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convert seconds to milliseconds


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I am trying to mimic the Javascript new Date().getTime(); function with php

and retrieve # of milliseconds since 1970

php's time() function however calculates # of seconds not milliseconds since 1970


I tried multipying by 1 million but then the timestamp turns into 12342434 E + 3243....


It makes it into E's...


So basically how can I mathematically make this string:

PHP timestamp: 1188186747

equal to this string:

Javascript timestamp: 1188186747328


and without the annoying "E's"


Thank you

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dunno I looked it up and it helps show the numbers without the E's


but I still have my math wrong, its late.. no sleep who knows


someone help me out.. how do I convert it?


$timeStamp = bcdiv($timeStamp, .0001);


i tried bcmul, bcdiv


can't seem to get it

i mean there are 1 million milliseconds in 1 second

so i multiply by a million but this just adds more 00s to the end, it doesnt get the extra 3 digits at the end still.....


maybe I can use micro time somehow?

i can subtract microtime of now - 1970 ??


what is the microtime of 1970?

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