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Comments php script colour change


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i have just got a free php comment script of the net. but the defualt theme is black text on white back ground.


Wile on my web site i have a dark back ground and white writing, so after many hours of php code readying and learning i have finaly managed to change most of the text into white exept for the last 3 text pices.


1. the "Name/ tilttle" of the comment/s


2. the "date and time" of when the comment was posted


3. the " comment/ text" which the user posted




from what i have found i belive i need to set the colour in this part of the script here but everything i have tryed hasnt worked.



1.  $COM_LANG['header'] = "Comments";


2.  $COM_LANG['months'] = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");


3.  not sure where the code is for this :|



i have just started with php.






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this is the theme file out of the comments script , if u look thrue most of the code u can see that ive changed most text into white already exept for the ones which are values.








<style type="text/css">

div#usernotes {

background-color: transparent;


div#usernotes div.head, div#usernotes div.foot {

background-color: transparent;

padding: 4px;


div#usernotes div.foot {

text-align: right;


div#usernotes div.foot a, div#usernotes div.head a {

background-color: transparent;


div#usernotes span.action {

float: right;


div#usernotes div.note {

margin-left: 2em;

margin-right: 2em;

border-bottom:1px dashed;

padding: 4px;


div#usernotes div.text {

padding: 2px;

margin-top: 4px;




<div id="usernotes">

<div class="head">

<H3><font color="white">{$COM_LANG['header']}</font></H3>




if ($comments_count) {

  for($i=0; $i<$comments_count; $i++) {

  if ($dont_show_email[$i] != '1' && $email != '') { $author[$i] = "<a href=\"mailto:{$email[$i]}\">{$author[$i]}</a>"; }

  $text[$i] = str_replace(chr(13), '<br />', $text[$i]);



<div class="note">

  <strong>{$author[$i]}</strong><br />


  <div class="text">








else {


<div class="note">

  <div class="text">

  <font color="white">{$COM_LANG['no_comments_yet']}</font>







<div class="foot">

<form method=POST action='{$COM_CONF['script_url']}'>

              <input type=hidden name="action" value="add">

      <input type=hidden name="href" value="{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}">

  <table width="290" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" align="center">


      <td width="83" align="right"><font color="red">*</font><font color="white">{$COM_LANG['Name']}:</font>


      <td width="196" align="left">

        <input type=text name="disc_name" maxlength=40 size=30>

        <input type=hidden name="r_disc_name" value="{$COM_LANG['r_disc_name']}">




      <td width="83" align="right"><font color="red">*</font><font color="white">{$COM_LANG['E-mail']}:</font></td>

      <td width="196" align="left">

        <input type="Text" name="disc_email" size="30" maxlength="70">




      <td width="83"></td>

      <td width="196" align="left">

<input type="checkbox" name="email_me"><font size=2><nobr><font color="white">{$COM_LANG['Notify']}</font></nobr></font><br>

<input type="checkbox" name="dont_show_email" CHECKED><font size=2><nobr><font color="white">{$COM_LANG['Dont_show_email']}</font></nobr></font><br>




      <td valign="top" width="83" align="right">

        <font color="red">*</font><font color="white">{$COM_LANG['Text']}:</font>


      <td valign="top" width="196" align="left">

        <textarea name="disc_body" cols="40" rows="13" wrap="VIRTUAL"></textarea>

        <input type=hidden name="r_disc_body" value="{$COM_LANG['r_disc_text']}">




      <td valign="top" width="83" align="right">  </td>

      <td valign="top" width="196">

        <div align="center">

          <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="{$COM_LANG['Submit']}">











?><body background="../../../../images/grey%20black%20box.jpg">

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this is the COM_LANG files it refers to.



$COM_LANG['header'] = "Comments";

$COM_LANG['no_comments_yet'] = "No comments yet";

$COM_LANG['Name'] = "Name";

$COM_LANG['r_disc_name'] = "Field 'Name' must be not empty";

$COM_LANG['E-mail'] = "Email";

$COM_LANG['Notify'] = "Notify me about new comments on this page";

$COM_LANG['Dont_show_email'] = "Hide my email";

$COM_LANG['Text'] = "Text";

$COM_LANG['r_disc_text'] = "Field 'Text' must be not empty";

$COM_LANG['Submit'] = "Submit";

$COM_LANG['not_allowed'] = "You are not allowed to post comments here";


$COM_LANG['months'] = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");


$COM_LANG['email_new_comment'] = "New comment on the page";

$COM_LANG['email_from'] = "From";

$COM_LANG['email_to_unsubscribe'] = "If you don't want to receive emails about new comments on this page use this link:";


$COM_LANG['unsubscribed'] = "You've been unsubscribed";

$COM_LANG['not_unsubscribed'] = "You are not subscribed";



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This is the style you can use to change everything

style="color: white; background-color: black"


Example, in your

     <textarea name="disc_body" cols="40" rows="13" wrap="VIRTUAL"></textarea>


you can add the first piece of code to change the BD and FG.

     <textarea name="disc_body" cols="40" rows="13" wrap="VIRTUAL" style="color: white; background-color: black"</textarea>

You can also add those to your DIV layer




visibility: visible;


div#usernotes {
visibility: visible;
div#usernotes div.head, div#usernotes div.foot {
visibility: visible;
padding: 4px;
div#usernotes div.foot {
   text-align: right;
div#usernotes div.foot a, div#usernotes div.head a {
visibility: visible;


I hope it help.

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when I look at your source ... I see this

</div> <div class="note">
 <strong>swear test</strong><br />
 <small>27 Aug 2007, 06:03</small>
 <div class=<font color="white">"text"</font>>
 Your text ....
</div> <div class="note">



<div class=<font color="white">"text"</font>> is wrong...


Look in your code for "<div class=<font" and replace it to something like


<div class="yourdivclass"><font color="white">$yourcode</font></div>



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