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[SOLVED] Spam-proof tell a friend form - not working

alex tj

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Hi Guys,

I don't think I'm an absolute beginner but let's say I learn from trial and error, and after 2 ish hours of trial and all error I'd be grateful if someone could have a quick look at this and see where I've gone wrong - I think it needs a fresh pair of eyes.

It is based on a great tell a friend form that I've modded quite a lot with various bits and pieces I've picked up along the way. After adding a second email to thank the sender, then a third to track abuse I was astonished to find over 100 spam emails a day were being sent through this to goodness knows how many people.

I'm trying to add a couple of if functions to filter out the bots - something that has worked great on my contact us form, getting rid of injections and links in the body, but I just can't get it to work for the tell a friend form.

Any ideas what's up? The required fields error works ok, no errors given, but just not the bot blocking as you can still inject and add links to the body.

Thanks, Alex


if (preg_match( "/bcc:|cc:|multipart|[url|Content-Type:/i", implode($_POST))) {
if (preg_match_all("/<a|http:/i", implode($_POST), $out) > 2) {
if ($spam) {
echo ("<br><p><strong>Your message appears to be spam and was not sent. Please remove all links, code, and other spam-like content from your message and resubmit the form.</strong></p><br>");
else {
$embordercolor = "#ff0000";
$siteaddress = "<a href=http://www.xxxx>www.xxxxxxx</a>";
if($email&&$name&&$sendname&&$sendemail) {
$home = "xxxxx";
$body = "<p>This e-mail is from $name to tell you etc";
$body2 = "<p>Dear $name</p><p>Thank you etc";
$body3 = "Details:<br>$name $email<br>$sendname $sendemail<br>Message: $message";
$thesubject = "$name invites you to visit etc";
$thesubject2 = "Thank you for inviting $sendname to visit etc";
$thesubject3 = "Friend invitation to etc";
$headersout  .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$headersout .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$headersout .= "From: " . trim($email);
$headersback  .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$headersback .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$headersback .= "From: " . trim($home);
if(mail($sendemail, $thesubject, $body, $headersout)) 
if(mail($email, $thesubject2, $body2, $headersback)) 
if(mail($home, $thesubject3, $body3, $headersback)) {
echo "<strong><BR><BR>Your e-mail was sent successfully. Thank you.</strong>";
else {
echo "Sorry, $name, your e-mail was not sent successfully please try again<br><br>";
echo "<form name=\"theform\" method=\"get\" action=\"recommend3.php\">";
echo "Your name:<br><input name=\"name\" type=\"text\" value=\"$name\"> *<br>";
echo "Your e-mail:<br><input name=\"email\" type=\"text\" value=\"$email\"> *<br>";
echo "Your friend's name:<br><input name=\"sendname\" type=\"text\" value=\"$sendname\"> *<br>";
echo "Your friend's e-mail:<br><input name=\"sendemail\" type=\"text\" value=\"$sendemail\"> *<br>";
echo "Your message:<br><textarea name=\"message\" rows=4 cols=50>$message</textarea>";
echo "<br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send\" class=\"submit\"></form>";
echo "<p class=\"small\">1* Obligatory fields</p><p class=\"small\">permission stuff</p>";
if ((!$email||!$name||!$sendname||!$sendemail)&&!(!$email&&!$subject&&!$name&&!$sendname&&!$sendemail)) {
echo "You have forgotten to fill in a detail.<br>";
echo "Please correct the error(s) and resubmit the form";

echo "<style>";
if (!$email) {
echo ".email {border-color:" . $embordercolor . ";}";
if (!$name) {
echo ".name {border-color:" . $embordercolor . ";}";
if (!$sendemail) {
echo ".sendemail {border-color:" . $embordercolor . ";}";
if (!$sendname) {
echo ".sendname {border-color:" . $embordercolor . ";}";
echo "</style>";
echo "<form name=\"theform\" method=\"get\" action=\"recommend3.php\">";
echo "Your name:<br><input name=\"name\" type=\"text\" value=\"$name\" class=\"name\"> *<br>";
echo "Your e-mail:<br><input name=\"email\" type=\"text\" value=\"$email\" class=\"email\"> *<br>";
echo "Your friend's name:<br><input name=\"sendname\" type=\"text\" value=\"$sendname\" class=\"sendname\"> *<br>";
echo "Your friend's e-mail:<br><input name=\"sendemail\" type=\"text\" value=\"$sendemail\" class=\"sendemail\"> *<br>";
echo "Your message:<br><textarea name=\"message\" rows=4 cols=50 class=\"message\">$message</textarea>";
echo "<br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send\" class=\"submit\"></form>";
echo "<p class=\"small\">2* Obligatory fields</p><p class=\"small\">permission stuff</p>";
if(!$email&&!$name&&!$sendname&&!$sendemail) {
echo "<form name=\"theform\" method=\"get\" action=\"recommend3.php\">";
echo "Your name:</b><br><input name=\"name\" type=\"text\" value=\"$name\"> *<br>";
echo "Your e-mail:</b><br><input name=\"email\" type=\"text\" value=\"$email\"> *<br>";
echo "Your friend's name:</b><br><input name=\"sendname\" type=\"text\" value=\"$sendname\"> *<br>";
echo "Your friend's e-mail:</b><br><input name=\"sendemail\" type=\"text\" value=\"$sendemail\"> *<br>";
echo "Your message:</b><br><textarea name=\"message\" rows=4 cols=50>$message</textarea>";
echo "<br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send\" class=\"submit\"></form>";
echo "<p class=\"small\">3* Obligatory fields</p><p class=\"small\">permission stuff</p>";

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maybe replace


if (preg_match_all("/<a|http:/i", implode($_POST), $out) > 2) {


with this

if (preg_match_all("/\b(https?):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i", implode($_POST), $out) > 2) {


it will not stop "www.hello.com" but will stop the hyperlinks, unless the email repairs the link!



or a simple one

if (preg_match_all("/http:/i", implode($_POST), $out) > 2) {


my own one (i think this is best)

if (preg_match_all('/\b(?:(https?):\/\/)?(?:[a-z0-9]{3,3}\.)+[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i', implode($_POST), $out) > 2)

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Hi Mad the Mod,

I tried replacing the preg_match and still the same problem - blank required fields are returned but you can still put as many links in the body as you want and it'll send the email.

I don't think it's a problem with the preg_match but perhaps the order of if spam then else - it's vice versa in the contact form code but I wasn't able to get this order to work at the start with the tell a friend form.

Any other ideas....even stupid little things that I've overlooked?

Thanks again guys,


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