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Changing text colour


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Hi Guys,


i had this script down but have modified it, somewhere along the way and can't see where, what i had was, if there were messages in the users inbox the word "Inbox" would go red, if there were unread messages in there the "Inbox" would go blue if there were no messages it would simple be black




<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href="myaccount.php">My Account</a></td>
## some inbox magic #####################################################################
$query_user = "SELECT `id` FROM `membership` WHERE `username`='$member'";
$result_user = mysql_query($query_user) or die (mysql_error());
$pm = mysql_fetch_array($result_user) or die (mysql_error());
$pm_id = $pm['id'];
## now we have id #######################################################################
$query_pm = "SELECT * FROM `pms` WHERE `reciever_id`='$pm_id'";
$result_pm = mysql_query($query_pm) or die (mysql_error());
$any_pms = mysql_num_rows($result_pm);
## any messages #########################################################################

$box_color = "red"; 

## loop through the pms to see if any are unread ########################################

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_pm)) { 

    if ($row['read_flag'] == 'N') { 
        $box_color = "blue"; 

## pm color normal ######################################################################

echo '<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href="inbox.php"><font color="'.$box_color.'">Inbox</font></a></td>';      

if($any_pms == 0) {

  echo '<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href="inbox.php"><font color="'.$box_color.'">Inbox</font></a></td>';

<td align="center" class="navigation"><a href="search.php">Search</a></td>


can nayone see where i have went wronhg here.


thanks guys




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the <font> tag is depreciated so you might want to change to <span class="'.$box_color.'"> and then set $box_color = color:red (or whatever)


I think you may want to place your echo inside your while loop. Otherwise you just set the $box_color but never put it with the appropriate record??


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I thought you were displaying the unread message title as well as changing its color?


mysql_fetch_assoc() will return one record  - if you want to check the db to see if their are any unread messages - you dont need the loop - unless you want to count the number of unread (but I didn't see that in your code)


Is this simply a boolean question (are there unread? Yes/No) if yes $box_color = blue??


or is it more complex?

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I'd (pseudocode)

    set it 'black' as default

    if messages 

            if  any unread 
                set to blue
                set to red
            end if
    end if



$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as msgs, SUM(IF(p.read_flag='N',1,0)) as unread
        FROM membership m INNER JOIN pms p ON m.id = p.receiver_id
        WHERE m.username = '$member' ";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
list ($msgs, $unread) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
$box_color = 'black';
if ($msgs)
    $box_color = $unread ? 'blue' : 'red';

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