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scan a dir and sort last n items by date?


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I'm kind of new to this so please be gentle...


I've got hold of a php script which scans a directory on my server looking for mpeg's. When/if it finds some we do this:



// read through the directory and filter files to an array

@$d = dir($directory);
if ($d) { 
while($entry=$d->read()) {  
	$ps = strpos(strtolower($entry), $filter);
	if (!($ps === false)) {  
		$items[] = $entry; 



.... it then returns me an xpsf-formatted playlist, which is what I'm trying to achieve.



My questions: how do I modify the scan and sort to return only the last "n" items uploaded to the folder by date?


Then I throw in a dozen new items and bingo, I have a new 12-item playlist.


I'd then like to create sorts with offsets: eg the previous n tunes before the last n, so people can get this month's dozen, last month's dozen, etc.


Thanks for your help!



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The difficulty here is that without saving the list of files to a database to keep track of when things were added it is difficult to know when something was added. The only option I could think of was to sort them by the last modified date.


I decided to go with the glob() function which returns an array of files that match a pattern. If you have several types of 'patterns' you may be able to use mutiple patterns in the functions, not sure though. If not, I would just create a function that takes a list of patterns and run through the list recursively to create the list before sorting.


$directory = ".";

foreach (glob("$directory/*.mpg") as $filename) {
   //Create an array with the last modified date as the index
   $fileArray[filemtime($filename)] = $filename;

//Sort the array (in reverse) by the index (last mod date, newest first)

//Reduce the array to $n items
$n = 12;
$fileArray = array_slice($fileArray, 0, $n);


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