I have tried to learn it seems to go straight over my head.


so face it you have no intrest in learning to code but want the code pre-written for you..


so to sum up read the RULES & GUIDELINES:


2. Don't ask someone to write or re-write a script for you, unless you are posting a message to the PHPFreelancing Forum.  The forums are not the place to request XYZ script.  This is a community of people learning PHP, and not a script location service.  Try searching sourceforge, phpclasses, hotscripts, or Google.



thank you for visting


have a nice day

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Thats rubbish, yes if there was a free script it would help for the time being, but I am trying to learn this code.


As said before you know nothing about me, there may be people who want a free site to make them money, but I'm NOT one of them!


End of discussion on my part, I have better things to do than to argue like children with you lot

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