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Please Help! How To Print All Selected Items From Dropdown??


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Hello List!


I could really use some help here...I've almost got this working, but need some answers...


I have a program that allows users to select a 'New Graduate' membership, and for each one selected, they get a free tshirt.  I've got that working using a 'is_new_grad' function that I created.  So, if they select 2, they see 2 dropdowns to select the sizes of them.  It then sends an email w/ the membership info and the shirt sizes selected.


However, when the email is being sent, it's only returning the size of the LAST item selected in from the drop-downs.  Example: if I sign up for four of these memberships and select four different tshirt sizes (1 Medium, 1 Lg, 1 XL, and 1 XXL), the info in the email is all XXL:


  New Graduate T-Shirt Size (included): XXL

  New Graduate T-Shirt Size (included): XXL

  New Graduate T-Shirt Size (included): XXL

  New Graduate T-Shirt Size (included): XXL


Here's my code for showing the drop-down boxes:

if( is_new_grad() )  //If joined as a 'New Graduate', ask for the T-Shirt size - 1 for each 'New Graduate' membership
  while(list($product_id, $quantity) = each($_SESSION["cart_items"])) 

    for( $count = 1; $count <= $quantity; $count++)

      $shirt_sizes = array("M" => "Medium (M)", "L" => "Large (L)", "XL" => "Extra Large (XL)", "XXL" => "Extra Extra Large (XXL)" );
    <TD  CLASS="bodytext"><FONT COLOR=#961039>Select T-Shirt Size (included):</font></TD>
    <TD> </TD>
      <SELECT NAME="tsize">
      <OPTION VALUE="">--Select--</OPTION>

      foreach( $shirt_sizes as $key => $value )
        echo "<OPTION VALUE='".$key."' ";
if( $tsize == $key )
  echo " SELECTED ";
echo " >".$value."</OPTION>\n";


  } //end of for loop
}//end of while
}//END if( is_new_grad() )


And here's the code for sending the email:

if( is_new_grad() )  //If joined as a 'New Graduate', ask for the T-Shirt size
  while(list($product_id, $quantity) = each($_SESSION["cart_items"])) 

    for( $count = 1; $count <= $quantity; $count++)
      if( $_POST["tsize"] )
        echo "\tNew Graduate T-Shirt Size (included): ".$_POST["tsize"]."\n";


Please, any solutions and ideas for solving this would be greatly appreciated!!


Thank for your time and help!!


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This is what you need to change:

<SELECT NAME="tsize">

It can't be "tsize" for all of the select objects. It is kind of akward to do this when you don't know how many there will be, but one way is to have a variable counter like $i increment in the while loop, then put it at the end of tsize:

$i = 0;
while(list($product_id, $quantity) = each($_SESSION["cart_items"])) 
      echo "<SELECT NAME=\"tsize" . $i . "\">";  //*

* I have no idea how it works to just write out the html tags without breaking the php block so I am changing it to an echo statement. You can leave it how you have it if you can figure out how to put a php variable in it. Probably just "echo $i".


After you have that you will need to have a loop check for the existance of the variable like:

while (isset($_POST['tsize' . $i))
   echo "\tNew Graduate T-Shirt Size (included): ".$_POST["tsize" . $i]."\n";


Hope that helps.

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