ASDen Posted August 19, 2007 Share Posted August 19, 2007 I had an idea of Adding Multi-threading functionality to php ( i called it PHPThreader ) in little words the idea was :- 1. make a Js class which Creates Ajax Objects in order to call PHP Scripts(Threads) 2. then make a PHP class Implements and Interfaces the Js Class 3. Implement the PHP Class with your script easily and LAUNCH threads very easy Just Like:- $obj=new Thread($filename,$Inputs); in other words:- $e=new Thread("Download.php","url=""); you will find the Classes & Documentation & Examples at :- where AjT.php : the Js Class which is implemented by the PHP class Threader.php : PHP Class, which is a front to deal with the Js Class Bag.php : is also dealing with Js Class to know the status of Thread( a finishing Alarm ) Please tell me what do u think of the Idea & Implementation .Thanks in advance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ASDen Posted August 19, 2007 Author Share Posted August 19, 2007 Heeeeey Guys what's wrong ? > 23 reads 18 hours No responses No trails/downloads ( I checked SF ) the Link again:- Please Try again and give me ur feedbacks i need my class reviewed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phpSensei Posted August 20, 2007 Share Posted August 20, 2007 The Download Doesn't work for me. It Keeps saying empty zip file, nothing to extract. STUPID VISTA! I had this idea before. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ASDen Posted August 20, 2007 Author Share Posted August 20, 2007 May Because it's tar try using 7-zip Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lightningstrike Posted August 21, 2007 Share Posted August 21, 2007 Seems like an interesting idea. I can't test it out but from the code it seems simple enough and functional. I think it would be quite useful in certain applications where a script loads data from multiple locations. I read some of your code and I can see it will not work with IE5 and IE6 due to it use the xmlhttprequest() method. I understand you are not too concerned about Internet Explorer 6 but it is widely used and should be taken into account for a public project like this. Simply do something similar to below to use ActiveX. try{ obj = new XMLHttpRequest(); }catch(e if (!obj)){ obj = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }catch(e){ obj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ASDen Posted August 21, 2007 Author Share Posted August 21, 2007 Thanks alot for your concern Internet Explorer 6 but it is widely used and should be taken into account for a public project like this Ok this is a point i will add it I can't test it i think u will like trying the second example it is a PDM(Php Download Manager) which has the abillity to open a number of connections at the same time and display a simple progress of each connection loads data from multiple locations i was thinking of an RSS reader example that graps them from multiple resources at the same time which saves time and makes the best use of the internet connection . But i didn't find good examples for reading RSS feads using PHP ??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ASDen Posted August 22, 2007 Author Share Posted August 22, 2007 UP this is not testing this is ignorance. But if downloading is that hard here is the code AjT.php <?php /*Author :ASDen(Mohmed Yousef) Email Email me for any help or just encourage me and tell me it does work ! the Js class which implements Ajax*/ echo" <script language=\"JavaScript\"> var i=0; function Threader(url,num,parameters) { this.request = new XMLHttpRequest();\"POST\", url, true); this.request.setRequestHeader(\"Content-type\", \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\"); this.request.setRequestHeader(\"Content-length\", parameters.length); this.request.setRequestHeader(\"Connection\", \"close\"); this.params=parameters; this.Tnum=num; this.request.onreadystatechange=ChangeBag; this.begin=Starton; i=i+1; } function Starton() {this.request.send(this.params);} function ChangeBag() { // all requests go here so it's our bag and here telling bag script if a thread finished for (var x=0;x<i;x++) { if (t[x].request.readyState == 4 && t[x].Tnum!=-1) {var r2=new XMLHttpRequest();\"GET\", \"Bag.php?num=\"+t[x].Tnum, true); r2.send(null); t[x].Tnum=-1;} } } var t=new Array(); </script> "; ?> Threader.php <?php /*Author :ASDen(Mohmed Yousef) Email Email me for any help or just encourage me and tell me it does work ! The PHP Class implementing the Js Class */ require("AjT.php"); class Thread { var $pos; var $statevar; function __construct($url,$params) { $this->statevar=0; static $num=-1; $num++; $this->pos=$num; //new instance of the Js class echo "<script language=\"javascript\">"; echo "t[$num]=new Threader(\"$url\",$num,\"$params\");"; echo "</script>"; } function Go() { // fire on echo "<script language=\"javascript\">"; echo "t[$this->pos].begin();"; echo "</script>"; flush(); } function State() { if($this->statevar==0){$this->statevar=file_exists($this->pos);} if(file_exists($this->pos)==1){unlink($this->pos); } return $this->statevar ; // return file_exists($this->pos); } function alert($t) { //just a small alerting in php irrelevant but i like it echo "<script language=\"javascript\">"; echo "alert($t);"; echo "</script>"; flush(); } } ?