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Forum does not allow members to upload files


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Hi to all

I have a forum with severe problem. will not allow any member to upload any type of files.

I am unfamiliar with PHP when I contacted the web host they said it is a program issue not the server.

Is it possible for someone to write the entire code to do the trick?

I was told it is very risky for the entire forum just to copy a simple code for upload.php file....I am not sure what information you need but any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks to you all......


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This is what is coded in the upload.php file.....The funny looking letters are only foreign language translation...Is this what you mean by the code? Thanks for your fast reply.



<html dir="rtl">

<div align="center">


<table border="0" cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="750" id="AutoNumber1">


<td width="100%">

<html dir="rtl">



<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#547886" width="77%" id="AutoNumber1">


    <td width="100%" background="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx/images/bbb2.jpg" height="124">

    <img border="0" src="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxx/images/bbb.jpg" width="750" height="124"></td>



    <td width="100%" background="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx/images/bbb4.jpg" height="90">

    <map name="FPMap0">

<area href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx/vb/index.php" shape="rect" coords="640, 28, 726, 53" target="_blank">

<area href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxx/dros/" shape="rect" coords="544, 30, 614, 49" target="_blank">

<area href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxx/gallery/" shape="rect" coords="467, 30, 532, 43" target="_blank">


<area href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxx/upload/upload.php" shape="rect" coords="321, 31, 378, 47" target="_blank">

<area href="http://www.xxxxx/card" shape="rect" coords="238, 31, 313, 47" target="_blank">

<area href="http://www.xxxxxxxx/downloads/pafiledb.php" shape="rect" coords="159, 31, 223, 43" target="_blank">

<area href="http://www.xxxxxxxxx/my40h/40h.php" shape="rect" coords="73, 30, 147, 49" target="_blank">

<area href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxx/mail/" shape="rect" coords="19, 29, 66, 44" target="_blank">


<img border="0" src="http://www.xxxxxxxxxx/images/bbb3.jpg" width="750" height="90" usemap="#FPMap0"></td>






<body bgcolor="#D4E8EF">



include "config.php";




$number_of_exten = count ($allowed_extensions);

$number_of_uploads = count ($path);


switch ( $ta7meel )



                echo "<body topmargin=\"10\" leftmargin=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#254652\" link=\"#818EA0\" vlink=\"#5C697A\" alink=\"#818EA0\" text=\"#254652\" style=\"font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt; color: #254652\">

                    <div align=\"center\">


                    <table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"\"\"""border-collapse:;border-width:4; border-style:ridge; border-collapse:collapse\" border-width:3; border-collapse:collapse\" bordercolor=#056085 width=750 id=\"AutoNumber1\" height=340>

                    <td bgcolor=#EDF9FC colspan=\"3\" height=285 width=639>                                        <ul type=\"square\" dir=rtl>

                    <li dir=rtl>

                    <p dir=rtl align=right>

                    <font color=\"#2B515F\" face=\"Tahoma\">ÇáãáÝÇÊ ÇáãÓãæÍ ÈåÇ<font size=\"2\"> <b>";  // ÇäÊåíäÇ ãä ØÈÇÚÉ ÇáÅØÇÑ ÇáÎÇÑÌí ááÌÏæá ¡ æ ÇáåíÏÑ

                if (($limited_ext != "äÚã") or ($allowed_extensions == ""))

                  echo "Ãí ÇãÊÏÇÏ";


                  for($i=0; $i<$number_of_exten; $i++)

                      echo "  $allowed_extensions[$i]";

                if (($size_limited != "äÚã") or ($limited_size == "") )

                        $limited_size = "Ãí ÍÌã";


                        $limited_size .= " ÈÇíÊ"; //limited_size åÐí ÚÑÝäÇåÇ Ýí ãáÝ ÇáßæäÝíÞ ¡ äÖíÝ áå ÝÞØ ßáãÉ ÈÇíÊ


                    <li dir=rtl>

                    <p dir=rtl align=right>

                    <font color=\"#2B515F\" face=\"Tahoma\"> ÃÞÕì ÍÌã ãÓãæÍ Èå: <font size=\"2\">$limited_size</font></font></li>

                    <li dir=rtl>

                    <p dir=rtl align=right>

                    <font color=\"#2B515F\" face=\"Tahoma\">ÇÓã ÇáãáÝ íÌÈ ÃáÇ íÍÊæí Úáì ãÓÇÝÇÊ Ãæ ÑãæÒ</font></li>


                    <li dir=rtl>

                    <p dir=rtl align=right>

                    <font color=\"#2B515F\" face=\"Tahoma\">íÌÈ ßÊÇÈÉ ÇÓã ÇáãáÝ ÈÃÍÑÝ ÅäÌáíÒíå ÝÞØ</font></li>


                    <li dir=rtl>

                    <p dir=rtl align=right>

                    <font color=\"#2B515F\" face=\"Tahoma\">ÅÓã ÇáãÓÊÎÏã æßáãÉ ÇáãÑæÑ ÊÕáßã ÚÈÑ ÇáÑÓÇÆá ÇáÎÇÕÉ ÈÇáãäÊÏì </font></li>

                      <li dir=rtl>

                    <p dir=rtl align=right>

                    <font color=\"#E60C35\" face=\"Tahoma\">ÞÇá Çááå ÓÈÍÇä æÊÚÇáì : (æãÇ íáÝÙ ãä ÞæáÇ ÇáÇ áÏíå ÑÞíÈ ÚÊíÏ ) ÝÅÊÞí Çááå íÇ ÇÎí æÇÍÓä ÇÓÊÎÏÇã åÐ Ç ÇáÈÑäÇãÌ </font></li>



