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Problems with form processing to MYSQL database


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I'm wondering if someone would be so kind as to please help me with a problem I am having with a form which upon submitting is to have its data inserted into a MYSQL database.


That database and table are set up. The table is called 'reservations' and it has 5 fields to hold the input data. However I keep getting this error:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/paul/reservation_send.php on line 38


The funny thing is though that there is no lone 38, the script finishes on line 34. Any ideas on this one? Is the coding I have used the best way to write data to a mysql database or does someone have some better code.


I am finding this quite frustrating as you would think it would be an easy enough script to do but I don't seem to be having much luck with it.


Any help would greatly be appreciated! Please see below for the code I am using





The form code


<table width="600" align="center" cellspacing="15"><tr>

<td width="300"> <h3>Please fill out the details below to reserve your place:</h3>

        <br/><form method="post" action="reservation_send.php" ><!--command telling form data to be redirected to php script for processing-->

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">


<td valign="top" >*</td>

<td colspan="2"><p><strong>Indicates a required field</strong></p>




<td colspan="3" valign="top"> </td>



<td valign="top" >*</td>

<td class="label">First name:</td>

<td><INPUT TYPE='first name' NAME='first name' SIZE='20'></td><!--Freeform text imput (small area)-->



<td valign="top" >*</td>

<td class="label">Last name:</td>

<td><INPUT TYPE='last name' NAME='last name' SIZE='20'> </td><!--Freeform text imput (small area)-->



<td valign="top" >*</td>

<td class="label">Contact email:</td>

<td><INPUT TYPE='email' NAME='email' SIZE='20'></td>



<td valign="top" ></td>

<td class="label">Contact number(please include country & area codes):</td>

<td><INPUT TYPE='number' NAME='number' SIZE='20'></td>



<td valign="top" >*</td>

<td class="label">Country:</td>

<td><INPUT TYPE='country' NAME='country' SIZE='20'></td>



<td colspan="3" valign="top"> </td>



<td> </td>

<td> </td>

<td><INPUT TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Reset" NAME="reset">


<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Submit" NAME="submit">

  </td><!--Submit button which user clicks on to send data to php to be processed-->







The PHP script



$dbuser = "sworphe_paul";

$dbserver = "localhost";

$dbpass = "sworphe_paul";

$dbname = "sworphe_paul";



mysql_connect($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass)

or die ("Unable to connect to database");


or die ("Unable to select database");


if ($post == "yes") {


$sql = "INSERT INTO reservations (

first name,

last name,




$addl_insert_crit ) VALUES ( '$first name',

'$last name',




$addl_insert_values )";

if ($sql_debug_mode==1) { echo "<BR>SQL: $sql<BR>"; }

$result = mysql_query($sql,db());

if ($result == 1) {

echo "Record Inserted";

} else {

echo "Error inserting record (9994SQL)";




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