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[SOLVED] Get field using userID session


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i have this script:


$GetEXP = "SELECT userregistration GET CrimeExp WHERE UserID='{$_SESSION['Current_User']}'";

$EXP = $GetEXP["CrimeExp"];

Echo $EXP;


but its not echoing it correctly it should display the crimeexp for the user but its not working ... what have i got wrong?

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you need to run that query


$GetEXP = "SELECT userregistration GET CrimeExp WHERE UserID='{$_SESSION['Current_User']}'";
$result = mysql_query($GetEXP) or die(mysql_error());  
$EXP = mysql_result($result,0,"CrimeExp");
Echo $EXP;

however if you need more data than exp try getting it all in 1 query instead of taking 1 piece of data at a time.

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still doesn't echo it :S

this is what i have:


//include connect info
// Start up the session
if (!isset($_SESSION['Current_User']) || !$_SESSION['Current_User']) {
die('You must be logged in to view this page');

//getting exp from database	
$GetEXP = "SELECT userregistration GET CrimeExp WHERE UserID='{$_SESSION['Current_User']}'";
$result = mysql_query($GetEXP) or die(mysql_error());  
$EXP = mysql_result($result,0,"CrimeExp");
Echo $EXP;

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//include connect info
// Start up the session
if (!isset($_SESSION['Current_User']) || !$_SESSION['Current_User']) {

die('You must be logged in to view this page');

//getting exp from database
$GetEXP = "SELECT CrimeExp  FROM userregistration WHERE UserID='{$_SESSION['Current_User']}'";
$result = mysql_query($GetEXP) or die(mysql_error());  
$EXP = mysql_result($result,0,"CrimeExp");
echo $EXP;

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//getting exp from database
$GetEXP = "SELECT CrimeExp  FROM userregistration WHERE UserID='{$_SESSION['Current_User']}'";
echo $GetEXP;
$result = mysql_query($GetEXP) or die(mysql_error());  
$EXP = mysql_result($result,0,"CrimeExp");
echo $EXP;


what is echo'd

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ok ill give u all the code cos theres includes involved here, this first script decides if it will load success or failure using a rand feature.


This is UnderBridgeCrimeScript.php

//include loads session and connects to database

// Get the user's info from the database by putting
// the user id stored in the session into the WHERE clause
$GetUserID = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userregistration
                    WHERE UserID='{$_SESSION['Current_User']}'");
// Fetch the row from the database
if (!($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($GetUserID))) {
    echo "User not found!";
//assigns user's crimeexp to this field  
$EXP = $row["CrimeExp"];

//rand is created to choose at random if they succeed or fail..
if ($EXP <= 100) {
    $rand = rand(1,5);
    if ($rand < 3) {
    } else {
        include('bridgesuccess.php ');



then success has this script which makes a variable named $QuoteResult which i will show you how it is used further on:


This is bridgesuccess.php


$rand = rand(1,5);
if ($rand == 1) {
				$QuoteResult = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!";}

// update the user's money to 1 more than what it was
$addMoney = "UPDATE userregistration SET MoneyInHand=MoneyInHand+1 WHERE UserID='{$_SESSION['Current_User']}'";
$firstrandresult = mysql_query($addMoney) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_affected_rows() == 0)
die('Error ID 0001 contact admin on the Civilian forums immediately about this error!');
// update the user's crimeexp to 2 more than what it was
$addcrimeexp = "UPDATE userregistration SET CrimeExp=CrimeExp+2 WHERE UserID='{$_SESSION['Current_User']}'";
$expresult = mysql_query($addcrimeexp) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_affected_rows() == 0)
  die('Error ID 0001, contact admin on the Civilian forums immediately about this error!');



OR the script loads failure (as the user may succeed or fail the crime) This also makes the quote for the result but will be a different string for the variable:


This is bridgefailure.php

//includes session and connect

$QuoteResult = "You failed to find any money, better try some other time!";

// update the user's crimeexp to 1 less than what it was
$addcrimeexp = "UPDATE userregistration SET CrimeExp=CrimeExp-1 WHERE UserID='{$_SESSION['Current_User']}'";
$expresult = mysql_query($addcrimeexp) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_affected_rows() == 0)
  die('Error ID 0002, contact admin on the Civilian forums immediatly about this error!');




Once this is done on the main page, which the user can view, it displays the $QuoteResult, but infact it doesn't display anything, other than the last echo in the if statement below this paragraph which suggests the $QuoteResult is null and thats why i thought it was to do with the script i showed at the start of this thread. But i have suspicious feeling that its something else.