                    <form method=\"POST\" action=\"$PHP_SELF?ta7meel=uploading\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">";

                    if ($protect_uploader=="äÚã")


                    <p align=right dir=\"rtl\">

                    <font color=\"#2B515F\">

                    <span lang=\"ar-sa\"><font face=\"Tahoma\">  ÇÓã ÇáãÓÊÎÏã:</font>  </span> <input type=\"text\" name=\"username1\" size=\"20\"></p>

                    <p align=right dir=\"rtl\">

                    <font face=\"Tahoma\">

                    <span lang=\"ar-sa\">  ßáãÉ ÇáãÑæÑ:</span></font><span lang=\"ar-sa\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"> </font>      

                    </span><input type=\"password\" name=\"password1\" size=\"20\">



                    <p align=center dir=\"rtl\">

                    <input type=file name=file size=30 style=\"\"border-style:; border-style:groove; border-width:2; \" groove; border-width: 1\"></p>

                    <p align=center>


                    <button name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" style=\"\"border-style:; border-style:groove; border-width:2; \" groove; border-width: 1\">


                    <tr><td bgcolor=#71A1AD height=24 colspan=\"3\" width=639>

                    </tr></p></table></center></div></center></div></body></html><p align=\"center\">";





                case "uploading":

                      $result = "<font size=\"2\" color=\"black\"><BR>Êã ÊÍãíá ÇáãáÝ ÈäÌÇÍ !!<BR></font>";

                      if (($protect_uploader=="äÚã") && ($password!=$password1 || $username!=$username1))

                        $result = "<font size=\"2\" color=\"sienna\"><BR><BR>ÊÃßÏ ãä ÕÍÉ ßáãÉ ÇáãÑæÑ æ ÇÓã ÇáãÓÊÎÏã !!<BR><BR></font>";

                      elseif ($file_name == "")

                        $result = "<BR><BR><font size=\"2\" color=\"sienna\">áã ÊÞã ÈÇÎÊíÇÑ Ãí ãáÝ !</font><BR><BR>";


                          $result = "<BR><BR><font size=\"2\" color=\"sienna\">ÇáãáÝ ãæÌæÏ ãÓÈÞÇ</font><BR><BR>";

                      elseif (($size_limited == "äÚã") && ($file_size > $limited_size))

                              $result = "<BR><BR><font size=\"2\" color=\"sienna\">ÍÌã ÇáãáÝ ÃßÈÑ ãä ÇáãÓãæÍ Èå ¡ ÃÞÕì ÍÌã ãÓãæÍ Èå åæ $limited_size ÈÇíÊ</font><BR><BR>";

                      else{  // ÈÏÇíÉ else

                              $exten = strrchr($file_name,'.');

                              if (($limited_ext == "äÚã") && (!in_array( $exten , $allowed_extensions )) && ($exten!=""))

                                    $result = "<BR><BR><font size=\"2\" color=\"sienna\">ÚÐÑÇ -- áÇ íÓãÍ ÈÑÝÚ ÇáãáÝÇÊ ÐÇÊ ÇáÇãÊÏÇÏ $exten</font><BR><BR>";

                              else {

                                      for ($i=0;$i<$number_of_uploads;$i++)

                                        (@copy($file, "$path[$i]/$file_name") and $uploading_result[$i]="Êã

ÊÍãíá ÇáãáÝ ÈäÌÇÍ") or $uploading_result[$i]="ÍÏË ÎØà Ýí äÓÎ ÇáãÌáÏ $path[$i]";


                          } // else

                      echo "<html><head><title></title></head><BR><BR><BR><BR><body topmargin=\"10\"leftmargin=\"0\" bgcolor=#51747E link=\"#818EA0\" vlink=\"#5C697A\"alink=\"#818EA0\" text=\"#000000\"></p>

                            <div align=\"center\"><center><table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse\" bordercolor=\"#51747E\" width=\"400\" id=\"AutoNumber1\"><tr><td bgcolor=\"51747E\" height=\"25\">

                            <p align=center><b>

ÏÈí</b></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=\"#EDF9FC\"><center>";

                            if ($result=="<font size=\"2\" color=\"black\"><BR> !!<BR></font>"){

                              if (empty($uploading_result))

                                  echo  $result;


                                for ($i=0;$i<=$number_of_uploads;$i++)

                                  echo ("$uploading_result[$i] <BR>");}

                            else echo $result;



                    if ($result=="<font size=\"2\" color=\"black\"><BR>Êã ÊÍãíá ÇáãáÝ ÈäÌÇÍ !!<BR></font>") {

                      if (($exten=='.jpg' || $exten=='.gif' || $exten=='.bmp' || $exten=='.png' || $exten=='.jpe'))

                          echo  :<BR><BR><img src=$path[0]/$file_name><BR>";

                          echo ("http://xxxxxxxxx/upload/dant/$file_name<font color=2B515F></font");}


                          <tr><td bgcolor=\"51747E\" height=\"25\">

                          <p align=\"center\">www.xxxxxxxxxxxx</td></tr></table></center></div></body></html>

                          <p align=\"center\">";

                        /*echo "<font color=blue>";


                        while ($dir_entry=$dir->read())


                            echo $dir->path ."/" . $dir_entry;







}//  switch








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