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[SOLVED] Why does this display incorrectly..


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For some reason it's displaying the php code and also using the html to change its colour:



if($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!';
echo '</font></div>';
elseif($QuoteResult == 'You failed to find any money, better try some other time!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="red" face="Arial">';
echo 'You failed to find any money, better try some other time!';
echo '</font></div>';
elseif($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!';
echo '</font></div>';
elseif($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!';
echo '</font></div>';
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="red" face="Arial">';
echo 'Server is having difficulties admin is working on it!';
echo '</font></div>';


this is what i get as an echo on my page:



'; echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!'; echo '

'; } elseif($QuoteResult == 'You failed to find any money, better try some other time!') { echo ''; echo 'You failed to find any money, better try some other time!'; echo ''; } elseif($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!') { echo ''; echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!'; echo ''; } elseif($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!') { echo ''; echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!'; echo ''; } elseif { echo ''; echo 'Server is having difficulties admin is working on it!'; echo ''; } ?>

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1) Try using full tags- instead of <? use <?php

2) Check if the extension is php.

3) Check if php is installed on the server.


Obviously the php isn't being processed. If you open the page's source you will see the full code.



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well it comes from 3 includes which are longgg scripts lol!


the code im showing you just echo's it however i needed to use php to echo it instead of html with a short tag because i needed the font to be either red or green depending on the $QuoteResult's string.



<body bgcolor="#466B98" text="#000000" style="scrollbar-face-color:#C8E8F8;scrollbar-arrow-color:#000000;scrollbar-3dlight-color:#C8E8F8;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#404040;scrollbar-highlight-color:#E8F4FF;scrollbar-shadow-color:#40B0E8;scrollbar-track-color:#E8F4FF;">
<form name="" method="POST" action="" enctype="text/plain" id="Form1">
<input type="submit" id="DoCrime" name="Button1" value="Submit" style="position:absolute;left:365px;top:458px;width:150px;height:20px;z-index:0">


if (isset($_POST['DoCrime'])){

<div id="bv_" style="position:absolute;left:307px;top:348px;width:262px;height:64px;z-index:14" align="center">


if($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!';
echo '</font></div>';
elseif($QuoteResult == 'You failed to find any money, better try some other time!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="red" face="Arial">';
echo 'You failed to find any money, better try some other time!';
echo '</font></div>';
elseif($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!';
echo '</font></div>';
elseif($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!';
echo '</font></div>';
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="red" face="Arial">';
echo 'Server is having difficulties admin is working on it!';
echo '</font></div>';

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yeh i tried a complete different pc also. That file ^ is the display to the user. I removed some of the html which is like the menu which is just alot of href links over an image so i didnt paste it in cos its just guna be in the way.


if (isset($_POST['DoCrime'])){

this bit here includes the other .php which then has 2 includes in that and it chooses which include by using a rand feature.... i aint got it working yet... how ever... this would mean $ResultQuote = "" at the moment.


So my echo on that code provided above should display:

"Server is having difficulties admin is working on it!" which is this part:


echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="red" face="Arial">';
echo 'Server is having difficulties admin is working on it!';
echo '</font></div>';


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This is now in a separate file as test.php and i still get the same problem. The difference here is i set $QuoteResult in this and then seeing if it will find out which echo to display but it does the same as before.


$QuoteResult = 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!';

if($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!';
echo '</font></div>';
elseif($QuoteResult == 'You failed to find any money, better try some other time!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="red" face="Arial">';
echo 'You failed to find any money, better try some other time!';
echo '</font></div>';
elseif($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!';
echo '</font></div>';
elseif($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!')
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="green" face="Arial">';
echo 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $5!';
echo '</font></div>';
echo '<font style="font-size:16px" color="red" face="Arial">';
echo 'Server is having difficulties admin is working on it!';
echo '</font></div>';

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PHP Version 5.2.2.

System Windows NT ASUSA7N266 5.1 build 2600

Build Date May 2 2007 19:17:46

Configure Command cscript /nologo configure.js "--enable-snapshot-build" "--with-gd=shared"

Server API Apache 2.0 Handler






it loaded up my information from the server.

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OK now open the file (directly) that displays the

$QuoteResult = 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!';

blar blar blar blar blar 


it should say


Server is having difficulties admin is working on it!


or a blank screen


if so post the code you are using to include / display this file

if not and it displays


$QuoteResult = 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $3!';

if($QuoteResult == 'Result: You search the train station from top to bottom and find $1!')
{................ ..........


then can you attach that file to the next post

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