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PHP Mysql on HPUX - Please help


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I am a newbie to PHP and Mysql. I was trying to set up mantis on hpux and it complained "bad support for database". I started investigating and this is what I found.


system : HP-UX t01alc2t B.11.11 U 9000/800

Apache : Apache/2.0.54 HP-UX_Apache-based_Web_Server (Unix) DAV/2 PHP/5.0.4

PHP : 5.0.4

mysql :  14.12 Distrib 5.0.45, for hp-hpux11.11 (hppa2.0w)


I created a test php file with


echo "mysql:" . extension_loaded('mysql') . "<br>";



And the result was



It was obvious that the extension was not loaded. so I did some googling and did this:


I changed the php.ini to enable the extension for mysql, but I am not sure if what I have is correct. I tried the following combinations

1. extension_dir = "/opt/iexpress/mysql/lib/mysql"


2. extension_dir = "/opt/iexpress/mysql/dbdmysql/blib/arch/auto/DBD/mysql"



I also tried different ways like using lmysql, lmysqlclient, libmysqlclient.sl, mysql.sl and even copied these files to a different directory and pointing to that. I even tried using the actual libraries like lib.sl.0 something and nothing seems to be working.


Everytime I start Apache, I get the following warning:


"Unable to load dynamic library '/path/to/folder/libname.sl' - Invalid flags for dlopen: /path/to/folder/libname.sl in Unknown on line 0


I checked the apache documentation that came with the server and it says this version was compiled with mysql support. I checked the extension dir, but couldnt find the file mysql.sl. But it is there in mysql folders. I tried to load the extensions found in the extension dir, but all of them gives me the same error.


I did some googling on this and looks like dlopen is not supported by hpux or something like that. Also, there seems to be a lot of help on php-mysql issues for windows / linux, but not for HPUX.


Reinstalling apache is not possible, since many groups are using it and the other groups are afraid it might disrupt their apps. So I have to find a workaround for this.


Any help is welcome. Please let me know if you need more details.



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Thanks for the response XaeroDegreaz. But I told that reinstalling apache is a no - go. Moreover, this site doesnt have the bundle for hpux.


Meanwhile I tried to disable this dlopen in the php.ini. But still it tries to use this dlopen and keeps complaining "Invalid flags to dlopen". Is there any way to get around this issue.  ???


Someone help me please.

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