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Making My Form Fields Required


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Hi everyone, I'm new here.


I am trying to make the form fields "First name, last name, state, phone, and email" required.


the page is here




The PHP Code I have currently my friend helped me so I know the (if) statements need to be fixed. If anyone could explain what I need to change the if's to to fix this it would help.





$txtCompanyName =  $_POST["txtCompanyName"];

$txtFirstName =  $_POST["txtFirstName"];

$txtLastName =  $_POST["txtLastName"];

$txtTitle =  $_POST["txtTitle"];

$txtStreetAddress =  $_POST["txtStreetAddress"];

$txtCity =  $_POST["txtCity"];

$txtState =  $_POST["txtState"];

$txtZip =  $_POST["txtZip"];

$txtCountry =  $_POST["txtCountry"];

$txtPhone =  $_POST["txtPhone"];

$txtEmailAddress =  $_POST["txtEmailAddress"];

$txtNumberOfEmployees =  $_POST["txtNumberOfEmployees"];

$chkContactMeChoicesA = $_POST["ChkContactMeChoicesA"];

$chkContactMeChoicesB = $_POST["ChkContactMeChoicesB"];

$chkContactMeChoicesC = $_POST["ChkContactMeChoicesC"];

$chkContactMeChoicesD = $_POST["ChkContactMeChoicesD"];

$txtContactMeChoicesD1 = $_POST["txtContactMeChoicesD1"];

$txtHearAboutUs = $_POST["HearAboutUs"];

$txtHearAboutUsOther = $_POST["txtHearAboutUsOther"];

$txtComments = $_POST["txtComments"];







if($txtHearAboutUs == "No Selection" || $txtRegionalManager == "No Selection")


echo "<h2>One or more required fields are missing. Please hit 'back' on your browser and fill in all required fields.</h2>\n";



$ContactMeChoiceFormatted = "";




$ContactMeChoiceFormatted = $chkContactMeChoicesA;




$ContactMeChoiceFormatted = $ContactMeChoiceFormatted .", ". $chkContactMeChoicesB;




$ContactMeChoiceFormatted = $ContactMeChoiceFormatted .", ". $chkContactMeChoicesC;




$ContactMeChoiceFormatted = $ContactMeChoiceFormatted .", ". $chkContactMeChoicesD . $txtContactMeChoicesD1;







$todayis = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a") ;


$message = " $todayis [EST] \n


Company: $txtCompanyName


From: $txtLastName, $txtFirstName ($txtEmailAddress)


Phone: $txtPhone


Title: $txtTitle






$txtCity, $txtState, $txtZip,




Number Of Employees: $txtNumberOfEmployees


Please Contact Me Regarding: $ContactMeChoiceFormatted


How Did I Hear About SMS: $txtHearAboutUs


If Other: $txtHearAboutUsOther


Comments: $txtComments





mail("ddooley@scholarshipamerica.org", "SMS Web Request", $message, $txtEmailAddress);









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Currently you are only checking to make sure "$txtHearAboutUs" or "$txtRegionalManager" is valid. Use that same if statement to check the other ones. For the text fields it is probably better to check using the isset(), however, you are setting your own variables to th epost variables without checking them. I would assume this code would give an error if you left a box empty. I would suggest checking the $_POST array itself before setting your variables:

if(!isset($_POST['txtHearAboutUs']) || !isset($_POST['txtRegionalManager']) || !isset($_POST['txtFirstName']))


You can make that if statement as big as you want, putting in whatever fields you want to check.

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