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Help me please!!![urgent]


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Friends , I really need some urgent help, I have started a site(can say a photoblog), at first I used some imagehosts like imagevenue etc to host my pics and post the codes on my site but now i want to host the pics on my own site exactly as a imagevenue page.


Can scripts like veiwer.php or image.php may help.


I mean is there any way to upload mass images to the server from the browser itself and each image will generate a thumbnail veiw which when clicked will open in a new page like


and each image page have a link to generate the links(for forums,blogs,bbcode,direct url).


For example see:



Actually precisely, i want in the main page a small preview of the full post which when clicked will redirect people to the full posting which contains the images as thumbnails(pics hosted on my site itself) which when clicked will open a new page for the images.


Here is an example of what kind of format/script i want to use:



Any help will be highly appreciated............Help me please,pls be little descriptive as I'm a new webmaster!!!

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ya man i have the basic idea on php,html,css and javascripting. But i cant make the php myself only i can modify any script according to my need. Actually i want some coding help and implementation of it. Kindly help me,i want it urgently,as i am in lack of time to learn any more now, i tried googling but it cant helped me:(. I can also give $5 to some one who help me out perfectly.

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Do you mean you want a user to be able to upload multiple images at the same time, or just one? Once you have the pictures you want on your server, you will probably wand the GD library to edit those images: http://us.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php (read under "Requirements." After you have created your thumbnail, you can link to th original including "_target=" in the url. This will open it in a new window.

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Do you mean you want a user to be able to upload multiple images at the same time, or just one? Once you have the pictures you want on your server, you will probably wand the GD library to edit those images: http://us.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php (read under "Requirements." After you have created your thumbnail, you can link to th original including "_target=" in the url. This will open it in a new window.


No man, I dont want anyone to upload in my site. I want that I should upload those pics to my site which everyone can see, and anyone can get the image codes to post it on their blogs,forums too. see this site, it should me like this: http://tinyurl.com/yuqcxh , first a preview of post in the main page, when clicked u get redirected to the full post and their you can see the thumbnails, which when clicked will show the image full size,also in the full size image page you can see a link to GET LINKING CODE on the top of image.(and the image is automatically resizing when clicked). I actually need this mod. GD is something different. :(( See that link, than you can understand eaxtly whats my problem .:(


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Those are just text fields that are already filled out with default text, so that the user can easily copy and paste the text. I have something similar on my site, but just bbcode.


What sofware is your site currently based off of? If you haven't invested in to anything, just use Wordpress. It will let you upload pictures and create thumbnails. I'm strongly betting there are plugins to generate bbcode for images.


Otherwise, what you're asking for is more code than $5 will get you. And it's very dependant on what software/scripts you're using now (if any).

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Ya, I'm using wordpress only. I want to mass upload images and thumbnails to be generated automatically along with the codes(html,bbc) , also these codes are present in the main pic page so that anybody can be able to share it. can i do this using any mass upload tool or ftp? The main thing which comes to my mind is when I upload the files to a folder created by me on the server, how can i access the images and generate its code automatic from the browser?? I'm little confused ???

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