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Auction Re-list Help


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I was hoping somebody could help me out. I have an auction site with a mod that allows me to create custom shipping conditions.


My problem is that when I re-list an auction everything gets re-listed except the custom shipping options. I have tried to fix this issue myself with no luck. I have fixed some other re-listing issues but I seem to be having difficulty with this since I am not as experienced in PHP.


This is the section where most of the re-listing takes place


$today = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time() );
$closingdate = closingdate($today,$_POST['duration'][$relistId]);
$relistAuction[$relist_counter] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO probid_auctions (itemname, description, picpath, quantity, auctiontype, bidstart, rp, rpvalue, bn, bnvalue, bi, bivalue, duration, country, zip, intersection, city, state, sc,scint, pm, main_category, category, active, payment_status, startdate, enddate, closed, keywords, maxbid, ownerid, hpfeat, catfeat, bolditem, hlitem, private, currency, postage_costs, insurance, type_service, isswap, isverify, subitemname, sc_insurance, sc_type_service, estimated_weight_lbs, estimated_weight_oz,  package_size_length, package_size_width, package_size_height, odd_shaped_package, handling_fee, calculated, declVal, combine_shipp, main_region, region_suburbs, template, iconit, counter_style, acceptdirectpayment, addlcategory, shipping_details, hpfeat_desc, listin, accept_payment_systems, apply_vat, auto_relist, auto_relist_bids, endtime_type, videofile_path, listing_type, offer_range_min, offer_range_max, auto_relist_nb) SELECT itemname, description, picpath, quantity, auctiontype, bidstart, rp, rpvalue, bn, bnvalue, bi, bivalue, duration, country, zip, intersection, city, state, sc,scint, pm, main_category, category, active, payment_status, startdate, enddate, closed, keywords, maxbid, ownerid, hpfeat, catfeat, bolditem, hlitem, private, currency, postage_costs, insurance, type_service, isswap, isverify, subitemname, sc_insurance, sc_type_service, estimated_weight_lbs, estimated_weight_oz,  package_size_length, package_size_width, package_size_height, odd_shaped_package, handling_fee, calculated, declVal, combine_shipp, main_region, region_suburbs, template, iconit, counter_style, acceptdirectpayment, addlcategory, shipping_details, hpfeat_desc, listin, accept_payment_systems, apply_vat, auto_relist, auto_relist_bids, endtime_type, videofile_path, listing_type, offer_range_min, offer_range_max, auto_relist_nb FROM probid_auctions b WHERE b.id='".$relistId."'") or die(mysql_error()); 
$newId = mysql_insert_id();
$getfield_q[$relist_counter] = mysql_query("SELECT * from D3MO_auction_conditions WHERE auction_id='".$relistId."'");
while ($relistfield = mysql_fetch_array($getfield_q[$relist_counter])) {
$relistfield_q[$relist_counter] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO probid_auctions (values) VALUES 
('".$newId."','".$relistfield['values']."')") or die(mysql_error());			
$getCustomFields[$relist_counter] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM probid_fields_data WHERE auctionid='".$relistId."'");
while ($relistFld = mysql_fetch_array($getCustomFields[$relist_counter])) {
$relistCustomFields[$relist_counter][$custom_fld++] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO probid_fields_data (auctionid,ownerid,boxid,boxvalue,active) VALUES 
('".$newId."','".$relistFld['ownerid']."','".$relistFld['boxid']."','".$relistFld['boxvalue']."','".$relistFld['active']."')") or die(mysql_error());			
$getImages[$relist_counter] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM probid_auction_images WHERE auctionid='".$relistId."'") or die(mysql_error());
while ($relistAddImages=mysql_fetch_array($getImages[$relist_counter])) {
$fileExtension = getFileExtension($relistAddImages['name']);
$addImageName = "a".$newId."_addpic".$addCnt.".".$fileExtension;				
$isUpload = uploadFile($relistAddImages['name'],$addImageName,"uplimg/");
if ($isUpload) {
$addImage[$addCnt][$relist_counter] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO probid_auction_images (name, auctionid) VALUES ('uplimg/".$addImageName."','".$newId."')") or die(mysql_error());
$mainPicRelist = getSqlField("SELECT picpath FROM probid_auctions WHERE id='".$newId."'","picpath");
if ($mainPicRelist != "") {
$fileExtension = getFileExtension($mainPicRelist);
$mainPicName = "cma".$newId."_mainpic.".$fileExtension;
$isUpload = uploadFile($mainPicRelist,$mainPicName,"uplimg/");
if ($isUpload) {
$updateAuctionPic[$relist_counter] = mysql_query("UPDATE probid_auctions SET picpath='uplimg/".$mainPicName."' WHERE id='".$newId."'") or die(mysql_error());


and heres the section where the custom shipping options get called from the auction page



$field_q=mysql_query("SELECT * from D3MO_auction_conditions WHERE auction_id='".$auctionDetails['id']."'"); 

?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<? while($field=mysql_fetch_array($field_q))


echo "<tr><td><li>".$field["values"]."</li></td></tr>";




I have been trying to figure out how to get the custom shipping info pulled from the database and entered in the new re-listed auction once the re-listing option is triggered. As it stands now, all the auction information gets re-listed except the shipping conditions which remain blank.


As I mentioned I have tried to fix this issue myself but I keep getting database errors. Can somebody help?


Thanks in advance.

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Hi Darkfreaks,


Well what I did was I added this line of code;


$getfield_q[$relist_counter] = mysql_query("SELECT * from D3MO_auction_conditions WHERE auction_id='".$relistId."'");
while ($relistfield = mysql_fetch_array($getfield_q[$relist_counter])) {
$relistfield_q[$relist_counter] = mysql_query("INSERT INTO probid_auctions (values) VALUES 
('".$newId."','".$relistfield['values']."')") or die(mysql_error());			


I added this above $getCustomFields[$relist_counter] = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM probid_fields_data WHERE auctionid='".$relistId."'"); and below $newId = mysql_insert_id(); from the relisting section I referenced in my first post.


I'm not sure if the code I added is even the right way about doing it, but what I basically did was mimic the "$getCustomFields" section in an attempt to get the shipping conditions listed.


When I do that the error is get is this;


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'values) VALUES ('147','Local Shipping')' at line 1


In this error it mentions "Local Shipping" which is the shipping condition that I was trying to relist for this particular auction but the error prevents the re-list. I should mention the code I added was just a guess. I'm not that experienced with PHP, i just figured that the relisting commands for the custom fields and the custom shipping should be similar.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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