> Bag.php <form name="asd" action="Bag.php" method="GET"> <input type="text" name="num"> </form> <?php /*Author :ASDen(Mohmed Yousef) Email Email me for any help or just encourage me and tell me it does work ! here is invoked when a thread has finished and we creat a file to show this */ $f=fopen($_GET["num"],'wb'); ?> the PDM example PDM.php <?php /*Author :ASDen(Mohmed Yousef) Email Email me for any help or just encourage me and tell me it does work ! Example 2 main script (a download manager)*/ require("Threader.php"); ini_set('max_input_time','0'); ini_set('max_execution_time','0'); ini_set('max_input_time','0'); //the file to be downloaded url $url=""; //number of connections $num=5; $ss=remote_file_size($url); $part=floor($ss/$num); echo "<html><body><form name=\"asd\">"; for($i=0;$i<$num;$i++) { echo "Part$i <input type=\"text\" name=\"a$i\"><br>"; } echo "</form></body>";flush(); $i=0; for($i=0;$i<$num-1;$i++) { //initialize threads $e[$i]=new Thread("PartDownloader.php","Fname=$url&FFname=asd$i.asd&Range=".($i*$part)."-".(($i+1)*$part-1)); $e[$i]->Go(); } $e[$num-1]=new Thread("PartDownloader.php","Fname=$url&FFname=asd$i.asd&Range=".(($num-1)*$part)."-".(1*$ss)); $e[$num-1]->Go(); //monitor the status of downloading while (all($e,$num)) { sleep(0.5); echo "<script language=\"javascript\">"; for($i=0;$i<$num;$i++) { echo "document.asd.a$i.value="."\"".(round(remote_file_size("http://localhost/asd$i.asd")/$part*100,2))."%\";"; } echo "</script>"; flush(); } $ww=fopen("asd.exe","wb"); fclose($ww); $ww=fopen("asd.exe",'a'); for($i=0;$i<$num;$i++) { $wh=fopen("asd$i.asd",'r'); fwrite($ww,fread($wh,filesize("asd$i.asd"))); fclose($wh); unlink("asd$i.asd"); } function all($e,$num) { for($i=0;$i<$num;$i++) {if($e[$i]->State()==0){return 1;}} return 0; } //a big function but yet very helpfull to get file size as filesize function doesnot work properly function remote_file_size ($url) { $head = ""; $url_p = parse_url($url); $host = $url_p["host"]; $path = $url_p["path"]; $fp = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 20); if(!$fp) { return false; } else { fputs($fp, "HEAD ".$url." HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fputs($fp, "HOST: dummy\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); $headers = ""; while (!feof($fp)) { $headers .= fgets ($fp, 128); } } fclose ($fp); $return = false; $arr_headers = explode("\n", $headers); foreach($arr_headers as $header) { $s = "Content-Length: "; if(substr(strtolower ($header), 0, strlen($s)) == strtolower($s)) { $return = substr($header, strlen($s)); break; } } return $return; } ?> PartDownloader.php <html> <head> <title>Personal INFO</title> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>"> URL:<input type="text" name="Fname"> name:<input type="text" name="FFname"> Range:<input type="text" name="Range"> <input type="submit" value="Down&Mail" name="submit"> </form> <?php /*Author :ASDen(Mohmed Yousef) Email Email me for any help or just encourage me and tell me it does work ! Example 2 thread more complicated downloads of parts */ $url=trim($_POST["Fname"]); $range=$_POST["Range"]; $wh = fopen($url, 'wb'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RANGE,$range); $file_target=$_POST["FFname"]; $wh = fopen($file_target, 'wb'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $wh); $dataq = curl_exec($ch); curl_close ($ch); fclose($wh); ?> </body> </html> Hh it's ur JOB now I'm waiting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ASDen Posted August 23, 2007 Author Share Posted August 23, 2007 BUMP > Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ASDen Posted August 1, 2008 Author Share Posted August 1, 2008 Hello everybody it's been around 9 months since the last update to class and finally i got time to it PHPThreader 1.6 Released you can get it from sf here : ... _id=203377 or from phpclasses here : --- The new version has the following features :- 1)Full Online Documentation of class here : [An offline version is provided in sf] 2)new Communication Class : Shared Memory (shmop required ) 3)new Thread Calling Class : CliThread (using shell calls) 4)new Abstract Mutex Class which can be used from user defined Communication Clases . 5)new automatic System of thread watching 6) a simple loader to overcome path issues 7)new methods like Join() --- hope to hear from you about it Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ASDen Posted August 1, 2008 Author Share Posted August 1, 2008 Sorry missed up SF Download link it's: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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