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creating a search on my site


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Ok I found a tutorial on another site on how to create a basic search option on my site.  I have added the code and changed it a bit to work the way I need it to, but have one problem.  If a user enters nothing into the search field but hits search it prints the text 'You forgot to enter a search term'.  The problem is it stops doing the rest of the code for the web site.  So the right column and past that is missing.


Here is the code...

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>myevvspace.com | premium local listings</title>

<link href="myevvspace_style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="navigation.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>

//database connection

$keyword = ($_POST['keyword']);
$category_num = (int)$_GET['category'];
$sub_category_num = (int)$_GET['sub_category'];
$searching= ($_POST['searching']);

$keyword = strip_tags($keyword);

// Collects data from "friends" table
$search = mysql_query("SELECT client.id, client.paid, client.sub_category, client.category, client.name, client.address, client.phone, sub_category.subcat_title, sub_category.id, category.cat_title, category.id FROM client, sub_category, category WHERE client.name LIKE '%$keyword%' AND client.sub_category = sub_category.id AND client.category = category.id order by name")
or die(mysql_error());

// mysql_query("SELECT name, address, phone FROM client WHERE name LIKE '%$keyword%'")
// or die(mysql_error());

$categorycrumb = mysql_query("SELECT cat_title FROM category WHERE id = '$category_num'")
or die(mysql_error());

mysql_close ($conn);


<div id="header"><?php include("includes/header.php"); ?></div>
<div id="navigation"><?php include("includes/navigation.php"); ?></div>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td width="126" rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top" id="leftcontent">
<br /><?php //And we remind them what they searched for
echo "<font class=searchedfor><b>You searched for:</b><br />" . $keyword . "</font>"; ?></td>
    <td rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top" id="centercontent">
//This is only displayed if they have submitted the form
if ($searching == "yes")
echo "<h2>Results</h2><p>";

//If they did not enter a search term we give them an error
if ($keyword == "")
echo "<p>You forgot to enter a search term";

if ($anymatches == 0)
echo "Sorry, but we can not find an entry to match your query<br><br>";
else {
echo '<table class=results cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0><tr height=18><td width=31% align=center bgcolor=#D5CB9A background=images/table_gradient.jpg><font class=result><b>Business Name</b></font></td><td width=29% align=center bgcolor=#D5CB9A background=images/table_gradient.jpg><font class=result><b>Address</b></font></td><td width=20% align=center bgcolor=#D5CB9A background=images/table_gradient.jpg><font class=result><b>Phone Number</b></font></td><td width=20% align=center bgcolor=#D5CB9A background=images/table_gradient.jpg><font class=result><b>Type</b></font></td></tr>';
  while ($info = mysql_fetch_array( $search )) {
      // get the first letter of the name. let's convert
      // it to uppercase to make sure that 'A' and 'a' get
      // put into the same group. 
      $letter = strtoupper(substr($info['name'],0,1));
      // now we will check to see if the first letter of the
      // current name is the same as the first letter of the
      // previous name. If it is not, then we make a new
      // group 'header' with the letter. Since there is no 
      // previous row on the first pass, we will automatically
      // have an underlined 'A' made (or whatever your list starts with) 
      if ($letter != $prev_row) {
         echo '<tr><td height=18 colspan=4 bgcolor=#eeeeee><font class=result color=#585858><b>',$letter,'</b></font></td></tr>';
      } // end if
       echo '<tr>';
      // here we just echo out the name
      if ($info['paid'] == 1)
    echo "<td class=results><font class=result><a href=\"client_detail.php?category={$info['category']}&sub_category={$info['sub_category']}&client={$info[0]}\"><b>", $info['name'], '</b></a></font></td><td class=results><font class=result>', $info['address'], '</font></td><td class=results align=center><font class=result>', $info['phone'], "</font></td><td class=results align=center><font class=result_type>:: <a href=client_list.php?category={$info[10]}>", $info['cat_title'], "</a> ::<br /><a href=client_list.php?category={$info[10]}&sub_category={$info[8]}>", $info['subcat_title'], '</a></font></td>';
    echo '<td class=results><font class=result>', $info['name'], '</font></td><td class=results><font class=result>', $info['address'], '</font></td><td class=results align=center><font class=result>', $info['phone'], '</font></td><td class=results align=center><font class=result_type>:: ', $info['cat_title'], ' ::<br />', $info['subcat_title'], '</font></td>';
      // and here we assign the current letter to $prev_row so 
      // that on the next iteration of the loop, we will have 
      // a previous row letter to compare
      $prev_row = $letter;
   } // end while
   echo '</tr></table>';
<p> </p></td>
    <td height="34" align="center" valign="middle" id="searchbox"><form method="post" action="search.php" style="display:inline"><input type="text" id="keyword" name="keyword" value="search" class="search" /><input type="hidden" name="searching" value="yes" /></form></td>
    <td width="126" align="center" valign="top" id="rightcontent">right content for ads</td>



I know the problem is with this line:

if ($keyword == "")
echo "<p>You forgot to enter a search term";


When it hits that exit it stops doing the code.  What I do not know is how to fix it so that when a user does enter nothing into the database it does not pull all results from the database.  The end database is going to be very big and this would cause a huge problem.  Thanks for any help you can give me.


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OK, I think I got it.


I changed this:

if ($keyword == "")
echo "<p>You forgot to enter a search term";



To this:

if ($keyword == "")
echo "<p>You forgot to enter a search term";
else {


If anyone sees where that is going to cause some problem let me know.  I have tested it but do not see any errors.

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