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Stats coding problem...


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I am using a stats script on my server to capture info about my site viewers, but where I would like to grab the referred url, it is only capturing the url of the page currently being viewed, and it's not even doing that all that well, because when it displays the url being viewed, it only displays a portion of it.


The link below is the site I have the stats script installed on. If you click one of the url's under the agent column, it will navigate you to the url where the code snippet is. If you then come back to the stats site and refresh the page, you will see that you have been tracked and that only the url that where you were when tracked was returned, and not the referring url. (i.e. the stats site's url) I would like to also grab the referring url.




Here is the script I am using...



    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    // configuration file
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // **************************************************************** //
    // ATTENTION                                                        //
    // **************************************************************** //
    // $lvc_include_dir must be set in the file with 'new-visitor' call //
    // **************************************************************** //

    $ignore_messages = true;

    $lvc_config_file = 'config.inc.php3';

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // extract agent from $HTTP_USER_AGENT ($agt)
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function extract_agent($agt)
        global $lvc_agent_max_length;
        global $lvc_agent_versions;
        global $lvc_agent_os;
        global $lvc_other_agt;

        if (ereg('MSIE', $agt) && !ereg('Opera', $agt))  // Internet Explorer
            $new_agt = 'IE';
            $agt = strtr($agt, '_', ' ');

            for ($cnt = 0, $ok = false; 
                 $cnt < sizeof($lvc_agent_versions['IE']) && !$ok;
                if ($ok = ereg($lvc_agent_versions['IE'][$cnt], $agt))
                    $new_agt .= ';'.$lvc_agent_versions['IE'][$cnt];
                    for (@reset($lvc_agent_os['IE']), $ok = false;
                         (list($key, $value) = @each($lvc_agent_os['IE'])) && !$ok;)
                        if ($ok = ereg($key, $agt))
                            $new_agt .= ';'.$value;
            if (!$ok) $new_agt = $agt;
        elseif (ereg('Opera', $agt))  // Opera
            $new_agt = 'OP';

            for ($cnt = 0, $ok = false; 
                 $cnt < sizeof($lvc_agent_versions['OP']) && !$ok;
                if ($ok = ereg($lvc_agent_versions['OP'][$cnt], $agt))
                    $new_agt .= ';'.$lvc_agent_versions['OP'][$cnt];
                    for (@reset($lvc_agent_os['OP']), $ok = false;
                         (list($key, $value) = @each($lvc_agent_os['OP'])) && !$ok;)
                        if ($ok = ereg($key, $agt))
                            $new_agt .= ';'.$value;
            if (!$ok) $new_agt = $agt;
        elseif (ereg('Mozilla/4.', $agt)) // Netscape 4.x
            $new_agt = 'NS';

            for ($cnt = 0, $ok = false; 
                 $cnt < sizeof($lvc_agent_versions['NS']) && !$ok;
                if ($ok = ereg($lvc_agent_versions['NS'][$cnt], $agt))
                    $new_agt .= ';'.$lvc_agent_versions['NS'][$cnt];
                    for (@reset($lvc_agent_os['NS']), $ok = false;
                         (list($key, $value) = @each($lvc_agent_os['NS'])) && !$ok;)
                        if ($ok = ereg($key, $agt))
                            $new_agt .= ';'.$value;
            if (!$ok) $new_agt = $agt;
        elseif (ereg('Mozilla/5.0', $agt) && !ereg('Konqueror', $agt)) // NS 6
            $new_agt = 'NS';
            for ($cnt = 0, $ok = false; 
                 $cnt < sizeof($lvc_agent_versions['NS6']) && !$ok;
                if ($ok = ereg($lvc_agent_versions['NS6'][$cnt], $agt))
                    $new_agt .= ';'.$lvc_agent_versions_2['NS6'][$cnt];
                    for (@reset($lvc_agent_os['NS']), $ok = false;
                         (list($key, $value) = @each($lvc_agent_os['NS'])) && !$ok;)
                        if ($ok = ereg($key, $agt))
                            $new_agt .= ';'.$value;
            if (!$ok) $new_agt = $agt;
        else // others
            $new_agt = $agt;

            for (@reset($lvc_other_agt), $ok = false;
                 (list($key, $value) = @each($lvc_other_agt)) && !$ok;)
                if ($ok = ereg($key, $agt))
                    $new_agt = $value;
        $new_agt = strip_tags($new_agt);

        if (strlen($new_agt) > $lvc_agent_max_length)
            $new_agt = substr($new_agt, 0, $lvc_agent_max_length-4).' ...';

