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Best way to replace a file?


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Hi guys,


I have a file upload form and the file is moved and renamed based on the users id number. Example userId #150 = 150.jpg.


How can I allow the user to upload, using the same form, but replace the existing file so it will still read 150.jpg but with a new image (replacing the old one).



<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="uploadedProfilePic" method="post">
<input name="logoImage" type="file"><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">



<?php session_start(); //DO NOT REMOVE!!!! ?>
<?php if ($_SESSION['merchant'] == 1) { ?>
if ($_FILES['logoImage']['size'] < 250000) {
	if ($_FILES['logoImage']['type'] === "image/gif" || $_FILES['logoImage']['type'] === "image/jpg" || $_FILES['logoImage']['type'] === "image/jpeg") {
	$sqlImage = mysql_query("SELECT merchantId FROM merchants WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['user']."'") or die(mysql_error($connect));
	$image = mysql_fetch_row($sqlImage);
	$imageName = $image['0'];

	$target_path = "../profileimages/";
	$target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['logoImage']['tmp_name']); 

	move_uploaded_file($_FILES['logoImage']['tmp_name'], $target_path);

	$fileName = $_FILES['logoImage']['name'];
	$broken = explode(".", $fileName);
	rename("../profileimages/".basename($_FILES['logoImage']['tmp_name'])."", "../profileimages/".$imageName."." .$broken[1]."");

	//Upload Image Name Into Table
	$update = mysql_query("UPDATE merchants SET profilePic='" .$imageName."." .$broken[1]. "' WHERE merchantId='".$imageName."'"		) or die(mysql_error());
	$_SESSION['message'] = "Logo Uploaded!";
	echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.location.href='logged.php'</script>";
	} else {
	echo "The image file must be in .gif, .jpg or .jpeg format.";
	$passed = FALSE;
} else {
echo "The file was too large!"; 

} else {
echo "You are not authorized to view this page."; }



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I believe so. This is what the current code does.


User Uploads > File is Moved to Directory > File is renamed based on the userId and the extension type (exp. jpg, gif).


When a user "re" uploads a photo nothing happens. The form seems to process but no "new" file is placed in the directory. Instead the old file stays the same.




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Do you think it would be "safe" to delete the existing file, with unlink, before uploading the new file. In essence replacing the old file?


//find the file based on userId

$myFile = $row['fileName'];
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");

//Uplaod file code here

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Thats what I do for one of my pages



$old_file = 'avatars/'.$page_id.'.gif';
copy ($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], "avatars/".$page_id.".".$file_extension) or die("Your avatar could not be copied correctly!");



~ Chocopi

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Before fixing the problem, it would be good to verify that it really is a problem :)  Check that rename() returns false (indicating failure to rename).  If that's the case, then chocopi's approach should work.  If you're ultra paranoid, you may want to make a backup of the file you're deleting, just in case.

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