This is the UnderTheBridge.php - this starts off the above scripts from a user pressing the 'DoCrime' button.

if (isset($DoCrime['DoCrime'])){




And below that in the same .php file however

<div id="bv_" style="position:absolute;left:307px;top:348px;width:262px;height:64px;z-index:14" align="center">
echo $$QuoteResult;
if($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo $QuoteResult;
echo '</font></div>';
}else if($QuoteResult == 'You failed to find any money, better try some other time!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="red" face="Arial">';
echo $QuoteResult;
echo '</font></div>';
}else if($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo $QuoteResult;
echo '</font></div>';
}else if($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo $QuoteResult;
echo '</font></div>';
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="red" face="Arial">';
echo 'Server is having difficulties admin is working on it!';
echo '</font></div>';




its this last bit of code that is the problem it wont echo the $QuoteResult...

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revised bridgesuccess.php



$rand = rand(1,5);
if ($rand == 1)
$QuoteResult = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!";
$QuoteResult = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find NOTHING!";

// update the user's money to 1 more than what it was
$addMoney = "UPDATE userregistration SET MoneyInHand=MoneyInHand+1 WHERE UserID='{$_SESSION['Current_User']}'";
$firstrandresult = mysql_query($addMoney) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_affected_rows() == 0)
die('Error ID 0001 contact admin on the Civilian forums immediately about this error!');
// update the user's crimeexp to 2 more than what it was
$addcrimeexp = "UPDATE userregistration SET CrimeExp=CrimeExp+2 WHERE UserID='{$_SESSION['Current_User']}'";
$expresult = mysql_query($addcrimeexp) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_affected_rows() == 0)
die('Error ID 0001, contact admin on the Civilian forums immediately about this error!');

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cant have:



$QuoteResult = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find NOTHING!";




because failure is on a different php file . it has to be for future reasons to do with other features..thats why i kept them seperate to avoid it getting messy.

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OK.. if you say so but the logic says


$rand = rand(1,5);
if ($rand == 1)

so $QuoteResult will only be set 20% of the time..


so have

$rand = rand(1,5);
if ($rand == 1)
$QuoteResult = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!";
$QuoteResult = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find NOTHING!";




$QuoteResult = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!";


but hey you know best!

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yeh i got 5 rands in total but i only shown you the first the rest are all the same structure. didnt think you would need to know all the rands.


cos its like this:


//rand 1 
if == 1 
then its this result: $Resultquote = "success1";

//rand 2
if == 2 
then its this result: $Resultquote = "success2";



its too long to show you all the rands so i shown you the first one so u can see what was going on. But i duno why it wont pass the info of $QuoteResult to the the other scripts

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read the logic



//rand is created to choose at random if they succeed or fail..

if ($EXP <= 100) {
    $rand = rand(1,5);
    if ($rand < 3) {
    } else {
        include('bridgesuccess.php '); //Gets here


$QuoteResult hasn't been set yet


'bridgesuccess.php '

$rand = rand(1,5); //Random from 1 to 5
if ($rand == 1) { //if its 5 then set $QuoteResult
$QuoteResult = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!";

//if not 1 then $QuoteResult is still not set..



its this last bit of code that is the problem it wont echo the $QuoteResult...




also change

echo $$QuoteResult;


echo $QuoteResult;

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ok i get you now would it work doing something along the lines of :


$rand = rand(1,5); //Random from 1 to 5
if ($rand == 1) { //if its 5 then set $QuoteResult
$QuoteResult = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!";
elseif ($rand == 2)
$QuoteResult = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!";


untill all rand choices would effectively set the result..?

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try this

$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $10!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $15!";

$rand = rand(0,(count($Wins)-1)); 
$QuoteResult = $Wins[$rand];

echo $QuoteResult; //remove this (was for testing)



EDIT: note if you add an extra


$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $15!";


it will work with it


note i updated the above code

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not in that version (i created 2 scipts that worked better and didn't need the number but i forgot to remove them)


if you add more lines to they will be included



$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $10!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $15!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $20!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $30!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $50!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $100!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $150!";


so updates are easier.. with games you need to think about making updates easy!!


players are demanding people!!!!

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hang on lol


the result seems to always be :


Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $10!



$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $8!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $10!";

$rand = rand(0,(count($Wins)-1)); 
$QuoteResult = $Wins[$rand];

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test script


create a new file paste this in

$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $10!";
$Wins[] = "Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $15!";

$rand = rand(0,(count($Wins)-1)); 
$QuoteResult = $Wins[$rand];

echo $QuoteResult;


run it a few times i got







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