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[SOLVED] How to do this without using globals


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I spent the weekend googling this one and found a hundred scripts to do this, but none will work because they all require globals to be turned on, and I'm not about to do that :P


I want to store some mp3's in a mysql table.  I want to do it purely for the education of storing and retrieving binary data.  I will use this later on other binary formats. 


Can someone help?  Again, I do not want to turn on globals, so I don't know how to get stuff like the file type, file size, etc, on the upload.


Here is a script that uses globals:


if ($action == "upload") {
  // ok, let's get the uploaded data and insert it into the db now
	$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "", "");
mysql_select_db("binary_files", $db) or die(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<br>");
  if (isset($binFile) && $binFile != "none") {
    $data = addslashes(fread(fopen($binFile, "r"), filesize($binFile)));
    $strDescription = addslashes(nl2br($txtDescription));
    $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_Files ";
    $sql .= "(description, bin_data, filename, filesize, filetype) ";
    $sql .= "VALUES ('$strDescription', '$data', ";
    $sql .= "'$binFile_name', '$binFile_size', '$binFile_type')";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
    mysql_free_result($result); // it's always nice to clean up!
    echo "Thank you. The new file was successfully added to our database.<br><br>";
    echo "<a href='main.php'>Continue</a>";

} else {
<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="add.php" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="MAX_FILE_SIZE" VALUE="1000000">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="upload">
   <TD>Description: </TD>
   <TD><TEXTAREA NAME="txtDescription" ROWS="10" COLS="50"></TEXTAREA></TD>
   <TD>File: </TD>
   <TD><INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="binFile"></TD>
   <TD COLSPAN="2"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Upload"></TD>

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I'm sure he means register_globals.


All the data you need is available in $_REQUEST and $_FILES.  Try the following:


print "<pre>";


Put that at the top of your script and see what's inside those variables.

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thats what i thought until



Can someone help?  Again, I do not want to turn on globals, so I don't know how to get stuff like the file type, file size, etc, on the upload.


then a script with no globals except a super global $_FILES !!


??? maybe a misunderstanding of what register_globals is!

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Yea, I guess I meant register globals .in the old days $whatever existed without doing




That was bad for a lot of reasons, and I it looks to me like that is what the script(s) are doing.  I can use this suggestion:


print "<pre>";




and pull the values out of the arrays.




The above gives this:


array(3) {


  string(7) "1000000"


  string(6) "upload"


  string(4) "test"


array(1) {


  array(5) {


    string(14) "irishhymn1.mp3"


    string(0) ""


    string(0) ""








I still have to do this,






The script as is says $binFile_size doesn't exist, for example.

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if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])&& $_REQUEST['action'] == "upload") {
  // ok, let's get the uploaded data and insert it into the db now

$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "", "");
mysql_select_db("binary_files", $db) or die(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<br>");

    $data = addslashes(fread(fopen($binFile_name, "r"), filesize($binFile_size)));
    $strDescription = addslashes(nl2br($txtDescription));
    $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_Files ";
    $sql .= "(description, bin_data, filename, filesize, filetype) ";
    $sql .= "VALUES ('$strDescription', '$data', ";
    $sql .= "'$binFile_name', '$binFile_size', '$binFile_type')";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
    mysql_free_result($result); // it's always nice to clean up!
    echo "Thank you. The new file was successfully added to our database.<br><br>";
    echo "<a href='main.php'>Continue</a>";
} else {
<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="add.php" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="MAX_FILE_SIZE" VALUE="1000000">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="upload">
   <TD>Description: </TD>
   <TD><TEXTAREA NAME="txtDescription" ROWS="10" COLS="50"></TEXTAREA></TD>
   <TD>File: </TD>
   <TD><INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="binFile"></TD>
   <TD COLSPAN="2"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Upload"></TD>


Gives me this:


Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for 0 in /home/osprey/public_html/add.php on line 18

Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /home/osprey/public_html/add.php on line 18


When I select an mp3 from the current directory...???


Here is the var_dump for the file.  It shows that the file size is 0??? (I'm on LAMP, is it a permissions thing?):


array(1) {
  array(5) {
    string(14) "irishhymn1.mp3"
    string(0) ""
    string(0) ""

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