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Hello here is my current page all I am trying to do is use includes instead of writing what $main = this is a template varible in template.php the speech marks must be wrong and without them the page fails, anyone any idea's?



$site_title = "Restaurants, Pubs, Places to Eat, Food & Drink Dine with us"; 
$page_title = "TEST"; 

$main = "include('dining_include.php')"; (This is where I'm stuck) 


$template = file_get_contents('include/template.php'); 

$search = array('¦{PAGE_TITLE}¦', 

$replace = array("$site_title - $page_title", 


$output = preg_replace($search, $replace, $template); 

echo $output; 

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You can also just add the include into your array.




function foo()


    global $color;


    include 'vars.php';


    echo "A $color $fruit";





The thing with the "include" is once you added it to your PHP file it is automatically included anywhere you call for something that is in the include file. That also includes the Vars that are in the "include PHP file" that you call.



Hope that helps, or makes sense.







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thank you for the speedy reply but no that still causes problems


$main = include 'dining_include.php';


I need the $main =  because in template.php this is th varible for the main place holder

it works if I do something like this


$main = "content here ...";  (but I need includes to show dynamic content)

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I may of got a little confused here by your example I have adjusted it

the content appears but outside a template and in the template it shows 1

so I must be nearly there, just have something slightly wrong here ?


$main = include('dining_include.php');


function dining()


    global $main;


    include 'dining_include.php';


    echo "$main";


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It is not necessary (or suggested) to use it as a function. Stick with

include 'dining_include.php';


I'm not sure what you are trying to do. Include doesn't have a return function unless you put one in the code of the included file. If you don't have a return statement in dining_include.php, all that first line is doing is setting $main = null. Later on, you echo null. All include does is take a php file from another and effecively "copy and pastes" it into the code that is callig it, at that location. Put the statement where you want the code in dining_include.php to be executed in the main php file.

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Ok not sure if you know what I am trying to do, I will try to explain more clearly


this works and shows "some content here about this page" inside the template


$main = "some content here about this page";


this one shows the correct content but above the template and in the template now shows the number 1

all I am trying to do here is use a include within $main so that it shows within the template it does not matter what the include file is if it be aline of text or a dynamic page the content displays above the template  ???

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I still am not clear on what you are trying to do. What I think is happening is that $main is not getting set to anything usefull. The reason it is outputting content is because you do have the correct include statment inside your dining() function. When you use include, it puts the contents wherever you use include. There is no reason to set a variable unless the included file is returning a value. Like I said before, if you want to include it only in a specific spot, just put the include where you want it to be included. If it is something more complicated than just including the content of the file in your page, it would be helpful if you posted the code of the included file, as $username suggested.

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Ok then

$main = include 'content1.php';   (this can be any file example below)


I could work the below without using include like this and it world show up in the template

but this would be a problem for a dynamic page with all the script css etc.

so I am using include for this, it seems to me the template var only works in the correct place with something like this $main= ""; but I cannot put an include in between speece marks  ???


$main = "<p>content here for page </p>
<p>...................................................<br />
................................................ </p>";


content1.php code below

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

<p>content here for page </p>
<p>...................................................<br />
................................................ </p>

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Ok let me give this one more shot.


This is your current code


$main = include('dining_include.php');


function dining()


    global $main;


    include 'dining_include.php';


    echo "$main";



As far as I know you can not do a Var = include. if you want to make a page show with in a var you may have to



require_once( 'templates/'. $cur_template .'/index.php' );



    global $cur_template;


    include 'dining_include.php';


    echo "$cur_template";




Hope this helps.

You may wanna check into something else to get a PHP page to echo.







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this is the contents of template_includes hopefully this will explain how the $main var has been created

username your code now inserts the content below the template but not in the middle




// First we read the contents of the template.php file as the variable $template.
$template = file_get_contents('include/template.php');

// Now we do a search and replace on $template inserting content where the keywords were placed
// We do this with 2 arrays, one for search and one for replace.
// We then use the preg_replace function to make the changes and create an output variable

$search = array('|{PAGE_TITLE}|',
'|{MAIN}|'    // this is where I am trying to get the content to display

$replace = array("$site_title - $page_title",
$main,  // use this var to display the content

$output = preg_replace($search, $replace, $template);

echo $output;



and then of course the actual template file include/template.php

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

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        <td valign="top">{MAIN}</td>

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i see what you're trying to do, but i don't think you'll be able to do it with your current template setup.  if you want the PHP code in dining_include.php to be executed only when the $template is output, you'll need to use eval().  otherwise, to simply assign the content of dining_include.php to $main, you'll need to use file_get_contents(), as you are with the template file.


perhaps a few more details about dining_include.php and what it contains would be helpful if this isn't what you're after.

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dining_includes.php code below this now shows the content but something is blocking the XML from displaying ?


$main = file_get_contents ('dining_include.php');


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the PHP within the dining_includes.php will not be executed, since it's being echoed as a string (it doesn't parse the PHP when it is obtained through file_get_contents()).  in order to have those includes parsed within the dining_includes.php file, you'll need to include it directly rather than spitting it out as a string.  it's not really compatible with your template system.

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Maybe this is not the best way to apply the template

all I am trying to do is apply the template for each page without having to include the template each time

and without using smarty template engine there must be an easier way to do this otherwise I have to change the template several times on all pages  ???

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