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[SOLVED] mysql insert


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table market1 contains the columns "owner" "price" and "amount", and "id"



$_GET[price] = $price;

if ($user->crystal < $amount1)
echo'You dont have that many crystals!';
elseif ($amount1 <= 0)
echo' Please Enter a correct amount of crystals';
//setup our query
$query = "INSERT INTO market1(owner, amount, price) VALUES ('$user->ID', '$amount1', '$price' )";

//run query
mysql_query($query) or die("MySQL Error: " . mysql_error());

<form method=GET name=addcrystal>

  Number of Crystals To add:
  <input name=amount size=12 maxlength=3><br>
  Price of each Crystal:
  <input name=price size=12 maxlength=8>
  <input type=submit name=submit id=submit value=Submit>



nothing is getting inserted, yet no errors are showing?

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since u insist, and i know the problems arent there:



<script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-2438572-1";

include ('inc/connect.php');
include ('inc/define.php');
$result = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$_COOKIE[username]'"); 
$temp = @mysql_fetch_object($result);
$user = $temp; 
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<title> Welcome to Magical Wars, <?php echo"$user->display_name";?></title>
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<div id="header">
		<FONT color=#FFFFFF><center>Level : <?php echo ''.$user->level.''; ?> |  Magic Energy :  <?php echo ''.$user->energy.''; ?> / <?php echo ''.$user->max_energy.''; ?> | Exp : <?php echo ''.$user->exp.''; ?> / <?php echo ''.$user->exp_required.''; ?> | Health :  <?php echo ''.$user->hp.''; ?> / <?php echo ''.$user->max_hp.''; ?> |  <br>Gold: <?php echo ''.$user->gold.''; ?> | Diamonds: <?php echo ''.$user->diamond.''; ?> |</center>

<div id="content">
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<li><a href="mining.php">Mining</a></li>
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<li><a href="heal.php">Fountain</a></li>

					<li><a href="convert.php">Convert(notyet)</a></li>
			<li><a href="clan.php">Element</a></li>

					<li><a href="fishing.php">Fishing(not yet)</a></li>
<li><a href="magic.php">Ye Olde Magic Shop</a></li>

<div class="menufooter"></div>

			<div class="menuheader"><h3>Game Stats</h3></div>
			<div class="menucontent">
echo'Battles Fought:';
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(ID) as maxID FROM battles")or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
echo $row['maxID'];
echo'Players Registered:';
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(ID) as maxID FROM users")or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
echo $row['maxID'];


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<li><a href=bank.php>Bank Gold</a></li> 

				</ul><div class="menufooter"></div>

<div class="menuheader"><h3>Energy Zone</h3></div>


Magic Crystals: <?php echo "$user->crystal";?>
<li><a href=makecrystal.php>Make Crystals</a></li>
<li><a href=usecrystal.php>Use Crystals</a></li>
</ul><div class="menufooter"></div>

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<script type="text/javascript"


oh, since u will prolly say"lemme see ur includes in the header"


ill give u those





if($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == '/inc/define.php') { header('Location: /index.php'); exit; }

$free = '20';
define('GAME_SHUTDOWN',     FALSE);
define('GAME_SHUTDOWN_URL', '/temp/sorry.html');

define('DEBUG_MODE',         FALSE);
define('MIN_NAME_LENGTH',        2);
define('MAX_NAME_LENGTH',       32);
define('MIN_USERNAME_LENGTH',    2);
define('MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH',   32);
define('MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH',    4);
define('MAX_AVATAR_SIZE_KB',  1024);
define('MAX_AVATAR_WIDTH',     100);
define('MAX_AVATAR_HEIGHT',    100);
define('MIN_SIG_LENGTH',        1);
define('MAX_SIG_LENGTH',       10000);

define('AVATAR_DIR', 'player_images');
define('TEMP_DIR',   'temp');

define('ENERGY_INCREMENT',     5);

define('NOT_ACTIVATED', -128); 
define('CRIMINAL',  -127); 
define('PLAYER',           0);
define('STAFF',          120);
define('IMP',          124);
define('CODER',           125);
define('ADMIN',          126);
define('OWNER',          127);
define('GAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'DoNotReply@donkey.com');

function preventTags(&$str) {
    return str_replace(array('<','>'), array('<','>'), $str);
function getPermissionLevelName(&$user) {
    switch($user->permission_level) {
        case PLAYER        : if($user->donator_days > 0) { return 'Donator'; } return 'Player';
        case CRIMINAL      : return 'Criminal';
        case CODER         : return 'Coder';
        case ADMIN         : return 'Admin';
        case IMP           : return 'IMP';
        case OWNER         : return 'Owner';
        case STAFF         : return 'Staff';
        case NOT_ACTIVATED : return 'Illegal Immigrant';
        default            : return 'Player';

function colorName(&$user) {
    $color     = '';
    $startTags = '';
    $endTags   = '';
    switch($user->permission_level) {
        case PLAYER        : if($user->donator_days != 0) { $color = '#00FF00'; } else { $color = '#FFFFFF'; } break;
        case NOT_ACTIVATED : $color = '#FFFFFF'; break;
        case ADMIN         : $startTags = '<STRONG>'; $color = 'yellow'; $endTags = '</STRONG>'; break;
case CODER         : $startTags = '<STRONG>'; $color = '#2346ff'; $endTags = '</STRONG>'; break;
        case OWNER         : $startTags = '<STRONG>'; $color = 'Red'; $endTags = '</STRONG>'; break;
         case IMP        : $startTags = '<STRONG>'; $color = 'Pink'; $endTags = '</STRONG>'; break;
  case STAFF        : $startTags = '<STRONG>'; $color = '#2282ed'; $endTags = '</STRONG>'; break;
        default            : $color = '#FFFFFF'; break;
    return $startTags . '<SPAN style="COLOR: ' . $color . ';">' . $user->display_name . '</SPAN>' . $endTags;




OH, and my connect.php


$conn = mysql_connect ("localhost", "donkey9_Admin", "*****") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("donkey9_Game");


i am not some stupid coder, this is prolly some really dumb error i made, ON THE CODE i first posted, and i know that.  if u want, waste all night looking at the other files to find NO other problem, because my other 80 pages work perfectly fine with those files

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