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // looking for the cookie
    if ($$lvc_cookie_name == '1')
        // this cookie is only on my machines
        $insert = false;
        setcookie($lvc_cookie_name, '1', time() + (3600*100000));
        $insert = true;

        // no insertion if referer comes from the site itself
        if (isset($HTTP_REFERER))
            for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < sizeof($lvc_ignore_referers) && $insert; $cnt++)
                $insert = $insert && (strtolower(substr($HTTP_REFERER, 0, strlen($lvc_ignore_referers[$cnt]))) != $lvc_ignore_referers[$cnt]);
        // no insertion for my own machines
        for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < sizeof($lvc_ignore_machines) && $insert; $cnt++)
            $insert = $insert && ($REMOTE_ADDR != $lvc_ignore_machines[$cnt]);
        // no insertion if not the good server (test servers for example)
        for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < sizeof($lvc_ignore_servers) && $insert; $cnt++)
            $insert = $insert && ($SERVER_NAME != $lvc_ignore_servers[$cnt]);

    if ($insert)
        $found = false;
        $gDb = new Db;

        if ($connected = $gDb->DbConnect($lvc_db_host, $lvc_db_user, $lvc_db_password, $lvc_db_database))
            // does this visitor is in [$lvc_between_2_visits] last visitors ?
            $query = 'SELECT MAX(CODE) FROM '.$lvc_table_visitors;
            if ($gDb->DbQuery($query) && $gDb->DbNumRows() != 0)
                if ($gDb->DbNextRow())
                    $record = $gDb->Row;
                    $max_code = $record[0];
                    $query  = 'SELECT COUNT(CODE) ';
                    $query .= 'FROM '.$lvc_table_visitors.' ';
                    $query .= "WHERE ADDR='".$REMOTE_ADDR."' ";
                    $query .= 'AND CODE BETWEEN '.max(0, $max_code - $lvc_between_2_visits + 1).' AND '.$max_code;

                    if ($gDb->DbQuery($query) && $gDb->DbNumRows() != 0)
                        if ($gDb->DbNextRow())
                            $record = $gDb->Row;
                            $found = ($record[0] > 0);

        if (!$found)
            $referer = $HTTP_REFERER;

            $url = parse_url( $referer );
            $ref_host = $url['scheme'].'://'.$url['host'].'/';
            if ($ref_host == ':///')
                $ref_host = '';
            elseif ($ref_host == 'news:///' || $ref_host == 'news://news/')
                $ref_host = 'news:';

            $rows_list = 'DATE, ADDR, HOST, AGENT, REFERER, REF_HOST';
            $agent = extract_agent($HTTP_USER_AGENT);

            $values_list  = "'" . date('Y/m/d H:i')                 . "',"; // DATE
            $values_list .= "'" . $REMOTE_ADDR                      . "',"; // ADDR
            $values_list .= "'" . gethostbyaddr( $REMOTE_ADDR )     . "',"; // HOST
            $values_list .= "'" . $agent                            . "',"; // AGENT
            $values_list .= "'" . AddSlashes(strip_tags($referer))  . "',"; // REFERER
            $values_list .= "'" . AddSlashes(strip_tags($ref_host)) . "'";  // REF_HOST
            $query  = 'INSERT INTO '.$lvc_table_visitors.' ('.$rows_list.') VALUES ('.$values_list.')';
            if ($connected)
                $log_file = @fopen($lvc_log_file, 'a');
                if ($log_file)
                    fputs($log_file, $query . ";\n");



Can anyone help me?

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So you disguised your stats collector as an swf?  If you want to pass the referrer on, you will need to do it yourself.. for example, you can have your php script that generates the actual page pass the referrer to the stats script.  If you have access to web server logs, you could also get the referrer from there instead of recording it live.


The stats script looks like it was intended to be included rather than run seperately, as that's the only way the referer would be preserved.


As for capturing the whole url, I believe it is.  It displays the host as the link text, but the full url is linked to.

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