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What is your reaction to the recent facebook code leak and XSS exploit?


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Errr....reaction?  Umm, not caring?  Yeah I got a facebook, and I'm addicted, but what's the big deal?  So someone can see my pictures? so someone can post on my wall?  Or alter my profile?  How hard is it for me to go back in and undo the alterations or delete the wall post?  Meh, I'm not really losing much. It isn't like I store my credit card numbers, bank account numbers, or social security numbers on there. It is a social site, and I socialize on it. My social network isn't going to die because some hacker is having a bit of fun with my profile. It just means I will either have to go back and correct the stuff he altered, delete a few wall posts, or delete my account and create a new...all of which will take under 30 minutes.  Trust me, this isn't a big deal...unless your one of those stupid people who spend a dollar to send someone a .jpg picture, probably made in paint, to a facebook friend. That is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever seen on a site.  Who wants to spend a dollar to buy a picture that will appear on the other persons profile just so they can look at it and say, "ahhh, how sweet. someone wasted a dollar to send me this picture."


honestly, people put to much stock into the internet and little social networking sites.

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But I agree with steelmanronald06(long name),\


Obviously my name is ronald steelman, :-P , so you can just call me ron or ronald when referring to me. I know my username is long ::)  It ensures that I can make all my usernames the same because very few people will have my name and graduation year as a username :)  So ron or ronald is fine.

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